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-   -   [DEAR] JANE STICKLE CYBER BLOCK PARTY - Jan 2010 thru May/Jun 2011 (https://www.quiltingboard.com/blocks-month-week-f9/%5Bdear%5D-jane-stickle-cyber-block-party-jan-2010-thru-may-jun-2011-a-t28063.html)

Lacelady 10-05-2010 08:06 AM

Patti, I cut all my blocks to size as per the ruler, after a good spritz with Best Press. I couldn't tell any difference after quilting, but I don't think I ever actually measured them if I am honest.
I think they are too small to make much difference. If they were, for instance, 20in square, then perhaps they would lose half an inch or so, but this small, I doubt if you would notice.

sandpat 10-05-2010 08:28 AM

I was thinking that I would try one just to play with. I have a little block here that I messed up..I know...:shock:..its shocking that I "messed up" on one isn't it??? :lol::lol:!!

Butterflyspain 10-05-2010 09:23 AM

Hi I am back from Gibraltar and had a fab time there with my daughter. Ate for a whole football team and thought I had puyt on loads of weight but didnīt, so should have just kept eating LOL

Am not going back to England as my biggest dog is having health issues. Will join in a bit more tomorrow after I come back from the airport to see my daughter off to England. i will miss her terribly.

You are all doing great things with DJ got a lot ot catch up with I see you have started week 40..... give a girl a chance will ya

Elle x

sandpat 10-05-2010 05:19 PM

Elle...so glad you are back safely and that you had a great time. No rush on to week 40....you'll fly through them..

And I'm so sorry about your pup...hope he will be ok..:sad:

ProLongarmARTQUILTER 10-05-2010 05:20 PM

I amstill with you all, Keeping on, Blocks are Lovely!!!

sandpat 10-05-2010 05:44 PM

Good going Pro...we'd love to see some of your lovely blocks!

QuiltswithConvicts 10-05-2010 07:17 PM

I've hit a snag - I've got a terrible case of the donwannas! So I marked the last 2 corners as all the triangles are finished.

Tomorrow is a big day for me. We are doing a "photo shoot" for an upcoming issue of a quilting magazine that is "national" in scope. It will be in the February/March issue of ????????? Well, I can't tell it all in one setting. Gotta keep a little info back for the next time. ☺

It all started when I posted the long item about my quilting program that yielded my screen name. One of the editors is a lurker here (maybe someday, she'll come out of hiding) & read the thread, PM'd me and things were off and running. So, tomorrow we are shooting in the day rooms of the housing unit where I work. The guys are getting excited about this, too.

Anyway, I'm distracted & was having a tough time stitching on a corner block, so I put it away.

Thanks to all who suggested names for my Baby. She will be called "Jane's Journey." She was started in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with many fabrics I bought in Nashua, New Hampshire when we lived there. I hauled ALL my fabric to WI in 1991. Bought more fabric in WI and hauled ALL of it to NM in 2001, along with the partially finished Baby Jane. She & I have been on a journey together, so itis now Jane's Journey.

Have a pieceful evening, everyone.

sandpat 10-05-2010 07:32 PM

Oh WWaaahhhhhhh! You can't just drop a bomb like that then waltzy off! You are doing a mag. shoot??? For who???? Long article along with quilt photos??? The whole story??? Congrats on it...sounds exciting...now we'll have to wait for your "Chapter 2" I guess. You know its hard for a girl to only have part of the info!

I think your Jane has a perfect name. I don't know how you are concentrating on finishing it with all this other going on..great job!

Janstar 10-05-2010 08:30 PM

Way to go Kathy! I'll look foreward to reading about you and your boys!!

Butterflyspain 10-05-2010 09:43 PM

Good name Kathy, seems its been around quite a bit of territory. Really exciting about the photo shoot, good luck with that.


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