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QuiltingNinaSue 08-19-2012 05:56 PM

JanRN, do a search with "sensory fabrics for kids" and there are tons of ideals by age. Sounds like a wonderful idea, so nice of you to want to help him. I like what Barb said about it too. Fleece would be 'cuddly' when he wrapped himself into it. There are patterns for tents and tepees now too. to make an area just for him to play in.

Honchey 08-19-2012 05:57 PM

buttons and zippers are ok as well as pockets somewhere so he could tuck something special in there..My GS just turned four and he was so thrilled to discover that he could put his matchbox cars in his pants pockets when he just turned 3...Also proud of himself to be able to zip up his hoodie jacket. maybe small straps with snaps on them to snap closed and the to pull apart to open.. I have some Minkee squares if you want them...let me know. H.

oksewglad 08-19-2012 06:43 PM

I agree. Buttons, zippers, pockets are important. If he is going to have some self sufficiency it is easier for him to learn about the above when he is young. The more he learns now, the better off he will be when he is older. What a kind thing to do , Jan.

oksewglad 08-19-2012 09:57 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Okay, so tonight I went through the blocks that I don't have done and those to do in the future. I have some fun kangaroo and Aussie flag fabric from QE to use for a mirabelle block. I also want to include Anael in an International block, but the Netherlands flag is just 3 horizontal red-white-blue bars. So I came up with a block for Anael that would substitute for some of those Y seam blocks we all love to hate. So here's Tulips for Anael. And there's a PP attachment as well as a Rotary cut attachment in PDF format. Enjoy. Now the Canadians--need to come up with something for you, too![ATTACH=CONFIG]356745[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]356746[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]356747[/ATTACH]

JeanieG 08-19-2012 10:13 PM

Oh that looks great - I think we all should do this block for Anael!

QuiltingNinaSue 08-20-2012 04:11 AM

Me, too. I agree. And the Maple leaf for Canada. And what for Mirabelle?

gardnergal970 08-20-2012 04:51 AM

That will be one of my substitute blocks. Thanks, OKSewglad.

dublb 08-20-2012 07:12 AM

Now that is darlin'! Great sub ta represent Anael! I'll have ta think about my red, cream & blue fabric & see if it will work.

JeanieG 08-20-2012 11:00 AM

Does anyone have the Maple Leaf in our size that they can share???

QuiltingNinaSue 08-20-2012 12:00 PM

Some one needs to take the Maple leaf block from from FWQ and size it up two inches...in EQ. I plan on using the tulip in place of the pig's tail. Love it when we all chat all week long, always something to read every morning, and in the afternoons.

I miss you'all when you are gone to retreats or, like QuiltE AWOL, for awhile.

gardnergal970 08-20-2012 12:55 PM

Actually we could take any 9 patch from the PC book and convert it to a maple leaf. It's squares and half triangles and then a stem. Shouldn't be too hard. I've looked briefly on line and 8 inch blocks are not nearly as adaptable as the 6, 9, or 12 inch ones are. Probably my last time doing 8 inch blocks!

oksewglad 08-20-2012 01:26 PM

I can resize the Maple Leaf into an 8" block for us. With the 8" block and 9P based blocks is that 8" divided by 3 equals 2.6666666667 (2 2/3"). Not a very friendly quilitng fraction. Let me go back to EQ and get one done.

I know I have the Aussie flag fabric for mirabelle--but does anyone have an idea I could build on (like the tulip) for Australia. I've been playing with a PP sheep, but don't have all the kinks out. Maybe mirabelle doesn't want to be represented by a sheep. Any ideas there, Sheila?

I'm tickled you all like the tulip block. Bev, I'm sure you can find appropriate fabrics your RWB's to give the proper perspectives.

I like the chatting on the discussion page, too QNS. Isn't that what it's for? Just because we are a little ADD let's us get off topic

oksewglad 08-20-2012 02:37 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Just like a bad penny I show up again. I have 3 count them 3 maple leaf versions. I will make 3 separate posts for each one. The first is a standard 9P ML minus some seams. Again there is a PDF for PP[ATTACH=CONFIG]356894[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]356895[/ATTACH]

oksewglad 08-20-2012 02:42 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Since the above block looks great in an on point quilt. I modified the block for a straight setting. You will have to piece one of the PP sections. I couldn't get it on one page. There is also a rotary cut PDF.[ATTACH=CONFIG]356896[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]356897[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]356898[/ATTACH]

oksewglad 08-20-2012 02:46 PM

3 Attachment(s)
I like the way the next block; just a little smaller than the #2 block.[ATTACH=CONFIG]356899[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]356900[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]356901[/ATTACH]

Now to see if the Canadians like them and which is their favorite!

