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Cre8tvlwyr 11-08-2011 06:26 PM

Originally Posted by Jennifer (Post 4654205)
... I really want to stay motivated to finish it. Well as long as we do not change duty stations, then I should be good right.

Welcome to have you Jennifer!! and welcome back home - hope you stay on American soil from now on and bless you!! Is that your little one? ...gotta be hard - my husband is retired Army reservist [30yr-LtCol] I remember when the kids were little and he was assigned various missions in the Pacific for many weeks/year- Philip. Japan Korea - glad those days are behind us - seemed like full time job @ times.m We will do our best to keep you motivated and on the right track!

Jennifer 11-08-2011 07:05 PM

Originally Posted by Cre8tvlwyr (Post 4654680)
Welcome to have you Jennifer!! and welcome back home - hope you stay on American soil from now on and bless you!! Is that your little one? ...gotta be hard - my husband is retired Army reservist [30yr-LtCol] I remember when the kids were little and he was assigned various missions in the Pacific for many weeks/year- Philip. Japan Korea - glad those days are behind us - seemed like full time job @ times.m We will do our best to keep you motivated and on the right track!

Yep, thats my little one. My husband and I are in the military so it makes it easier to understand and cope with time away from one another since we are in the same boat. We should be planted here for a few more years at minimum.

thomp116 11-08-2011 08:08 PM

Thanks to both of you, Jennifer, from a military mom!

Janstar 11-08-2011 08:58 PM

So great to see all of the DJers start up again! Iv'e got to say that doing the DJ quilt was one of the most rewarding things I've ever done in quilting. You learn every technige there is and before you finish, you are an expert at each one. I found the schedule from the first time worked perfectly. I accually finished in 19 months, a little behind schedule, but done! I chose to stay as close to Jane's colors as possible. It was amazing to me how all of us had such different colors and fabrics and they all turned out so beautiful. You couldn't possibly select a wrong color way on this project. Jane used so many different ones and she was very limited on choice. I wish you all good luck and great fun!

Janstar 11-08-2011 09:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
So great to see all of the DJers start up again! Iv'e got to say that doing the DJ quilt was one of the most rewarding things I've ever done in quilting. You learn every technige there is and before you finish, you are an expert at each one. I found the schedule from the first time worked perfectly. I accually finished in 19 months, a little behind schedule, but done! I chose to stay as close to Jane's colors as possible. It was amazing to me how all of us had such different colors and fabrics and they all turned out so beautiful. You couldn't possibly select a wrong color way on this project. Jane used so many different ones and she was very limited on choice. I wish you all good luck and great fun!

Janstar 11-08-2011 09:10 PM

Sorry for the double post and I'm so surprised to see my photo appear! I usually am not very good at new things!!!LOL!

Anael 11-08-2011 09:53 PM

Your DJ is gorgeous Janstar! I only did a little over 30 blocks and I did learn a lot already! Did you quilt it yourself?

sandpat 11-09-2011 05:06 AM

Jan, its nice to see your Jane again, now if that doesn't add to the excitement, nothing will!

Ya'll go grab your bibs!

Brandy 11-09-2011 05:59 AM

I would love to join in, I was hoping someone would start another DJ.
Three a week sounds good, it would be easy to catch up if I get behind.

Cre8tvlwyr 11-09-2011 08:35 AM

Brandy - Welcome!! You are number 60!! can't believe the number who have signed up - WOW

Janstar - Thanks for the inspiration - your quilt is beautiful.

You said the schedule order worked for you?? When I checked it out I had marked all beginner and advanced blocks on a diagram and thought it to be a difficult schedule. klue had only 1 beginner block the first 4 weeks - in fact she had an advanced block the first week too and 5 advanced blocks & triangles in the same week just three months into it. I consider myself an advanced quilter - you must be also?? There is no way I would expect a mix of quilter levels to attempt that schedule.

Question for those of you who have a good start into DJ and those visitors who I know have completed them - I have worked out a TENTATIVE schedule for the first 3 months - can you please look over this and give me some feedback? Also I will look for some tutes [thatquilt.blogspot.com has some excellent 'copyright-free' directions for each block and a few tutorials]
this is what I'm thinking....
Week 1: A6 A8 B4
2: C1 B13 C3
3: A1 A5 B1 HST & FG tutes here[half-square triangles, flying geese]
4: B2 B3 B10
5: B12 A3 BR1 -triangle
6: TR1 TR2 catch up
7: A7 A9 A11
8: A2 A4 B11
9: A10 C12 B9
10: B8 B7 A13
11: A12 B5 B6
12: BR4 RS1
13: C9 C6 D3

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