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sandpat 11-22-2011 06:47 AM

mamaHen...you could, but to be honest, if you have a little extra $, it would be worth it to buy the Dear Jane CD...its much easier and printing all the pp patterns for the quilt is pretty time consuming as it is. I'd rather spend the time sewing the blocks. JMHO.

Cre8tvlwyr 11-22-2011 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by thomp116 (Post 4703285)
Just caught up on this thread. ...

Dumb question, but if I can't get a printer before we start, can I just trace the patterns out of the book?

who was it said ... the only stupid question is the one you don't ask?? :)
Of course you can trace the patterns out of the book - this is what I did when I made my DJs for the winter swap last year... all 54 of them! [5 different blocks] If you have a good ruler and line up the sides of each piece at the quarter inch mark, it is very easy to see what size to cut individual pieces of the block. I'm sure printed templates from the software is the easiest way to go, but the basic original way is not a problem.

As for the background fabric - if you plan to use a tone on tone white or off white, there are so many on the market, you wont even notice you are using different fabrics. My favorite UFO is the 2009 BOM from thequiltshow.com - http://www.thequiltshow.com/os/bom/11/bom_11_00.jpg
lots of background, and I used three different fabrics that were white on white. No one can tell, I have to search myself. besides - if you cut carefully I bet 6 yards is enough.

thomp116 11-23-2011 10:04 AM

Thanks for the info. After studying pictures of the quilt, I think I will get both pieces of fabric (light and a tad darker gray). They will go with my Steeler colors!
I was showing my daughter the original Jane and the chocolate Jane today, and she just doesn't get it. She can't figure out why we chop up pieces of fabric and spend all that time sewing it back together. Where did I go wrong? Big sigh......

SheriR 11-23-2011 11:09 AM

Aww Thomp that made me laugh :)

luvmortherest 11-23-2011 11:57 AM

Happy thanksgiving all

sewNso 11-23-2011 03:38 PM

my jane, i am quilting.
1 Attachment(s)
i just need to do like 4 more rows, and then the scallops, and she will be done. stick with it ladies, and yours will be done also.

sandpat 11-23-2011 03:42 PM

Ooohhhh, pretty SewnSo!!! Still shaking my head at how quickly you did that!

sewNso 11-23-2011 03:52 PM

I can't lay her down. almost. did get one quilt in the mail--the wedding was in august.....so late, late, late, cause of jane, and then keeping the grandson again.

Originally Posted by sandpat (Post 4714387)
Ooohhhh, pretty SewnSo!!! Still shaking my head at how quickly you did that!

tried to tell luvmor.. how to post a pic, just figured it out tonite. almost gave up. don't know whether the reply got posted or not. funny things are going on tonite.
for me.... to post, i had to go to advanced, then disable the Hmtp's or whatever, 'manage uploads,' etc. just sort stumbled on how to post a pic. read, and re read patrice's directions.

dakotamaid 11-23-2011 04:38 PM

So pretty, sewNso!! You gals (and guys) who have finished their Dear Janes will be my inspiration. I have had such a creative block the last couple of years partly due to family and moving issues that this is getting my juices going again!!

Anael 11-23-2011 05:06 PM

Oh wow SewNso! And you're handquilting! I hope you will post a picture (or more) when you're finished.

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