QuiltingNinaSue 08-20-2012 02:55 PM

OksewGlad, we are not ADD, we get off the topic 'cause there's so many ways we can each look blocks & at quilting, even creating blocks and discussing what we are doing with life in general. QuiltE is not exactly AWOL, but she's not "POP' in very often and is missed greatly....As we will miss the comments from others who go on their retreats...even though they are having fun...I miss their comments on line here.

Dh had pp Hunter's choice, and now has misplaced it in moving back to his room, so will have to check for that asap. Haircuts at the Barbershop tomorrow, returned the code reader hand held machine to Wal Mart checker who dropped it into my clear plastic tub and I failed to see it until that afternoon, and check with the butcher at the meat processing plant about the neighbor's beef he will be butchering for us next week. Approximately 1400 pound Angus steer; will split costs with dd and dfriend.

Looks like I will be alternate driver for dear friend on Mondays and Fridays as she takes her Aunt to Des Moines for Cancer treatment. She will drop her off on Mondays and pick her back up on Fridays...for five weeks. Although it will cut into quilting time, and housework, I will set aside the time to help dear friend. The good news is we get a chance at exploring more quilt shops and the book store we both like.

Does anybody know Cindy Ciascato who is going to be with Somewhere Quilting shop in Ohio for certification(?)? And according to that shop, Judy Niemeyer is coming out with a new Wedding Ring template??

QuiltingNinaSue 08-20-2012 02:58 PM

Mmmm, I like Maple leaf number one, but the other two look very interesting. Thanks, OKsewGlad.

dublb 08-20-2012 03:23 PM

I too love the chatter. I always save these threads for last 'cause they are where I want ta linger. :)
OK - I love the Maple Leaf patterns.It always amazes me what ya can do w/EQ.
Sue - I know that your quiltin' time will be cut into but ya are gonna be blessed for doin' this for your friend. I admire ya for doin' this!

I've been busy workin' on my DNephew's graduation quilt. I told the manager, at the Assisted Living Facility where DMIL is, that I would see if I could do somethin' about her bobbin tension troubles on her DSM. It is a Euro Pro Deluxe Denim Machine. I cleaned it up, oiled it, found a piece o' thread stuck way back in the back of the bobbin area, & adjusted the bobbin tension. I thought I would test it on some o' the denim rag blocks for my nephew. Wow what a machine. Glenda said that I can use it till I finish his quilt. :)

QuiltingNinaSue 08-20-2012 03:49 PM

Wonder how many in Assisted Living would like to quilt a hot pad?? You may end up with a group quilting with you, Dublb. I know they usually like to interest the elder generation with different activities. I guess you can keep the machine humming along merrily doing the denim quilt...show us when you finish it.

mirabelle 08-20-2012 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by janRN (Post 5452754)
I need some advice and hope it's okay to ask it on this thread. My friend has a friend with a 4 year old little boy who has many health problems that resulted in him losing his sight and most of his hearing. I read somewhere about "sensory quilts" or something like that. I'd like to make one for him. I don't know the real name of them to even Google for info so I'm asking yinz for help. My plan: it would only be about 18" x 20" and made out of large squares of different textured fabrics (fleece, corduroy, flannel, chenile, suede, etc). The ones I saw also had a zipper and buttons sewn on. I don't think I should add those since he's only 4. What do you think? Also, some had ribbons hanging off the sides; is this a good/bad idea for a 4 y/o? Can you think of anything else I might add? I'm lost here and you ladies are always so kind and have great suggestions. Help, please!!

JanRN I googles Sensory quilts but didn't really find anything, how about appliqueing animals like giraffe and use wool for a plaited tail, or a bear with a furry tummy, lots of pockets with zippers and velcro, you could also stitch in bear growlers or small toys that rattle or make a noise, just a few ideas

JeanieG 08-20-2012 04:40 PM

Thanks for the quick work on the Maple Leaf Block, OKsewglad! I have EQ5, but don't have much luck with it, always getting stuff designed, then lose them, or can't find them again. I don't know if the later EQ's are any easier, but I found EQ5 to be very difficult to learn. I also like the 1st block the best.

gardnergal970 08-20-2012 04:47 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 5454908)
I can resize the Maple Leaf into an 8" block for us. With the 8" block and 9P based blocks is that 8" divided by 3 equals 2.6666666667 (2 2/3"). Not a very friendly quilitng fraction. Let me go back to EQ and get one done.

I know I have the Aussie flag fabric for mirabelle--but does anyone have an idea I could build on (like the tulip) for Australia. I've been playing with a PP sheep, but don't have all the kinks out. Maybe mirabelle doesn't want to be represented by a sheep. Any ideas there, Sheila?


