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dublb 10-12-2012 07:04 AM

Originally Posted by jclinganrey (Post 5579787)
I'm not part of this particular quilt-along but am really enjoying your beautiful work. I have a question: what does FWS stand for??? I've seen the various posts & groups and I'm baffled!!! Thanks for 'educating' me.


Originally Posted by carriem (Post 5579817)
FWS=Farmers Wife Sampler....it was the 1st quilt/book that Laurie Aaron Hird wrote

FWS PC is Farmer's Wife Sampler Pony Club. It is her second book & what we are doin' now. It can be baffling.

dublb 10-12-2012 07:06 AM

Well I got up early & went ta see the Dr. I gotta sore throat yesterday, & by last night I knew it was gonna git bad. I called everybody that were gonna meet us in Brady th'sweekend & cancelled. Th'smornin' the Dr. said that I got Acute Pharyngitis. I'm glad that I cancelled but am sad too. I was gonna see my DD & her whole family.http://www.quiltinghaven.com/Smileys/default/sad.gif My Dsis & her family were goin'. My DCousin & her DH were goin'. We were gonna have a mini family reunion.

gardnergal970 10-12-2012 08:40 AM

QuiltE, Dubib...I know we didn't catch it from each other but it's sure no fun being sick. I've slept downstairs in the recliner all week so DH could sleep without me hacking beside him. I can't remember feeling this bad for this long for ever. I haven't sewn a stitch in 3 days....so sad. Sorry you had to cancel your Brady celebration, Dubib. Maybe we all could use the old fashioned hot toddy my Mom used to give us. Too bad I don't have any whiskey in the house!

dublb 10-12-2012 08:47 AM

Oh GG what a good idea. There is some whiskey in the cupboard here. I'll have ta ask DH how old it is. Does whiskey go bad? (I bet it's over 7 or 8 yrs old.)
I did make myself some lemon tea w/splenda in it & that feels good on the throat.

QuiltE 10-12-2012 09:00 AM

Checking in from sick bay .... I think we went round this once before together?

I've been salt water gargling and sniffing vicks melted in boiling water ....... and drinking LOTS of water!

GGal ... You must have had a good Mom!! We never got hot toddies, only mustard plasters ... ick! :(

DublB .. no, whiskey does not go bad ... better with age!

dublb 10-12-2012 11:04 AM

DH came home at lunch time & said that he took the rest o' the day off. I just made a hot toddy & am goin' ta bed. LOL Talkin' about goin' straight ta my head.

gardnergal970 10-12-2012 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by dublb (Post 5580486)
DH came home at lunch time & said that he took the rest o' the day off. I just made a hot toddy & am goin' ta bed. LOL Talkin' about goin' straight ta my head.

Let us know if you think that "medicine" worked for you.

QuiltE 10-12-2012 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by gardnergal970 (Post 5580548)
Let us know if you think that "medicine" worked for you.

I think she'll now be really "out to lunch" now! :D
............ she says as she sneezes once again!

oksewglad 10-12-2012 02:33 PM

Yikes hope we aren't in for round two, or is it just a change in weather?

QuiltE 10-12-2012 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 5580834)
Yikes hope we aren't in for round two, or is it just a change in weather?

Round Two?
Heck ... I'd like to get over Round One! :D

dublb 10-12-2012 02:52 PM

Hey ya'll, I took an hour nap & got woke up when my DSis called. She told me that my DGM fell at the beauty shop & hit her head. They took her ta the ER. DGM's head was bleedin' & one o' her eyes didn't respond ta light. With my sore throat I can't go & be there for her or my DM. I've been playin' w/1.5" squares. Tryin' ta bury my anxiety. LOL Now I'm exhausted. I'll make another hot toddy tanight. (Did I tell ya'll I hate whiskey.)

JeanieG 10-12-2012 03:18 PM

Oh ss you guys are sick! That is no fun at all. Those bugs do tend to linger! QuiltE, have you been to the Dr. with yours, my Dr. says if you are not better after a week, to come in because you probably need an antibiotic to cure it!

