Old 11-09-2014, 09:02 AM
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 12

I've enjoyed looking through this thread. I'll add one of my Japanese ZigZaggers:

Coronado was a badge sold by the Gambles department store. Gambles was a mid-west (US.) department store which went out of business in the 60s or early 70s. The brass badge on the pedestal says 'Standard Sewing Equipment Corp' around the edge of the badge. Within the middle it says 'Model SAZ-2 Deluxe' followed by 'Automatic ZigZag Japan'.

It was a Craigslist find and it's a high shank. It came without a manual, cams or any attachments. I had to do some research to figure out how to use it and determine what cams would fit it. I love the teal color.

I found on Yahoo's Vintage Japanese Sewing Machine group a photo of the same machine with a Universal badge. The owner had included a photo of the cam compartment with a cam inside. The cam had the stitch pattern embossed on it along with the number 15. I searched Ebay until I found a box of cams with a #15 cam that had the same design. I purchased it hoping it would fit my Coronado and it did.

I posted some photos of the Coronado in the photo album of the same Yahoo Group and low and behold someone recognized the cam compartment and told me the machine was the same as a White 231 and the manual to the White was on a Singer website. She was correct! I was able to download the White manual - it is a match to my Coronado machine.

I'm not sure if the White company made the Coronado and Universal machines in Japan or if another Japanese company made a machine that was badged White, Universal and Coronado (and perhaps additional badges).
Attached Thumbnails dpp_001.jpg  

Last edited by Susanmarie; 11-09-2014 at 09:09 AM.
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