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wilhelmina 05-25-2010 01:28 PM

Jolo - so sorry about your son, but it sounds like he has a good attitude to fight the disease. More prayers and I will light a candle for him.

wilhelmina 05-25-2010 01:30 PM


Love it, love it, love it!!!

Your quilt makes me wish I had selected batiks and I could hand stitch half as well as you!!! :)

sarahelloyd 05-25-2010 08:14 PM

Lesley, love your little blocks, they remind me of caramel sweeties, and do a lovely job on the brighter colours. You are wasted tucked away with your sewing, you should be famous for it. Ooops, maybe you are?!?!

Lacelady 05-26-2010 12:29 AM

Nope, Sara, not famous as far as I know! As for stitching, I said on my PDA, I am not a very good quilter really. I don't get dozens of stitches to the inch, but I do try to get them even, and I think that matters more. This is the first quilt I have done with warm and natural (only ever had poly batting before) so I have found it nice and easy to use as its thinner.

sandpat 05-26-2010 05:22 AM

Nope Lesley....that color is all wrong for the little cornerstones, you'll have to undo it..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Just KIDDING!!!!.... I think it was a good choice and you DO have some blocks in there that pick up that color anyway.

I love the way its going together for you....very very nice job!! I'll keep watching and maybe even let my blocks look at it so they can see what they can be when they "grow up" :lol:

Butterflyspain 05-26-2010 05:27 AM

Yes Patti, mine have got a lot of growing up to do as well.

What week are you on now, I was trying to keep up with you and now your beating me girl. Thats not on, cīmon fess up.


sandpat 05-26-2010 05:44 AM

Oh Elle...I finished up week 20 and I'm enjoying the "break" week right now. I lack 2 of finishing up the 24 "Reunion" pot holders (I'll post of pic of them later today somewhere)...maybe...then I'd like to do the Gr. 4 IRR this week during the break.

Butterflyspain 05-26-2010 05:59 AM

Okay, well I have finished weeks 11 and 12 but not posted yet, so I am doing catch up right now.


Tiffany 05-26-2010 06:51 AM

Hi ladies. Surprise! I keep meaning to come in here and post something and life keeps throwing lemons at me. I'm so busy trying to avoid making lemonaide that I haven't made it in here in awhile.

I have been busy sewing up my Dear Jane blocks. It isn't going as quickly as I would have expected but I'm plugging away at it. I've got about 15-20 of them done. I know, I'm woefully behind but I'm not giving up. I figure this year at my local guild's annual retreat I will work on my Dear Jane blocks and nothing else. Hopefully I'll get caught up and maybe even a tad ahead then.

I threw out my color scheme and just went with scrappy. So far I love how everything is turning out, though I've discovered a couple areas I really need to work on. My small applique is terrible, at least to me. I really need to work on it, especially if I want to do one of those fancy baltimore album quilts someday. The second thing I need a bit of work on is matching up my points when there are 8 or more seams coming together in a small piece. I have no problem with sizes 3 inches or bigger but some of these are very small and I'm always off a thread or two. Drives me nuts!

Once I drag my camera downstairs and get my blocks out I will take and post some pictures. Maybe...depends on how far behind I am. :lol:

sarahelloyd 05-26-2010 09:01 AM

Tiffany, great to hear from you on here, sounds like you are giving yourself a hard time, although I am sure that when we see your blocks they are going to look wonderful! Considering how held up you were with your fabric it sounds like you are doing a good job, just keep going one at a time, and if it feels like you are stalling look through the patterns for a couple of easy ones to do - then go back to the harder ones, it really cheers me up to know that I have knocked a couple off my list and gets me back into the right groove. Good luck!

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