QuiltE 10-12-2012 04:10 PM

Thanks JeanieG ... I haven't been a week yet, so I must be OK, right? :)
I thought of the Dr. route though I;m sure I'll just get told it's a cold and wait it out.
Just call me Little Miss Impatience! :

DublB ... so sorry about your DGM. I'm sure it's tough that you have to stay away. I hope she settles and all is OK.

carriem 10-12-2012 06:08 PM

Bummer that many of you are sick! Praying that by next week all are well. :)

I got 2 blocks finished today...only posted Lucky Star, the other one I did was "telephone" and I have "floral bouquet" about half done. I want to get the "on-point" blocks finished since they will be in the middle of one of my quilts. Maybe tomorrow I can get 3 or 4 blocks done since we won't have school and I don't have to do any housework. Less than 10 blocks left! Thunderstorms are predicted, so I hope we don't lose power!

dublb 10-12-2012 06:13 PM

My DGM is Okay. DM just called & DGM doesn't have a concussion, nor is her arm broke. :) She has finally agreed ta git a walker!!!

QuiltingNinaSue 10-13-2012 04:38 AM

Hey, dublb, glad to hear all is well on your scene there & family. Hope everyone is feeling better today; its raining here. Sinusitis are going crazy; took some medicine so I can breathe.

Took our neighbor lady to my favorite quilt shops in the area yesterday; an to a cross stitch show in a local bank. The latter is her passion and she does a beautiful job of it. Although she has lived in Germany, and is retired from Florida here, she really does not know our area. So Sunday afternoon, we journey to visit with the local quilt guild, and in November, we will attend the local cross stitch meeting, so she can get better acquainted with the good folks here with her interests in mind. She did get the corduroy fabric to finish her Christmas stockings she had cross stitched for each of her siblings: brother and sisters. Had a great day together.

janRN 10-13-2012 04:53 AM

Great news, Dublb.

Went to a small quilt show yesterday (sorry no pics). The theme was Scrappy Quilts and it was interesting to see some of my "older" fabrics in some of them. I was surprised at the number of hand-quilted quilts this year--loved looking at those since in previous years there were so few. Lots of vendors but I was pretty good; only a few FQs followed me home. (Ok 12 of them followed me.) Great lunch then a quick run in to Joanne's for needles. Great fall day--the trees are just about at peak color so the ride was beautiful. Best thing was I was able to give my friend's son 2 chairs and an ottoman that were taking up space in my sunroom where I have my Sweet 16 so now I have lots of room to work. DH is scared I'm taking over the whole house. What's wrong with that????

Honchey 10-13-2012 03:21 PM

Hope everyone that's got the sniffles gets better soon..it's horrible ..I know the feeling very well....DublB glad your DGM is better....I have good news....My niece's Tricky Tray for the Boy's Scouts raised close to $5,000 dollars...It was exhausting....but lots of fun....now it's time to get back to the FWS. I participated in a postage stamp swap and received an envelope of 30 little packs of "stamps" they are so cute!!!! I'm not going to open them yet.. only play with them abit....

QuiltE 10-13-2012 03:32 PM

DublB ... good to know that all is good with DGM!

QNSue ... Looks like you had a good day out gallavanting! Always good to see what others make and be inspired!

JanRN ... What? only a dozen? any specific project in mind? Yea for furniture removal and creating space in "your" space! Tell DH, he's right ... it's all about YOU! :)

Honchey ... Congratulations to your niece .. it's a lot of work to do these things, and the rewards come with the success! What followed you home, Honchey? And how did your quilt do? By chance was it one of your family/friends who got it? That'd be nice!

Me? ... I've decided I'm allergic to my home! Last night I coughed in bed a lot, to the point of almost choking, gagging and being sick. I'm sure my throat must have been raw. "drank" cough medicine and it settled it for a bit and then it was back. Left early to take my quilts to the Show/Sale and as the day went on, I was fine and my throat was feeling better and better, and NO coughing!! I thought oh good, I'm over it. Came home and not long after, guess what? Right into a coughing fit ... and then again ... and again ... Oh joy Oh bliss, I can just imagine the sleep I will NOT have tonight!

