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Honchey 08-14-2012 04:14 PM

The FWS Pony Club Quilt=Along Wk 32 New Jersey & Norway Pine Discussion Page
Just wanted you to know that Monmouth County in NJ had a ton of chicken farms way back when and the 11 acre property next to our property was a chicken farm/eggs also. My DH"s grandparents owned it before us and they would keep the eggs that the straying chickens would lay on their side of fence...The owners of the chickens wanted Nana & Honey to pay for them...They never did! Yup, Honey was grampa's nickname. A warning...you need Sunglasses!!! Go Look!

QuiltingNinaSue 08-14-2012 04:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
OK, Honchey, its 7:45pm and I don't know where go to look....or find the photo page. Will check later. the Chicken farms sound very interesting.[ATTACH=CONFIG]355515[/ATTACH]Currently working on gs quilt...its a work in progress, have a skunk, chipmunk, and possum blocks cut out to add to quilt. Beavers and ducks with be added to the bottom and Mountains with Eagles on the top.

New WalMart Opening tomorrow; will brave the crowd to go have a 'see'.

QuiltingNinaSue 08-14-2012 05:11 PM

dh moved out!!!....out of my quilt room....Rah, rah, rah. Now looking at used LA. Looking, not buying...yet.

It's like the old story:Jane went to bed.....oh, don't get excited or misled...Jane went to bed with a pain in her head!!

janRN 08-14-2012 05:24 PM

QNS you had me worried there for a minute thinking DH moved out on ya!!! Hope you get that LA-your quilts are awesome.

Chicken story: when I was growing up my mother worked at GC Murphy's 5 & 10. Every year at Easter time the store gave away free baby chicks. For 2 weeks prior my sister & I would work on the box that we'd put our peeps in when we got them (please remember I'm a city gal, this is as "farm" as I get). Finally the day would come and we'd go get 2 peeps each. I always got 2 yellow ones and she would get 2 pink ones. Why did they dye them? Parents made us get different colors so if one met an unfortunate demise we'd know whose it was. We loved those little fluffy things--probably carried them around too much. We wanted to sleep with them in our room but they lived in a wooden box with a window screen on top in the hall way (they did smell a little). It was neat to see them grow but you know kids--after about 2-3 weeks we'd get bored with them. My dad would load the box in the back seat of the car and take them to a friend's farm where they'd live happily ever after with all their little peep friends. (Or so we were told). I can't imagine a store giving away chicks nowadays--PETA would picket! It did teach us responsiblity and made me the city girl I am today!! (Sorry my story is boring compared to all you farm folks LOL!!)

dublb 08-14-2012 08:50 PM

I love your story's Honchey & Jan! Keep 'em comin'!
Sue! Ya nearly gave me heart attack! :D:D Now I think it is hysterical! I also think your GS quilt is very 'boy.' Neat'o, as my son would have said a few years ago.

I just worked on my friends sewin' machine & got it up & runnin'. Actually she is the manager o' the assisted living care facility that I have my DMIL at. I talk ta her daily & we've become friends. She asked me ta take a gander at it & I did. I'm gonna head ta bed in li'le bit, just as soon as I check out the Milestone page.

QuiltingNinaSue 08-15-2012 07:20 PM

Little action here, everyone must be busy in what life has thrown at them. The new Wal-Mart does have more floor space and has keep its fabric department, It has a grocery line now, and its open 24/7.

The rest of the peaches have ripened in paper sacks, so its back to the kitchen in the morning to finish them into jam. Dh relation(his Aunt and family) is coming on Saturday (or we are going there) to 'gift' the three quilts in memory of his father.. Menu has been agreed upon (yes, with them we do review the menu before we get together) and sill start playing cards (500) by 9 o'clock in the morning and do it all day long.

Guineas have developed a love for any beet or lettuce greens they can find...so we had to put screen plastic wire over the plants to protect them. They fly up on the roof top every morning to survey the town of Hartford. And if dh opens the garage doors to work in his workshop, they are right there to 'help' him. All the fowl seem to 'mind' him better than me...but the turkeys will come when called if I have any dew berries for them.. Alas, that season has past. Awaiting for the time when the pullets start to lay their eggs...know nothing about the guineas laying eggs or raising a family...or ducks and turkeys. Guess we will learn if and when they do lay eggs.

It rained here finally, hope everyone is enjoying the summer; our daylight hours are getting shorter already.

mirabelle 08-15-2012 08:07 PM

2 Attachment(s)
This is what has kept me busy for the past month (just quilting it) I spent over 60 hours just on the quilting. I finished the embroideries and then decided to try and do it as a quilt as you go. So armed with a lot of information and a lot of prayers. I quilted it in sections, the top 4 blocks, then the centrepiece and 4 blocks together and then the last 4 blocks, sewed the panels together at the front then hand sewed the overlap at the back then quilted that sashing strip, hope that makes sense. I then zigzaged the wadding to the sides for the final bordersand attached the final borders with the backing fabric all pinned at the same time so no hand sewing, just had to mitre the corners both back and front and then I decided to do a two color binding so I would have black on the front to match the border fabric and cream on the back to match the backing.

Now my daughter and I can fight over who gets to keep it..:D

I have to drop it off tomorrow as it is going into an exhibition in a couple of weeks and I can't make it so friends are taking it for me.

dublb 08-15-2012 08:22 PM

GASP! That's beautiful! I love the roses. I'm startin' ta think o' you as a "Rose" person!

JeanieG 08-15-2012 08:24 PM

Oh my goodness Mirabelle! You did an amazing job on that quilt. I would never have the patience to do something like that! Beautiful, beautiful!!!!

mirabelle 08-15-2012 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by dublb (Post 5443611)
GASP! That's beautiful! I love the roses. I'm startin' ta think o' you as a "Rose" person!

Thanks Dublb, yes roses are my favourite flower, DH keeps buying me rose plants but I don't have any luck growing them, go figure.

JeanieG I have been working on it for a while, the embroideries took me about 4 months to complete, and because I had a clear picture in my mind of how I wanted it quilted I decided to do it myself. (I wish I would stop listening to myself because by the end I was exhausted)

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