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Lacelady 11-01-2010 02:05 PM

Anyone heard from Elle recently?

sandpat 11-01-2010 04:19 PM

{{{{{{{{ELLE!!!!}}}}}} We wonder where you are!!!

luvmortherest 11-01-2010 06:10 PM

i hope she is ok.

sandpat 11-02-2010 05:10 AM

I took the plunge and started quilting blocks last night. I have only 1/2 of the last tri to finish sewing and 3 kites...so I felt like going ahead and starting the hand quilting would be a good idea.

Anyway...I did buy the book so I could see quilting lines and I'm kind of going by that...with some changes of course...but basically thats the plan. I have found that I'm having to do lots of stabbing due to the bulk of seam allowances where I pp'd the blocks. I'm using a beige/brown varigated King Tut thread for the blocks. I have a darker brown one that I think I'll use for the sashing..but for now I'm using the lighter one.

So far...last night I got 2 1/2 blocks done..but in my defense..I didn't start working on them until about 8 PM...:wink:

Lacelady 11-02-2010 05:51 AM

You will soon get them done Patti - and so close to finishing the blocks too - well done.

wilhelmina 11-02-2010 06:19 AM

Wow Patti, way to go, you will be done by the Holidays at this rate! :thumbup:

Lesley, your quilt has been such an inspiration for this group, and helps us all push forward for the finish line. :-P

I counted last night, and I have 34 blocks, tris, kites remaining...:D

Lacelady 11-02-2010 09:25 AM

Originally Posted by wilhelmina
Wow Patti, way to go, you will be done by the Holidays at this rate! :thumbup:

Lesley, your quilt has been such an inspiration for this group, and helps us all push forward for the finish line. :-P

I counted last night, and I have 34 blocks, tris, kites remaining...:D

That's brilliant Meredith, you are definitely on the home straight!

Butterflyspain 11-02-2010 12:05 PM

Oh my goodness I have friends round for the weekend and you are all chattering away and working like mad and doing wonderful things to your DJ´s now I feel really behind you all. However I just cannot get back to it at the moment. have promised the ladies at the sewing club to make two cushion covers for the charity quilt they have made they gave me the left over blocks so I have to do that. Then I joined in the Fan challenge at the club as well, but I can rest a bit on that as its not due till end dec. I really want to get back to my Jane.
You are all absoultley right in the fact that you have all learned loads making this quilt, me too. Don´t think I had ever heard of a "Y" seam, certainly never did it and I have been sewing for ever, only making clothes and things. Oh and in my wisdom the club had a tute on making a gorgeous handbag (purses) so I am half way through that to, total madness. loopy and insane I am. Elle

sandpat 11-02-2010 12:14 PM

Wow..Meredith...only 34 huh???? Thats a looooong way from 225 isn't it? Keep plugging girl!

Elle...its so good to see you and to hear what you have been up to....so do I see a new tute on a bag in our future???? I could tell that you don't have anything else to do...LOL!

Butterflyspain 11-02-2010 01:44 PM

Fibber Patti, Yes could show you but difficult here, so when I post it I will ask if anyone wants details I will PM them okay. Came out of a magazine so could be a problem, however never makes sense to me if they put it in a magazine why there would be any problem.

tell you this Patti, you will like it a lot

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