At the Craft Sale and Quilt Show/Sale ... about 30 vendors. I don't know the people, but I think most were fairly local. IMHO too many with the same type of stuff. Being that it was pretty much stuff I would do (or stuff I don't want!) the only purchase was from a LQS .... one Stonehenge Christmas panel with 2 coordinating FQs (JanNRN, that's TWO, not 12!!!!). Strange Lady ... she didn't have a calculator, had forgotten bags for purchases, and didn;t seem to know her prices! And then after I left the show I went to a different LQS en route home ... same panel $7.50 ... I'd paid $13.98!! Will I ever go to her LQS?

There were 33 quilts in the Show/Sale! They were nicely displayed, all hung. A real range in prices ... some fairly priced, some ridiculously low and wouldn't have covered the cost of the fabrics! I'm not expecting sales ... but who knows? Anything is possible.

The show stopper for me was a Snowflake Quilt, all paper pieced. Incredible!! Large snowflakes, probably 15" or so across, each different, spread out on a background of assorted blues.

And oh ... machine quilting does not a quilt make!
Yup ... that's what I was told by one of the ladies at the show. I was wandering around all the quilts and got chatting with two ladies about an applique Teddy Bear quilt that was absolutely gorgeous, and had hours and hours of work on it with Teddy's in all different seasons including a Bride and Groom! Anyways, she then proceeded to tell me it was a real quilt and started talking about machine quilting being no good! Oh OK, Lady, whatever you say (Note: I kept my lips zipped!!! hard to believe, right? :)).

Then next thing she was reaching and showing me these non-quilts ... yup you guessed it ... both examples just happened to be mine! And how terrible the butterflies were, all over "that" quilt! Lips stayed zipped ... though later, I thought I should have said, oh that's my quilt!

Silently I laughed ... and let it go!!
And there's your *giggle* for the day! :)

So the question of the night ... could it be possible there's something in my home that;'s getting to me? Or am I going nuts?

mirabelle 10-13-2012 03:37 PM

Oh I hope you girls are feeling better, nothing worse than not being well, I am sending my warm weather your way..

DublB so happy to hear DGM did not injure herself, what a scare it must have been.

It's back to the sewing room for me today to work on PC blocks...well that's the plan but DH might have other ideas:D

QuiltE 10-13-2012 03:44 PM

Thanks MiraB ... as for the warm weather to us ... it was MINUS 7C when I left home today! So send all you want!

ENJOY your DH while you have him home with you .... then away again, and let you sew!! :D

carriem 10-13-2012 04:21 PM

We got some rain here on and off all day and more expected for tomorrow. Perfect day for sewing. :) I got 4 blocks finished (2 not posted yet are: floral bouquet and young man's fancy). I just have 7 left! Tonight I am going to sort the finished ones into my 2 quilts. I will take pictures when I have better light and post pictures in the 45 block thread tomorrow.

Sounds like everyone else is keeping busy too!

janRN 10-13-2012 05:16 PM

Sorry everyone is feeling so crappy (that's a techinical term used by us nurses LOL). Had to take Patches to the vet again today--his nose is draining so much. After an exam, blood test, antibiotics, and his arthritis med the bill was $222.50!!! Oh well, he's worth it.

QE, have you changed or cleaned your furnace filter? Maybe there's dust trapped in there and when you're at home you're breathing that in. (My house is so dusty from DH sanding that it feels like you're walking on the beach). Also maybe try a humidifier or a pot of water on the heat register in your bedroom.

I laughed about your QS encounters, QE. Went to one yesterday and was amazed at what was entered. There were at least 3 jelly roll strip quilts. Nothing fancy, just strips. A lot of the comments at this show were about how "over quilted" some of the quilts were. The blocks/patterns were lost in the quilting. It was still fun and inspiring.

oksewglad 10-13-2012 06:45 PM

Funny thing, Jan, I was thinking the same thing about QE's furnace filter. And you know it's been a dry summer so lots of dust in the air that filters into the house--no you got to be kidding!!!!

Quilts were quilted by machine when the first sewing machines came on the market too. Nothing fancy, lots of straight line quilting. Could be alot of antique non quilts out there too.(sic)
I will admit sometimes I think there is too much quilting. Since quilting is not as important to keep batting in place as it once was (early battings were just loose and not held together very well) I feel the quilting should complement the block/quilt, not overwhelm either. IMHO.

