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Honchey 07-31-2012 06:03 PM

The FWS Pony Club Quilt-Along Wk 30 Morning Star & Mayflower Discussion Page
Week 30 and we're 2/3rds of the way thru this trailride.. This cowpoke has been consistant in sewing only one block a week...I do have a good excuse...the Olympics......I don't know what Laurie was thinking when she decided on the blocks with "Y" seams...sooooo many of them!!

Now a couple of letters.

Week 19.. Gladys Ellwood, Franklin County,

VermontI could see no mention of siblings in Gladys' letter or in the photographs that
she sent to the Webb Publishing Company. Therefore, I wasn't surprised to find
that she was an only child. Gladys and her parents didn't travel far; they spent
their whole lives in the state of Vermont.

This genealogy will be in two sections--Gladys first, and then her parents.

What I could find about Gladys' life is very straightforward. She was born
Martha Gladys Ellwood, on February 25, 1902, and presumably lived with her
parents until she married at the age of 27. Her husband's name was Guy Cray, and
they married on October 20, 1929, just a few days before the Stock Market Crash
that began the Great Depression. Gladys and Guy lived very long lives; he died
in 1982 at the age of 84, and Gladys died in a nursing home in 1996, at 94 years
of age.

Her parent's records caught my eye because of the 1930 census. There are three
people listed in the household; Guy (age 31), Gladys (28) and Gladys' father
Clarence (52.) (I believe that it is most likely Clarence's picture on page 41.)
What became of Gladys' mother, Gertrude, I wondered? I found her death record in
1927. She died from asthma at the age of 61, two years before Gladys' marriage.
(I imagine they greatly missed her not being there!) I think that it is
interesting that Gladys' father was twelve years younger than his wife. Clarence
married again at the age of 65 to a woman named Lillian. Clarence died in 1961,
having been married to his second wife for almost 20 years.

(I just noticed--My grandfather's first and second wife's names were Gertrude
and Lillian, too! :)

Week 20.. Lee Mohr, Marshall County, Iowa

As some of you suspected, I could not find any positive information about Lee. I
found two "Lee Mohr's" but both were from the eastern side of Iowa. Since
Marshall County is in the central part of the state, I didn't want to guess. I'm
still going to work on it though, and I hope to find the correct one in time.

QuiltingNinaSue 07-31-2012 06:33 PM

Sounds like a needle in the haystack to find the true information. ,,much like doing family genealogy when you were not raised in the "family" per se, but by foster grandparents...we knew our true Mother and Father who were divorced after my birth...so I have been creating and raising 'caine' since birth. lol!! Finally found 2600 kinfolk after three years of work and the computer crashed, destroying all records. Maybe I will rebuild someday.

Off to Des Moines, Iowa, tomorrow and hope the weather cools a bit and is not as hot as today. Tomatoes seem to produce so much, I am passing them on to others to enjoy also(and I do not have to can right now!!). Will find the slashing for the PC quilt tomorrow for sure. The home to finishing the 'gone fishing' quilt and get it quilted across the road, put binding on the 'Chains of Love' and "Dear Deer" by mid-August, host friends on the weekend, and generally relax and enjoy the cool AC in the house. And the other dozen things that comes into reality life, as time moves on, into August already!! Rather be in the virtual RV, chatting about quilting to all of you.

So, add your two cents, and I will enjoy reading every entry, and seeing everyone's block for the week.

QuiltE 07-31-2012 07:03 PM

Oh Ladies, how I miss the trail ride. More so, how I miss each of you!!
I doubt you'll see much if any progress from me for the next couple of months ... just too busy right now, and that's not with canning, freezing, picking etc. that you have to do QNSue!

Honchey ... when you commented about the Laurie, what was she thinking? I thought you were going to say you wondered why she planned this during the Olympics. Of course, she had no part in the two merging. Funny enough, I remember exactly what I was working on when the Winter Olympics were here in Canada. Many hours I worked on "the cow" as the Olympics went along!

QNSue ... does the DesMoines trip mean that we will see your FWS all quilted now? Yeeeehaaawww!

mirabelle 07-31-2012 11:12 PM

QuiltE keep popping in to say hi every now and then, hope you can get some sewing done on your PC quilt

QuiltingNinaSue 08-01-2012 02:46 AM

yes, QuiltE, I am taking thee "FWS' to DM today...also showing the Chains of Love, and the Dear Deer, and the Pony Blocks to the ladies at Creekside Quilting. It will be a fun, fun, fun day...may you all have a good day as well. Maybe even a FART day!!

gardnergal970 08-01-2012 04:39 AM

Yes QuiltE, do keep popping in. Your comments are always so welcome and often leave me in stitches!

QNSue...you've gotten so much done this summer. What a treat to have a totally fun day planned. Enjoy!

Honchey...will there be another showing of 15? Have to clear off my design wall and take a picture if there is.

Honchey 08-01-2012 05:51 AM

Yes, there will be a thread for the 60 block/blocks 45-60 Milestone... I forgot to post it..will post next Tuesday to give an extra week for those who want to catch up..

oksewglad 08-01-2012 08:09 AM

Oh some of us will be far enough behind there will be no trail dust to eat, right QE!
It will be late in the month before I even get back to these. Looks like I will be having a "Gathering" at our house. DB/SIL, DS/BIL will be here prior to a family reunion, with other DB and our kids should have 12 adults and 7 kids here at any given time over a 3 day period. Yikes--glad the freezers full. Everyone pitches in for KP duty so that is a big help.
DS is staying for 10 days+ and bringing her machine. Maybe I will teach her how to PP--Quit snickering, QE, the winds in the East today-I can hear you!
Yesterday spent all day--I mean 12 hours plus cleaning my porch--scrubbed the siding where the dust and fly specks don't get rain washed (what rain, she asks?) and the wood floor. Should've taken time to reseal the decking, but that will have to wait. This such a nice spot to sit in the evenings and visit so a "must" in preparations.
Back to some yard work today.
Woke up to an early morning phone call--heifers from the south farm out at N&N's--still trying to wake up--not working so will go get more fresh air.

gardnergal970 08-01-2012 08:51 AM

With no trail dust to get in your eyes, shouldn't be hard to make some beauties when you finally get to them. OKSewGlad...company is always a lot of work but family is precious. I'm sure they are coming to see you and not the house! Not a good wake up call. Hope you have the fence well repaired. It seems like once one of them finds a hole, she can figure out how to make another one and the rest follow. Have fun with your DS. So nice you can share the craft.

Okay, Homchey. I'll get ready for the photo shoot. Oh, I agree with what you said about getting bored with a project, I'm kind if there with the PC too but keep plugging away. For fun, I'm cutting strips from scraps and FQs I will never use in the near future so I can go to the next project with a little less guilt. My scrap bins overflow and I was always taught not to waste so they have been dragging me down.

mirabelle 08-01-2012 07:46 PM

I spent all day Sunday organising my PC blocks, sashing strips sewn on and photo taken. I know an over achiever but after moving the sewing room and "finding" all my ufo's that were stuffed here and there I was amazed at how much I had started. SO the plan is to work on one ufo each week and try and make sense of it all. So far I have 3 charity quilts finished except for the quilting.
Now to start cooking dinner, DS is coming over for Roast Chicken with stuffing and all the vegies, everyones welcome

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