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luvmortherest 11-16-2011 08:48 AM

ok so does anyone know how to post a cotton picking picture on this new board?

fromzstore 11-16-2011 09:01 AM

will you post a list of the blocks in the order we will do them or will we be going row by row

Millstream Mom 11-16-2011 09:13 AM

I was wondering that as well. Would we be starting with the "easy" blocks and progressing to the more challenging ones as we went along? Or will they be mixed as we go? I attempted Block1 of the first row, and got so muddled without any instructions that I hadn't attempted any more since then (last summer) Might make a 2nd attempt now that I've checked out "That Quilt"

dakotamaid 11-16-2011 09:20 AM

I think she is going to mix in some easy with some harder as we go along and get better at doing these tiny little blocks.

luvmortherest 11-16-2011 09:28 AM

Originally Posted by fromzstore (Post 4686214)
will you post a list of the blocks in the order we will do them or will we be going row by row

she has put a tentative first 13 week schedule up on page 18

luvmortherest 11-16-2011 09:30 AM

Originally Posted by luvmortherest (Post 4684841)
i totally agree. this is your quilt and the color choices are yous and need to be what will make you happy. i have had a lot of encouragement from the members here as to my choices. everyone here will help all they can.
i am working on two one is totally scrappy and the other is being done in reds and blues.

tried to post a pic of some of my scrappy blocks but did not get it

ok found pics of a few of my blocks (scrappy and red and blue) on page 8

Cre8tvlwyr 11-16-2011 10:08 AM

Important - ladies I just noticed Luv's posts indicating page numbers and realize that this new board has yet another potential problem :( this has to do with page numbers which are now 'not all created equal' Luv indicated that the tentative schedule is on 'page 18' -- question - are you using the 'forum method' of page distinction?? I couldnt stand the number of pages to go through so I reset mine to 20 posts per page and this post I am in the middle of is on page 14.

To change number of posts per page do the following:
1. click on "settings" at the top of the page & you will see a long list of things you can adjust in the far left column.
2. scroll down the left column below "my settings" and below "my account" click on 'general settings'
3. scroll down to the third entry below "thread display options" - here you can reset the number of posts you want to show up per page. I decided on 20.
4. scroll down to the bottom and click on "save changes"

You all need to decide what is most comfortable for you - but realize this could make sending people to specific pages difficult. Every post has a number - unless someone hits "send" before I do right now - the number on the upper right corner of this post will be #277. It may be better to use this number when directing people to certain posts - I will try my best to remember to do both [#277 - page 14 when 20/page used] I have no clue what the forum uses - maybe one of you who hasnt changed the setting can count...

SheriR 11-16-2011 10:17 AM

My iPhone does 10 per page. I'll definitely change to 20.

Cre8tvlwyr 11-16-2011 10:40 AM

1 Attachment(s)
MillstreamMom -
The first block of the first row - A1 "Pinwheel Gone Awry" is an intermediate block. I havent attempted attachments on this board yet but I will try to attach the list of difficulty to this post. After that I will list the order I have come up with for the first 6months. I may slip a catch-up or break week in there along the way, depending on what the consensus is. I would like to keep everyone and see -at least 78 DJs at the end of our journey!!

Two of the easiest blocks are A6 -"Uncle Homer" and D-13 - "Field of Dreams"

I am starting with three beginner blocks: A6, A8, and B4
for those of you who have the software, A6 is one of the blocks that has a lesson from Brenda herself

To answer the other question about starting with beginners and moving up to advanced - I will start with a balance - When we get towards the end - we will be anxious to finish and I don't want to 'plague' us with all the advanced at the end. I have run my schedule by a few people who have done the DJ and they agree it is doable. A few mentioned that the schedule that was followed by DJ thread that started in Jan 2010 was doable - I looked and saw why so many people dropped - the first week had one of each- beginning, intermed, advanced blocks + an intermediate triangle!! The following three weeks had 12 intermediate and another advanced in the schedule - only 1 beginning block the first five weeks. No - I will not do that to us!! There will be some beginner blocks & triangles at the end.

I also want to try to finish rows as we go along - that way you have more of an incentive to keep going rather than building a collection of blocks.

OK - so to attach the difficulty list and then I will send the schedule I have so far. If you want to try to start - it is up to you - just be aware, I will not. I will stay a week or two ahead of you and intend to begin myself around the first of next year. But life is too full of happy celebrations and serious commitment with me right now, so I will not give any direction until January 15, 2012.

Time to gather fabrics and enjoy the holidays...

Cre8tvlwyr 11-16-2011 10:42 AM

Here is the breakdown of difficulty:
Blocks: 44 beginner, 99 intermediate, 26 advanced
Triangles: 9 beginner, 33 intermediate, 10 advanced
Kites [corners]: 2 intermediate, 2 advanced

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