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QuiltswithConvicts 11-27-2010 05:00 AM

OK, Friends: As most of you know by now, that I am reading the entire Lacelady PDA. I have gotten to where the problems surrounding "our quilt" have cropped up.

Several of us are trying to decide which quilt we will be recreating in the future. Not wanting to encounter similar problems, do we need to come up with pseudo-names for these quilts? Say, for instance, "That Black Quilt with Applique" (AOTH) or "Applique Quilt with Lots of Leaves" (LBB)?

I love this group & would hate to see us fraught with anguish should something like what happened last January happen again.


I have also posted this in Lacelady's PDA.

sandpat 11-27-2010 05:49 AM

I sent a pm to Patrice to ask for her thoughts on the subject..but I don't think we will have a problem as long as we are not posting the patterns on the board. We'll wait to see what Patrice says.

Lacelady 11-27-2010 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by sandpat
I just realized that my Chocolate Jane block count spreadsheet is on my sick lappy. I'm going to be begging them not to do the restore disc on it..but I could loose that !!! OH NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

I'm almost finished with the next to the last IRR quilt that I'll be working on, so I will have a break and plan to work on adding the sashing/cornerstones to the blocks..I still have 3 kites to finish as well. But, doesn't it feel good to just slide into the home stretch!! :D:

Can you not open it or anything Patti? Even it you prop the screen up? If you could, perhaps you could send it to one of us for safekeeping.

sandpat 11-27-2010 12:01 PM

No Lesley..I can't open the laptop at all. If (when) I've tried it binds itself and I'm afraid I will break something or cut the wires that are in the hinge that go into the screen. I can do it over...at least I wrote all the counts down on the schedule out beside each week...at least I don't have to count those buggers!!

OK ladies...here is Patrice's response to our question. I think we are ok to go :D:

From: PatriceJ (all from/all to)
Subject: Re: Group project question

i have no objections. you've already taken care of the potentially sticky copyrights issues, so it should be lots of fun. the Jane project has inspired at least two similar activities here. i think it's great!

sandpat wrote:
Hey Patrice.. hope your holiday weekend is going well..I have a question. The group that is working on the Dear Jane quilt is talking about working on another quilt as a group to start probably in May/June of 2011. We are looking at Affairs of the Heart and/or Little Brown Bird. If we are all purchasing the book and/or software, do we have a problem with listing it by the title of the quilt and working on it on the QB? We are not planning to share the patterns...just posting pics of completed blocks and sharing tips/advice..etc..like we are doing for the Jane quilt. Your thoughts???


QuiltswithConvicts 11-27-2010 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by sandpat
OK ladies...here is Patrice's response to our question. I think we are ok to go :D:

From: PatriceJ (all from/all to)
Subject: Re: Group project question

i have no objections. you've already taken care of the potentially sticky copyrights issues, so it should be lots of fun. the Jane project has inspired at least two similar activities here. i think it's great!

sandpat wrote:
Hey Patrice.. hope your holiday weekend is going well..I have a question. The group that is working on the Dear Jane quilt is talking about working on another quilt as a group to start probably in May/June of 2011. We are looking at Affairs of the Heart and/or Little Brown Bird. If we are all purchasing the book and/or software, do we have a problem with listing it by the title of the quilt and working on it on the QB? We are not planning to share the patterns...just posting pics of completed blocks and sharing tips/advice..etc..like we are doing for the Jane quilt. Your thoughts???


Thank you, Patti!!!!! I was a tad bit worried, but it looks like we can plunge ahead.

Am going to the library on Monday to see if they have the LBB book that I can borrow for a while. I was going to get it as a Christmas present to me, but Amazon.com has 1-2 MONTH shipping right now - unless you choose the overnight method - I think not! Am also going to the LQS and will check to see if they still have a copy. I think I remember seeing it there, quite a while ago. Still need to get The Farmer's Wife Sampler book/CD - comes as a set. Wish more did that.

Went to Texas to the other LQS in the area - 57 miles & a time zone away. They had some beautiful batiks, but only bought 5 -1/4 yards - 2 as FQs. Got a Pounce set-up + refil & 3 continuous line stencils. Had a $5 gift certificate from quilt club - what a neat way to entice customers. You know about $$$ burning a hole... It would expire Dec. 31. I was entered in a drawing for a bottom of the line embroidery machine because I spent $5. Another inventive way to draw customers. I don't remember when the drawing is - they have my phone #.

It's a sweet little place, but she will grow - very friendly. Half of the quilt club there also comes to our quilt club, so I knew everyone who came into the store! Even though it's 57 miles away, only takes about 1/2 hour to get there - speed limit is 75 on this 2-lane Farm Road! And those Texas drivers drive way more than the limit!

Back to JJ - am quilting away, thinking about what I am going to do once I get to the plain border triangles.

sandpat 11-27-2010 03:52 PM

Yup...looks good to go ahead Kathy. :D:

I got a catalog from AQS today and the LBB CD is in there for $23.96 on sale. I don't know if any of you need it. I wonder, can you do that quilt just with the CD like I did the Jane? I didn't buy the book on Jane until I started quilting it and needed to see better pics of the blocks.

I finished the last IRR that I will have for a little while, so I plan to get lots more done on Chocolate Jane. I think that I will start sewing the sashings onto the ones that I have quilted already. I'm not going to sew them together quite yet until I can lay out groups to see what I need to move around.

QuiltswithConvicts 11-27-2010 03:57 PM

Originally Posted by sandpat
Yup...looks good to go ahead Kathy. :D:

I got a catalog from AQS today and the LBB CD is in there for $23.96 on sale. I don't know if any of you need it. I wonder, can you do that quilt just with the CD like I did the Jane? I didn't buy the book on Jane until I started quilting it and needed to see better pics of the blocks.

I think the CD is just for printing out templates - no diagrams re: placement, etc. I remember thinking, "I don't need that."

sandpat 11-27-2010 04:46 PM

Oh...ok, I don't really know anything about the CD on LBB...just saw it listed in the catalog. If you can't do anything with it..it wouldn't help out much.

pookie ookie 11-27-2010 04:58 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Your next project sounds similar to the Farmer's Wife set up we have here on the QB. You shouldn't have any problems with copyrights or anything else ftm. Honchey posts rotary cutting instructions for the blocks but no other patterns are listed. And, we always point out to noobs that the book must be purchased in order to participate. Hope everything works out for you guys.

Back to Jane, here's an example of the BOM's monthly mailings. This one is for E-13-F-7, RS4 & RS5. Plus background fabrics. At a glance, this is probably my least favorite color pack but it came together nicely.

wilhelmina 11-27-2010 05:45 PM

I layed out my blocks and tris and I have moved some around! I selected fabric for tweener tris along the bottom, three more sides to go... Tomorrow, I will work on some sashings and cornerstones. :lol:

Hey Pookie, how about some pics of blocks you have made? :D

Both of these quilt patterns for the next group project are very lovely, and both are applique that will require hand work. I ordered the book for Affairs of the Heart, very pretty blocks, but some of those pieces are very small and I don't see anyway to stitch the decorative curls and swirls by machine, so there is a lot of hand sewing even if the pieces are machine stitched. If this is the group choice, I will use wool fabric and my blocks will be modified as my hands cannot do extensive hand work, no matter how much I would want too. I have one hand stitched block in my Jane quilt! Little Brown Bird is more than I can commit too but I would enjoy watching everyone's progress as it is a spectacular quilt. :D

Maybe we can start two projects, one that is pieced project...:lol:

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