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Esqmommy 04-10-2010 07:14 AM

Originally Posted by Philarena
Thank you! I'm glad to be here! I am going to look into getting the software.

Great idea to jump it - the more the merrier for sure!!! You MUST get the software unless you are an extremely experienced pattern person that can look at a pattern and quickly make it happen. The software is a real blessing for the paper piecing parts as well as templates. Plus there are a ton of extras in it that make it worth the money! I got mine from Joanne's online. Sometimes they have free shipping. You can start with week 15 and just go from there. When you get time, do the "past" weeks and by next year, you'll be ready to put it together with the rest of us!!

Glad you could join in the fun.

Lacelady 04-10-2010 09:31 AM

I'm not going to do any more triangles, or change the size of the ones I have done. I sat down with some paper, and also looked at some of the examples of quilts in the book and the software book. The triangles as we are doing them are supposed to meet at their bases to bridge the little gap that the half inch sashing creates. All that I will need to do is make the plain triangles wider. If this is the case, they won't go to a point any more, they will have a short sraight side where the point would have been.

Then, if you compare the scalloped borders in the software book, you can gain another two or three inches if you do one like 'The Spirit of Jane Stickle' compared to 'Perseverance'

sarahelloyd 04-10-2010 12:51 PM

Philarena, don't listen to them. I am doing the block using just the book, although I do have access to my scanner/printer. I couldn't afford the software. The only time the software would be useful to me would be in planning colourways for sashing etc. Don't let not having the software put you off. Welcome to the group.

sandpat 04-10-2010 03:22 PM

Lesley...I agree...I know you could work it out...I just know that the software will work it out "for" you...BUT...I know you can figure it out even better.

Phil, Of Course, the software is NOT required, or even necessary..afterall...Jane did hers by hand and not only did she NOT have software.....she didn't have any patterns!! :D

Lacelady 04-10-2010 03:51 PM

Originally Posted by sandpat
Lesley...I agree...I know you could work it out...I just know that the software will work it out "for" you...BUT...I know you can figure it out even better.

Phil, Of Course, the software is NOT required, or even necessary..afterall...Jane did hers by hand and not only did she NOT have software.....she didn't have any patterns!! :D

Not to mention probably no sewing machine either! I didn't do all the maths, Patti, just did a few diagrams on the back of an envelope to get my head around the possibility.
Hey everyone, I started quilting my blocks tonight! I am chuffed to bits, I thought I would probably get about three done in an evening, and I have done seven and a half. It's late now, so I am off to bed. Night night everyone.

Esqmommy 04-10-2010 04:48 PM

Good on you there Lesley.

And yes, you can do this without the software. Well, some of you can... I know it would make it next to impossible for me! So in my opinion, it's necessary. Other quilters, it's just a luxury...

Tiffany 04-10-2010 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by Philarena
I would like to join in. Do you think it's too late or could I just start with April's blocks and work backwards if I find any spare time? I won the book in an eBay auction. Could I survive without the software?

I have friends that swear they can do everything with just the book but for myself, I needed the software. I think it depends on your comfort level. Welcome to the group!!!

retrogirl02 04-10-2010 05:12 PM

I think the software is necessary if you are working and/or taking care of family members as you do not have the luxury of extended time to yourself.

I still redraft patterns and I'm sure I could figure it out using just the book...but maybe that's why so many people take years or decades to complete this quilt. To meet the schedule, I have to have a few printed off and ready to go.

Philarena 04-10-2010 05:19 PM

Well, for now I am going to work on some of the simpler blocks that I can manage just from looking at the pattern in the book. I just can't fit the computer program into my budget right now. Even on eBay, it's rather pricey. Therefore, I'll just have to do my best with what I've got - which is the book containing the patterns which I'll have to photocopy to make my own patterns. Goodnight for now! I want to thank you all for making me feel so welcome today - my first day here!

Lacelady 04-11-2010 02:23 AM

The software doesn't show you how to put the blocks together, what it does do is print out the pieces seperately, with the quarter inch seam allowance, or alternatively print out sections for foundation quilting, so in that respect, it is quicker. But don't worry, you will be able to do all the blocks from the book, it will just take a bit of extra preparation. That doesn't make you any less 'one of us' Janiacs!

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