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Old 11-02-2017, 01:31 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Calif. Desert
Posts: 239
Default Cleaning

Originally Posted by Cawood Girl
[ATTACH=CONFIG]583221[/ATTACH] Sorry for the poor picture quality, folks. This is a 611 White Rotary Sewmaster that I am having a hard time with. It has a rough finish on it making it hard to clean. It's got something aweful and sticky on it (those dark areas). I have made a start on it but haven't got it conquered so any tips you have would be appreciated. I couldn't figure out the bobbin but managed to get some info off youtube. If anyone has one of these any info would be helpful. I has a knee lift with cabinet. Is it worth putting some effort into? Does it sew well? It runs but I haven't got it threaded up yet, sounds like a bit of a tank! Having a difficult time finding info on it, not as pretty as other vintage beauties I guess.
Most folks say to use only sewing machine oil, but I have found with these old crinkle machines that a bit of hand cleaner found in the automotive dept of WalMart, without pumace, sort of a jell stuff, and an electric toothbrush purchased for cleaning works wonders. Let the hand cleaner sit a bit on the gunky places and then brush gently. It works wonders. Have a supply of paper towels to mop up the mess!!
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