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-   Blocks of the Month and Week (https://www.quiltingboard.com/blocks-month-week-f9/)
-   -   Block of the Month - 1st of each month 2012. (https://www.quiltingboard.com/blocks-month-week-f9/block-month-1st-each-month-2012-a-t173193.html)

SulaBug 12-26-2011 12:58 AM

Block of the Month - 1st of each month 2012.
Hello Everyone,

I hope this finds everyone having had a Wonderful Holiday & ready to start the 2012 BOM's new theme: the Calandar Year!! :D We are so excited to make this announcment for everyone to see. I think we are going to have a wonderful year, ending up with a lovely Calandar theme quilt, when we are done. There are many free quilt block pattern's on quilterscache.com & other sites on the internet. We are looking for a finish quilt block measuring 12 1/2" square. Not all patterns will be that exact size so please add to them, so they make up that size. This is where you can personalize your own blocks if you like. Please feel free to have fun with them & remember to share all of your pictures each month.

I will be starting with January & will post the block I have choosen on, 1 January 2012. Lets get ready to have some FUN!!

To volunteer to chose a month's pattern for this year, just send me a PM.

Remember....you don't have to sign up for this, anyone who wants to make the blocks can play along.

Here's a reminder of the way our Blocks of the Month work.

Rules are a buzzkill, we know. BUT there are a few things we all need to know and understand ahead of time so we can have as much fun as possible when we quilt along with our BOM buddies. So ... here they are.

1. All registered and active members of the board are eligible to request a spot on a "pickers' list".

2. Pickers will be responsible for either a link to existing directions for a block, or for providing directions for the block they've chosen. We all have different skill levels and technique preferences.

When choosing a block, please check copyrights and terms of use set forth by the authors of the instructions. Pickers are strongly encouraged to pick only blocks from the Public Domain and instructions that do not place strict or severe limits on what we can do with the blocks we make using those instructions.

As individual quilters, WE are responsible for making sure we read, understand, and comply with those copyright/terms of use statements.

3. Anyone who sees the list and likes the blocks is invited to make them. However, only registered members of the board will be able to post pictures of the blocks they've made.

4. Pick and make any blocks you like from any lists you like. No matter how long ago a block was picked, you are still invited to post pictures when you make one. Just make sure to post your pics in the pictures thread for that block.

5. There will be two threads for each block. Both of them will be in the BOM section of the board. One thread for directions and discussion, and the other thread for pictures of the finished blocks. For the sake of keeping things sane all other threads will be moved or deleted.

When posting a new BOM, please make sure to use the appropriate titles, such as:
"1 January 2012 - (name of your pattern) - Directions & Discussion"
"1 January 2012 - (name of your pattern) - Photos5.

If a posted block doesn't interest you, feel free to skip it.

6. Again - You don't have to be a registered member or on the lists to play along. The lists simply tell us which registered members have volunteered to take a turn selecting a block. Any registered board member can volunteer for a turn. Simply send a PM to Sulabug, who will update the list.

7. Our Block of the Month activities are NOT swaps.

Thank you again for your patience in reading this lengthy information.

Sew Happy,
:D :D :D

Check here to find the list of links for each month:

littlesurfer 12-26-2011 04:33 AM

Looking forward to 2012 BOM! Thanks, Sulabug!

lovingmama 12-26-2011 06:34 AM

I'm excited and look forward on doing it. I know for sure, should I get stuck, there's always someone to help!

nickylsf 12-26-2011 08:14 AM

Thank you, Cheryl, this sounds like fun! I look forward to making the January block.

Jeanine 12-26-2011 10:15 AM

This sounds fun. I hope to join in - last years come first though. This time I'll chose colorful fabrics and full size patterns. How fun that will be. So eager am I.

Crlyn 12-26-2011 02:11 PM

I so want to join in this year as well..........even though I'm a last minute gal with my blocks!

Thanks for your choice SulaBug sounds wonderful!

hopetoquilt 12-26-2011 05:15 PM

I am jumping in with both feet. Sounds like fun. Thanks for your work arranging this.

handquilter 12-26-2011 11:24 PM

Sounds exciting Sula Bug, A great theme.We well have great suscess with it.Handquilter

SulaBug 12-26-2011 11:50 PM

Thank you everyone for your kind comments. I am so thrilled to hear from so many of you. This will be fun & I am sure we will have a gorgeous quilt by the end of the year. So far January, February & August are spoken for, so if you want to sign up for a month, just let me know!!
:D :D :D :D

iwanttosew 12-27-2011 03:41 AM

I can hardly wait to get started-looking forward to a new challenge-thanks!

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