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DottyD 10-24-2011 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by Cre8tvlwyr

Originally Posted by DottyD
Hi, WOW - this is JUST what I need - ?3 a week - I will try - may be a tight squeeze - will see. I started my DJ in 2007 and then lapsed for a while. I have now done 102 blocks please see my link below - and am using Christmas fabric. I would find being given a block to do may be the push I need to get out of my comfort zone --- thank you

WOW Dot!! I checked your link - it is awesome! Can anyone use that layout?? Do you know whether it has a copyright?

love the dancing smileys as well :lol:

Hi Cre8tvlwyr,
Thank you so much for your kind comments, here is a link (from the DJ website) - please pm me if you need any further help - my hubby did it for me !!

Your Baby Jane on the Virtual Design Wall

This would be the place to start in achieving your own design wall.


This gives you the starting point in putting your own wall on your computer
or uploading it to your web space given to you by your provider.

Kind regards,

retirednana 10-24-2011 09:19 AM

Count me in I am working on AOTH which I started recently and am taking DJ at my LQS which session ends in January so now I can follow along here.Yippee

Cre8tvlwyr 10-24-2011 09:24 AM

Originally Posted by thomp116
I am planning to start a DJ after the new year, so this would be good for me. I think I could handle 3 a week, but ??? You never know when life will get in the way. I have adopted Bonnie Hunter's attitude......"this is not a race."
I still have to get the book, software, etc., and try to decide what colors/fabrics to use. Thought I was all set, and then I saw the chocolate DJ. Now I'm wondering.....will do more research before the new year.

If you go to the main dearjane.com site and go to the janiac link - or better yet go directly to:


you will see many different examples of DJs - there are other photos as well, but this can give you an idea of color schemes.

Cre8tvlwyr 10-24-2011 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by DottyD

... here is a link (from the DJ website) - please pm me if you need any further help - my hubby did it for me !!

Your Baby Jane on the Virtual Design Wall
This would be the place to start in achieving your own design wall.


This gives you the starting point in putting your own wall on your computer
or uploading it to your web space given to you by your provider.
Kind regards,

Thanks, Dotty,

and to give the rest of you more info from that link - we do have permission as 'janiacs' to use the design wall with credit to
Sharon Mastbrook:

"This page created on July 22, 1999
October 3, 1999, added more instructions about using the Virtual Design Wall.
October 12, 1999, added quick link to get template.
Updated December 7, 1999
Updated instructions with graphics to show steps on creating a dearjane directory.
Permission is granted for use by Dear Janers to use on his/her personal computer, website, or for use in a Dear Jane teaching class. If using for a class, please give credit to me, Sharon Mastbrook, as the creator of the Virtual Design Wall."

This is a great idea & website - Thanks again!

Chay 10-24-2011 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by BettyKay
What is the freezer paper "on top" method to applicate?

Here is a link to a tutorial from Twiddletails:


It's a great method once you get the hang of it.

Cre8tvlwyr 10-24-2011 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by Annlil
I am very interested.I actually started a week ago. I am using the book and the tutorials Chay mentioned.

I will keep an eye on the blog.

Kind regards

Waar in Nederland woon je??

meanmom 10-24-2011 01:59 PM

Thank you for doing this. I have collected most of my fabrics and have been wanting to get started. This is just what I have been looking for. I was hoping someone would do this. Maybe this is the kick I need to get started. It is overwhelming to me just looking at all the blocks. Can't wait to get started.

lisajane 10-24-2011 03:14 PM

I bought the Dear Jane book awhile back, with the intentions of doing one. This would be a great way to get started. I love the fact of doing it with other people in case I hit a snag. I also like the fact of beginning it a couple of weeks after all the hectic holiday bustle. I will check back here often.

daisydebby 10-24-2011 03:28 PM

Weeeelllll, actually, I bought the book and some fabric a few months ago....intending on having it be a winter project in the evening. Sounds like fun. I need motivation on this quilt:) Keep us informed. Thanks for the invite.

linmid 10-24-2011 04:09 PM

Have heard of Dear Jane but need to look more into it. ;-)

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