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P-BurgKay 10-24-2011 06:40 PM

I will try to join in, I have everything, book, CD, all patterns printed off, around 500 different CW reproduction fabrics, just need time to get started, but this will be a good incentive. Two blocks per week also sounds good to me.

QuiltswithConvicts 10-24-2011 07:02 PM

Thimble, If it makes you feel any better, I started my baby Jane in 1997 & finished the top last year about this time. I am hand-quilting it - er, will be when it gets colder & my "Affairs of the Heart" quilt is finished. After the AOTH quilt, I must make a quilt for a large wall in DH's office in the prison. It's going to be machine pieced, so I will have the evenings to quilt & the weekends to sew.

nise 10-24-2011 07:23 PM

count me in, don't know about 3 a week but will try.

Sheree from Chicago 10-24-2011 08:25 PM

This is sounding tempting!

SoBuzy 10-24-2011 10:53 PM

Wow! I am a beginner but really think this will be an awesome project...will have to get the software..

luvmortherest 10-24-2011 11:20 PM

it is so great to see so many interested in DJ.

i have the software as well and i love it.

those who were with me the first time around know that i could not make up my mind about a color way so i am doing 2.

one is scrappy and the other is red and blue.

to date i have approximately 72 blocks and 17 triagles.

i am very excited to continue this journey with you.

thomp116 10-25-2011 04:59 AM

I am glad to see that someone else is having the color "problem." My first instinct was to go with the Civil War fabrics. But then I saw the chocolate Jane. Scraps would be good, because that was what Jane's original was (and I have lots of scraps). But then I think, maybe more patriotic colors because I will be doing this while my boys are away again - this time Kuwait.
I think once I get the colors in my head, I will be able to get going!
Maybe I should ask this.......is the intent of doing a DJ to do it as a copy of the original, or are more people doing it in other colors/fabrics?
OR, am I over-thinking this?

Originally Posted by luvmortherest
it is so great to see so many interested in DJ.

i have the software as well and i love it.

those who were with me the first time around know that i could not make up my mind about a color way so i am doing 2.

one is scrappy and the other is red and blue.

to date i have approximately 72 blocks and 17 triagles.

i am very excited to continue this journey with you.

sandpat 10-25-2011 05:03 AM

Its great to see so many people expressing interest! Also great to see so many familiar names who started with us last year and then life got in the way...maybe you guys can pick up where you left off!

Thomp....(as Momma of Chocolate Jane), all I can tell you is that this will be YOUR quilt...do it anyway you would like! I think most in the last go round were planning to "personalize" it. You know, even if you go scrappy...it won't be a replica of Jane's. I found that being able to buy new fabric all along the way kept me interested and kept me going. I didn't even buy the "chocolate" for mine until I had probably 75 or so blocks done.

thomp116 10-25-2011 05:09 AM

Well, since I posted that, I talked to my son, who is one of the most likely candidates for the finished quilt. He first thought was black and gold/yellow. Would love to say that he chose that because he is "classy," but he was thinking Steeler colors!
Welcome to my family!
I actually kind of like the idea!

sandpat 10-25-2011 05:12 AM

Ahhh, interesting choice! Yeah...I can see that....sure can! You might need to throw some creams in there with it though

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