I think Australia is also known for kangaroos and camels.

mirabelle 08-20-2012 04:48 PM

I love the tulip block for Anael and the second Maple Leaf for QuiltE, I will definitely substitute two blocks for these and there is a Stars and Stripes blocks soon so that is for my US friends. A Sheep???? hmmmm the area I live in is predominantly sugar cane but the tourist area is called the "Great Green Way" and is represented by a green tree frog a Frog????hmmmmm. I might have to look for a PP'd rose

I love to read the chatter every morning, its like a daily fix.

janRN 08-20-2012 05:11 PM

Thank you, ladies, for all the great suggestions for the sensory quilt. I like the idea of pockets and some animals (maybe I'll just make tails since I can't applique). I'll check out what the mom wants; I get the idea she just wants something cuddlly for him to hang on to. Thank you--I knew I could count on yinz!

OK great job with the tulips and maple leaf blocks. I saved some pp animals. Let me check for a frog or kangaroo (if I can remember what I saved them under).

janRN 08-20-2012 05:19 PM

Here's a link to a really cute pp frog block: www.winnowing.com/frog.html

QuiltingNinaSue 08-20-2012 05:36 PM

Yep, he is a cute little 4" frog. I have one if I can lay hands on it..that is bigger, and he is facing you ready to go "Rrrripppppp!" Also have Noah's Ark of pp animals on a CD.

oksewglad 08-20-2012 05:59 PM

Oh what a great frog--I should be able to super size (8") him. He can also represent any frog stitching we've all managed to do! Anxious to see what QNS comes up with.

dublb 08-20-2012 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltingNinaSue (Post 5455191)
Wonder how many in Assisted Living would like to quilt a hot pad?? You may end up with a group quilting with you, Dublb. I know they usually like to interest the elder generation with different activities. I guess you can keep the machine humming along merrily doing the denim quilt...show us when you finish it.

All o' the residents at the Assisted Living facility are in late stages o' Alzheimer's. Very sad. In the 3 years that DMIL has been there there has only been 2 that weren't in some stage o' dementia. I wish that some o' them could do something crafty. Glenda just wanted the machine ta work in case she needed it. It hasn't worked in over a year.

dublb 08-20-2012 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by janRN (Post 5455360)
Here's a link to a really cute pp frog block: www.winnowing.com/frog.html

Now that's cute!

oksewglad 08-20-2012 09:31 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here's I hope a balanced RipIt the Frog in an 8" block. He's just so cute. May not work in Bev's RWB's though, [ATTACH=CONFIG]356966[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]356967[/ATTACH]

QuiltingNinaSue 08-21-2012 03:32 AM

Oksewglad, the frog is just too cute!! Great job.Looks simple to do, no Y seams!!

mirabelle 08-21-2012 03:33 AM

love the cute frog

QuiltingNinaSue 08-21-2012 05:56 AM

Well, I vote for the ittle frog. Yep, I had a pattern, but after I tore my newly organized cave apart I remembered loaning it to a friend who misplaces things most of the time...in her two and half rooms of fabric, etc., best to move on and not count on my frog...cannot even find the squares that I had done. Think she might have taken the whole packet to keep it together at my urgings.

Good news is that I found some other stuff I was looking for!!! So can get that packet for adopted gd together in the near future.

dublb 08-21-2012 09:55 AM

Ahhh I love the frog. Your right it won't work w/the R/W/B. I'll never pick out fabric before I git my book or pattern again! Hmmm I guess I'll stick w/ the Mariners' Compasses that I had planned before. I sewed my rag quilt tagether wrong & had ta frog stitch it yesterday. I guess I'll redo it taday.

oksewglad 08-21-2012 10:26 AM

My browsing was just interrupted by a QE PM and a link to why she hasn't "Popped" in. Aren't her little quilts just great.


Now back to work for me too.

dublb 08-21-2012 10:37 AM

I did already go there & see. Awesome display! Ya'll go & see.

QuiltE 08-21-2012 10:48 AM

Fly by post Ladies ... I'm sorry I haven't been able to be with you and keep up with what's been happening in the PC corral. And sadly :( I can;t even take the time to read the rest of the posts in this thread today

I promised to give pics of the tabletoppers I was working on, when done. Well, that didn't happen quite so fast. The display is all set up ... and this thread explains my whereabouts this last while and for the next bit too!


I do look forward to getting back in the saddle ...... but probably there won't be much time til October!

dublb 08-21-2012 11:57 AM

We'll miss ya so much QE!!!! Have a great Expo & we'll be waitin' for ya. :)

oksewglad 08-21-2012 08:52 PM

Just a note about the alternate blocks I have posted. I just printed them up and funny thing is the first page of each block did not print the outer 1/4" seam allowances, but page 2 of each block did. :hunf: So remember to allow the outer seam allowance. Don't know why it did that. Sorry for the inconvenience.

JeanieG 08-21-2012 09:08 PM

No problem oksewglad - we can add the 1/4 seam

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