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sewsewquilter 11-23-2011 06:05 PM

SewNso...my hat is off to you. Gorgeous!!! Please more pictures. Are you putting yours together the way leslie did hers?

luvmortherest 11-23-2011 07:02 PM

absolutely beautiful

sewNso 11-23-2011 07:32 PM

ladies, if i had to do it over again, i would QAYG, doing the top and batting only. the y way lacelady suggested. the material and batting is way toooo thick. i used the lightest batting i could fine, but the thickness is still too much to get a needle thru. i end up using a little pair of sissors to pull the needle thru lots. are they in the pic? sandpat QAYG. a lot of the ladies did. and i would only do one row of quilting down the middle in the sashings.

ozarkmama 11-24-2011 09:06 AM

How beautiful is your Dear Jane, SewnSo. Yours will be my inspiration when I get bogged down and think I can't go on.

sewNso 11-25-2011 05:54 AM

if you all can get to the orginal DJ and then the 'sub topics'. with the weeks, i have a thread called "dear jane top going together" showed progress, etc. and i went to bennington vt. in oct. pic's are on 'flicker'. can't give you a link. i'm not good enough. but if you use 'sewNso1'. you can find it. be sure and use the #1 after my name. my sony camera did a real good job. I was reallllly sick during the months i did my DJ blocks. my asthma, then pnemonia, just kicked my butt that winter. so DJ gave me something to do, when i didn't have the breath to do anything else. that's why and how come, i could do mine so fast. and i must admit, YOU ALL need to do a better job than i did on mine. i had to fix blocks, and seams afterwards. double check, for color correctness, 1/4 " seams, and look at the right side with a magnifying glass almost to make sure you have caught every seam good. But i do like Brenda's saying 'the best you can do on any given day'. then go on.

jacquie 11-25-2011 04:21 PM

wow, can you believe it! it's my birthday today and guess what turned up today in the post?!?
my DJ cd i purchased a wee while ago!! it couldn't have been better timed!!
my book arrived a couple of weeks ago along with the 'DJ' rulers, now all i'm needing is my background fabric i ordered the other week!
i have hundreds of batik fq's waiting, and i'm good to go!!
i can't wait to start this sew along!!!

sandpat 11-25-2011 06:56 PM

Happy Birthday Jacquie! What great timing on your delivery. You will have so much fun and end up with a wonderful quilt. I'll be cheering you along!

luvmortherest 11-25-2011 11:22 PM

Happy birthday

Anael 11-26-2011 12:01 AM

Happy birthday Jacquie! I hope you had a great day!

DottyD 11-26-2011 12:49 AM

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, - let's get this show on the road !!!

DottyD south of London !

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