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Cre8tvlwyr 11-02-2011 10:03 AM

I'm not liking this site either at the moment.... especially since we couldn't get in for several hours again this morning! I have the same feeling about my 'new yahoo email' account. After having that one for over a decade, I am in a position of wanting to switch. Hopefully the glitches will disappear from this site and we will find it easier rather than more challenging. There is definitely a decrease in space!! I may put a bug in admin's ear.

As for joining us - YAY looking forward to sewing with all of you - the more the merrier!!

Be sure to bookmark this site and then you should be able to get here

Gus [Monica]

mim 11-02-2011 10:47 AM

I'm still navagating my way around this -- I got on this morning after being locked out til an hour ago. Frustrating because I get no emails telling me that someone has replied to a thread. I'll get back to my DJ software glitch -- good thing I also have the book if I can't locate the CD. I have no idea if it is here in WA or if I left it back in ME.

I found out yesterday that I don't have a blender here -- I used to have 2 -- hope I didn't get rid of it in moving. They are great for grinding coffee beans and making breadcrumbs.

mim 11-02-2011 02:35 PM

I spent this afternoon with the software. I'm still not sure what I am doing, but I did get a block printed. By the time I get finished a year plus from now, I should be good at it. :0 :0

meanmom 11-02-2011 02:48 PM

I cant wait to get started. It has been in my mind for over a year. I have most of the fabric. I bought a whole bolt of fabric 15 yards for the background. I did the civil war fabric exchange a while ago to get the other fabrics. I will probably need a few more but I have a really good variety.

jacquie 11-03-2011 12:30 PM

i'm looking to get the cd rom, this looks great! i don't know if i'll manage to keep up, but i'll try!! i love laceladies, done in the batiks!! i may have to follow her style, i just LOVE it!! simply gorgeous!!!

DottyD 11-03-2011 02:13 PM

Since the change I haven't received any additions to this thread -although there has been some,
or any others that I had replied to come to that. Just wanted to say I am looking forward to joining you all when
we start.

luvmortherest 11-03-2011 07:00 PM

Originally Posted by jacquie (Post 4625728)
i'm looking to get the cd rom, this looks great! i don't know if i'll manage to keep up, but i'll try!! i love laceladies, done in the batiks!! i may have to follow her style, i just LOVE it!! simply gorgeous!!!

i got the cd rom and i just love it.

Cre8tvlwyr 11-03-2011 07:56 PM

It is frustrating to think you started a thread [like I did here] and don't get notifications that members have posted... deep breath! this too shall work itself out. Sure am glad we are not starting for a little while!!

Hang in there!
I wonder if a group PM is possible... I would send you all my personal email in case you get lost...

gin 11-04-2011 08:28 AM

have been looking to joining a DJ quilt-a-long for some time. Always seem to get in at the end of of it. Have book and all the fabric -- can't wait to start this one. Thanks so much for taking time to start this thread

xsquilter 11-04-2011 05:43 PM

Well, glory be! I just read all 13 pages & feel so inspired & pumped to join in. I've had the book for ages, (in fact I even have the cross stitch pattern, my other passion), but haven't had the "nerve" to start. I will join in but like many others I'm not sure if I'll be able to do 3/week. I'll have a better idea once we start.
Thank you Cre8 for starting this up. And I look forward to lots of fun & support from the group!

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