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Janstar 05-03-2010 08:54 PM

We had a downpour today mixed with hugh flakes of snow! I ran out and brought all my flower pots onto the deck out of the snow. All the fruit trees are in full blossom all over the valley. Hope they all make it!

Lacelady 05-04-2010 01:23 AM

Originally Posted by Janstar
We had a downpour today mixed with hugh flakes of snow! I ran out and brought all my flower pots onto the deck out of the snow. All the fruit trees are in full blossom all over the valley. Hope they all make it!

Poor Jan - my little apple tree is just in blossom too, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that we don't get an overnight frost. What is with the weather this year? We seem to be getting extremes of all sorts? In our case, the worst winter for 50 years, and a colder spring than usual. I still have daffodils flowering and I can't remember having them in May before, they are so late.

sandpat 05-04-2010 04:28 AM

Oh gosh Jan! It is really weird all over! I guess we'll all just have to hunker down inside and sew...alll day....what a shame... :wink:

Lacelady 05-04-2010 06:50 AM

Originally Posted by sandpat
Oh gosh Jan! It is really weird all over! I guess we'll all just have to hunker down inside and sew...alll day....what a shame... :wink:

LOL, guess what I have been doing?
I was reading poor Cutebun's PDA this morning, and she got some snow. I don't know whether that is usual for her at this time of year, but she has my sympathies.

sandpat 05-04-2010 03:53 PM

Hmmm Lesley, that doesn't sound like hunkering down and sewing, although it does sound like CB needed to!! Snow?? :shock: Geesh??!!! :evil:

Lacelady 05-04-2010 03:57 PM

Originally Posted by sandpat
Hmmm Lesley, that doesn't sound like hunkering down and sewing, although it does sound like CB needed to!! Snow?? :shock: Geesh??!!! :evil:

Well I did make three triangles today, Patti - does that count?

Janstar 05-04-2010 05:56 PM

That's a triple WOW Lace!!!

Lacelady 05-05-2010 01:38 AM

I am trying really hard at the moment - three blocks the day before, and two the day before that. The last one I made yesterday was number 200, so only 25 left. Yipee.

sandpat 05-05-2010 04:05 AM

Wow Lesley, I'd say that does count!!! Kinda makes the 1 that I made yesterday feel all lonely, so I won't tell it.

Have you made the kites yet?

Esqmommy 05-05-2010 04:46 AM

I got two more done yesterday for week 15 (wooo hoo!) and I'm in the middle of the 3rd. It's a bugger, I think it's the Bread Basket one...there has to be a better way. tons of inset seams, and I put it together all wrong initially and had to take it apart and start again. So now i"m about 1/3 thru that one. Feeling good!!

Congrats to you Lesley - wow, you are almost done. I hope we'll still get your pearls of wisdom throughout this journey if you finish a whole year ahead of us!!

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