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Lacelady 04-07-2010 04:21 AM

Wow Esq., that would be a whacking great frame! You are talking nearly 7 ft square. Do you have a wall that big? (Without any furniture in front of it, I mean).

Esqmommy 04-07-2010 07:27 AM

Yes, we have some major walls here in this house. In my foyer, there are huge walls as well as along my staircase, and my bedroom. Both the bedroom and family room have wooden ceilings that are way high - pitched to a V up high. We call it our "Tahoe house" because in Lake Tahoe (California area where it snows - lots of skiing and lake activities) because it looks so much like the houses there. Wood on the outside and somewhat rustic inside. So it leaves some extremely large spaces open on the walls to put things. We have some large prints, those old fashioned European Vintage posters, but I could easily replace one of those with my DJ. It's going to have a wall of it's own. It may possibly work on the wall at the stop of my stairs - we shall see!

retrogirl02 04-07-2010 10:57 AM

Esq, that's my plan also...to have it on the staircase wall and to hand quilt over time. great minds...LOL I'll not frame mine unless I have to.

Lacelady 04-07-2010 01:31 PM

Although I have a nice house, rooms in Irish houses are relatively small (well at least compared to my old UK house) and I don't have a suitable wall. I will be sleeping under mine, but alternate it with my avatar quilt to give it a rest every so often. My brother wants me to leave it to him in my will, but I plan to get a few years out of it first!

Shemjo 04-07-2010 01:34 PM

I haven't decided what I will do with mine. I have an older home with wndows and dppr all over. I DO have an interior staircase that might be suitable. It certainly will be protected from light!

sandpat 04-07-2010 03:44 PM

I have NO idea what I'll do with mine. Until we move out of this "play house" and into a "real house"....I have no where to put it! I guess I can tell DH that we really do need to start building and then we'll have to design the house around and for the quilt...how does that sound??? :lol: :lol:

wilhelmina 04-07-2010 06:00 PM

Well, my needle threader broke on my Bernina last night:!: I called the local dealer and initially they said they could fix it on the spot for $28 but after I got there, oh, no, they have keep it, its much more involved. :roll: They are going to service it while it is there too, it may be two weeks before I get it back ::sigh:: DARN IT :|

I have pulled the Singer out to sew on, yes, it looks just like my avatar. I'm glad I have it for a backup. :) I am really glad we are off this week :)

ProLongarmARTQUILTER 04-07-2010 06:46 PM

Sorry about your main sewing machine ,best to always have a backup plan. I Have a problem I am just not Motivated to stitch on Jane ,I've been going guns blazing but now I'm out of it. I was on 1 week and 1 block the end of Feb. Now I've done up to Week 9 and I see the other weeks and like them better and can't get started back, Will jane be a UFO??? I never used to have a UFO. Too much Cookin I guess, Any suggestions??? :?: :-( :?

Tiffany 04-07-2010 06:56 PM

Hi everyone. I thought I would shock you all and come by to say hi. I hope I don't disappear again but no promises. I got extremely busy finishing the wedding quilt for my sister and the baby quilts that all needed to be done by March. On the way home from the wedding my health hit the skids and I got very sick. I've been having digestive problems and I'm hoping it's just a gal bladder that they can be easily removed. They're also looking at my liver and pancrease, which I'm rather hoping are perfectly fine. I've had bouts of extreme agony though and that has kept me rather occupied. I've had a ton of different tests and Friday I should find out whether I need surgery or more tests. I'm hoping for surgery, which would be an easy fix.

I'm woefully behind but still detemined to catch up and finish with the rest of you! :!:

The wedding was wonderful. I finished that darn wedding quilt literally the night before. Whew! ...Lol

Tomorrow I plan to start working on my DJ. I've got lots of patterns printed out and ready to get too. I should be more organized but with everything else going on it just hasn't happened.

Darn I've missed everyone! Hopefully I'll get a few blocks done to share with everyone.

retrogirl02 04-07-2010 07:11 PM

Tiffany, great to see you back! You'll get your jane done somehow someway and running circles around me in NO time!!

Wilhemina, Sorry to hear your Bernina baby had to be serviced....wonderful you have a backup. I think our machines are getting some serious workouts. I don't think mine has ever seen this much work!!

Sandpat, I love your idea of building the house around JANE. If you didn't count yourself among the janiacs before, I think this officially qualifies you. LOL.

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