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Cre8tvlwyr 11-04-2011 06:30 PM

Just a quick note to all of you - not to worry about getting used to this new thread - it will all work out! I haven't been getting all notices either, but I do check in a dozen times weekly and have been keeping track of everyone's screen names, real names [when provided] whether you have a WIP or are starting fresh, have books, software, etc... I intent to PM you each personally at the beginning of the year when I have a schedule posted and give you a reminder as to a start date around the middle of January. You should definitely receive notifications of PMs - I have even on this new board almost at the precise time they are sent.

I have 49 names on the DJ list!! whooo hoo!!! This will be lots of fun! so enjoy the holidays - collect some fabrics - get your book or software ready [put it on your Christmas/Hanukkah lists if you dont have it] and get ready to join the excitement!

luvstoquilt 11-04-2011 06:37 PM

I am still with you! I have the book, fabric I will use and ruler is on the way. I will be set to go in mid-January! Very exciting!!!

KiwiQuilter 11-04-2011 11:18 PM

Does anyone know how many fat quarters (excluding background creams) it would take to make this quilt? I've searched the web but couldn't find any information.

luvmortherest 11-05-2011 06:49 AM

Originally Posted by KiwiQuilter (Post 4634141)
Does anyone know how many fat quarters (excluding background creams) it would take to make this quilt? I've searched the web but couldn't find any information.

i have not kept track of how many fqs i have used. i believe you should be able to get at least 3 blocks out of a fq.

Cre8tvlwyr 11-05-2011 12:56 PM

I think you could get way more than 3 blocks out of a FQ - FQ = 18x22 - blocks finish 4.5" square [with outside seams] - which if all you did was cut squares, a FQ would give you 16 squares that size plus and extra 18x4" strip. Now for a two fabric block you will have many many 1/4" seams [1/2" per piece in both directions-N-S,E-W] - say because of that you have to allow an extra square of fabric per block - this would still give you 8 blocks. There are 225 sections to the DJ divide by 8 - you get 29FQ. I don't know if it is written anywhere, but I would guess that is pretty close to what you'd need, translated into yardage would be 7yd of the same background fabric - I bet that would still give you tons of leftover scraps and possibly some larger sections though. I actually used a charm square with some off white fabric to make a block last year and had scraps left over!

pjnesler 11-05-2011 01:20 PM

This is up for sale on ebay if anyone is interested - NOT MINE - don't know who the sellers are, just saw it and thought I'd let ya all' know!

sandpat 11-05-2011 05:18 PM

I used jelly rolls, charm packs, FQ's and small amounts of cut yardage. Gus's estimate sounds about right...I think you will find the info in the softward. The EQ estimates are generous though, so you might keep that in mind. Having said that though....I would buy a bolt of the background fabric...especially if you are intending to use it for the plain tris, scallops, and backing. This quilt is HEAVY...it actually has more fabric inside it than it does outside!

Millstream Mom 11-05-2011 06:15 PM

I would LOVE to join up as well! I bought the book and floundered along on block A-1 (figuring start at the beginning!) I got so exasperated...then tried to figure out how to PP it. What a fiasco! It was so frustrating I put it aside while I worked on other UFO's. To the poster who brought "That Quilt"'s website to my attention...God Bless You!!! It was exactly what I needed!


Jennifer22206 11-05-2011 06:58 PM

Please count me in on this one. I've just kind of been plodding along slowly with my DJ. This will certainly inspire me to finish it. :)

fromzstore 11-05-2011 07:17 PM

I have started a dear Jane have the book software rulers and fabric just need to put aside the time I have a group of ladies that meet once a month at my house to work on the dear Jane so far we have worked on everything but this will motivate us to stay caught up so sign me up

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