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dakotamaid 12-14-2011 05:20 PM

Way to go Jacquie! I need to finish up Christmas first and my daughter's birthday on the 4th, than on to DJ.

Sandpat, where can you buy a basting glue pen. Is that the same as a glue stick that kindergartners use?

luvmortherest 12-14-2011 07:26 PM

beautiful block

sandpat 12-15-2011 06:18 AM

Originally Posted by dakotamaid (Post 4782030)
Way to go Jacquie! I need to finish up Christmas first and my daughter's birthday on the 4th, than on to DJ.

Sandpat, where can you buy a basting glue pen. Is that the same as a glue stick that kindergartners use?

No, not a glue STICK, but a glue basting pen. SewLine makes them. It washes out and somehow seems to work differently from when I use the regular glue stics. The basting pen allows you to pull it back apart and re-position if necessary...so it doesn't hold it as "hard". I know, not a great explanation...but its early AM girls, and I haven't had any coffee yet. I got mine at my LQS, but I've seen them on-line. You can order them and order re-fills to go in them.

dakotamaid 12-15-2011 06:20 AM

Ok, thanks for the info and now go have your coffee!! :)

QuilterMomma 12-15-2011 08:27 AM

Wish Upon a Quilt has them online.

dakotamaid 12-15-2011 11:07 AM

Thanks QuilterMomma!

Cre8tvlwyr 12-15-2011 11:28 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I got the schedule completed - YAY!!! hope you all think so... lookin a bit cross-eyed and really should go get the Christmas decorations out.

You will notice a few things. First, I thought of no breaks but as I was pulling the schedule together figured a break now and then to catch up or do something different would be better. Tried to put them around holidays when possible, with two weeks near Christmas. Also, a few have four blocks - don't let it scare you - tried to have things that were either easy or similar. I will attach both the difficulty list that Brenda has in her book for those who don't have it yet - gives names of blocks as well, and my schedule. I did color code the schedule I made up so that you can see the beginner and advanced blocks right off the bat. I indicated where rows were finished and followed row-by-row more or less so that for those who would like to put the rows together to see more of your accomplishments you can. Just remember - if you decide to quilt as you go - this will probably take more time and you may not be able to put them together this quickly.

BY THE WAY - JACQUIE - love your block [not the easiest one!! ]

I tried to put easiest ones in the beginning. Didn't want to put all triangles at the end - but didn't want to start them on a weekly basis either.

Hope this works for you all - if you see anything glaring - please let me know! I will also try to contact you personally to tell you I've posted this soon.

OK - already saw 1 mistake - no - the first triangle I am having you do - BR1 = beginner not an advanced!! ;)

Anael 12-15-2011 11:43 AM

Thanks a lot Cre8! I printed the schedule :D

memereof8 12-15-2011 01:11 PM

Thank you. What a help you are and I really appreciate it!

NDQuilts 12-15-2011 02:34 PM

Thank you. I printed the schedule and marked off the ones I finished on the last attempt at the quilt. I like that I'll have extra breathing room some weeks. My biggest challenge was getting blocks prepped. I'm hoping to do all the ones for a month in one shot and make kits. Once I have them kitted they are like potato chips. The trouble is getting to the computer to print, the iron, and the sewing machine. ( I have two preschoolers who do not nap and can get in trouble before I can even blink!). Hmm. Now I need to sit and figure out an escape plan. Perhaps scheduled sewing times can be at the top of my Christmas list this year.

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