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Old 12-27-2008, 08:43 AM
cricketlimes's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Monterey, California
Posts: 39

Thank you all for your comments. I have been doing a bit more research and I'm pretty much sold on the 350. Just thought I'd wait until after the Christmas rush, and buy it for myself for my birthday next month!!

The cats in the photo are Frank and Bob. Frank is now 10 years old, and Bob just passed away at 16. They were the best of friends, as Bobcat picked out Frank himself at the SPCA. Bobcat took daily walks with me on a leash, and loved to travel. We walked into the SPCA with Bob on my shoulder and the woman behind the counter looked at me with fear and said, "You're not going to leave THAT here, are you?!?!?" We said no, and that we were there to find him a friend. There were five kittens to choose from, all in separate cages, and Bob passed up the first three, and went directly to Frank and started licking him through the bars. That's when we knew that Frank was the one!! When Bob died, Frank howled mournfully for days. Now we have a two year old cat that looks much like Bobcat did, but Frank hasn't warmed up as much to Jack just yet. They do play well together, but aren't as much into cuddling like he was with Bob. I have several hundred photos of Bobcat and Frank together, arm in arm. That just happens to be my favorite of all!!
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