QuiltE 10-13-2012 07:53 PM

Now here's a funny one for you two ... I started to wonder about the furnace filter too, tonight!
I changed it ... didn't seem all that dirty, but maybe it'll make a difference.

I've been thinking of the water in the bedroom thing ... and haven't figured out where to put it for safety ... I can be such a clutz! I've actually been thinking of putting the crockpot on to steam the water up ... what do you think? Again, where is the question I have to figure out.

About the non-quilt lady ... while I kept my comments to myself, I did remind her that everyone has different things that they like and don't like ... and lucky that we can all appreciate different things in quilts.

OKSGlad ... you reminded me about antique non-quilts ... my Mom had one done in solid yellow, lavender and white. Yes, just like Easter! And it was machine quilted ... probably made pre-50s, as it was always around in my lifetime and I remember it already washed, worn and showing wear. It may have been from her wedding, but I doubt it was that old.

dublb 10-13-2012 09:56 PM

QE how awesome is that. Do ya still have it & if so can we see picts? I bet it's awesome!

QuiltingNinaSue 10-14-2012 03:28 AM

Yes, do a show and tell; love to see pictures of quilts. Mirabell's was great, layout of Carrie's quilts great...went back and checked out Mirabell's pictures to her retreat and enjoyed them all again. Miracle of modern age, getting to enjoy things again and again. Wondered what the retreat area itself looked like, someplace I would never have the nerve to go 'cause I am afraid of heights and straight down vertical land.

Stems from going on a small plane ride with a pilot who was giving dh his first (and last) flying lesson who shut the engine off at about 5000 feet above our Lake Rathburn area and let the plane just sit there for 30 seconds to a minute or so. Too long for me. Now I freeze up in going over Trail Ridge Road in Colorado (11,000 ft high) and dh had to drive us over and down when we go there....(not lately!!)

QuiltE 10-14-2012 04:07 AM

DublB ... no, I don't have it, so no pics!

QNSue ... I've obviously not found that thread yet ... and now you have me curious about MiraB's retreat!!! YIKES!!!!!!! on that plane ride .... that guy mustn't have wanted your DH to learn!! have you ever gone in a plane since? :eek:

QuiltingNinaSue 10-14-2012 08:57 AM

Nope, that was enough; this ole lady is going stick to the seat in her car!!...until some one takes a notion to go over Trail Ridge Road...then I will walk, thank you. We have been through Sheep's Canyon in Utah...you double back on yourself there...and the bottom is a very rough, rocky road that floods when it rains in the mountains, so campers are no longer allowed to camp there. Lost a group of campers that way, we were told...back in 1966. No idea what it is like today.

Tried train travel once; that was enough.

Dh cannot drive far, so we generally sit at home, sweet home. But it is nice to take virtual trips in our virtual PC RV to see all of you and what you are seeing, too.

QuiltE 10-14-2012 09:09 AM

And sometimes, virtual trips are the BEST!!!!!!!!

QuiltE 10-14-2012 10:16 AM

Ladies ... is anyone familiar with these

as posted on this thread ...
post #7

carriem 10-14-2012 10:24 AM

Nope, but the needles look interesting. If you try them out, be sure to let us know what you think.

carriem 10-14-2012 04:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
No new PC blocks today but I did finish my Rosie block for next week and worked on this table runner for my mom. I am going to use a burgandy binding. I used the MM Tessellating Windmill ruler...I am demoing it at the LQS where I work in a couple weeks so figured this was a good way to practice. :) I used a batik charm pack. My plan is to use insul-brite (heat resistant batting) so she can keep it on the table as a "hot pad". Her table is much longer than mine so this will sit nicely in the middle.

QuiltingNinaSue 10-14-2012 05:09 PM

Carrie, well done project; love the color you have in it. And the bed quilts are great too. Isn't it nice to finish projects?? I am hoping to finish more of mine this month and next.

QuiltE 10-14-2012 06:22 PM

Nicely done, CarrieM ... be sure to have lots of those charm packs in stock when you demo, as people will want to "copy" it!

JeanieG 10-14-2012 08:26 PM

Oh just beautiful Carrie. Wish I was there to take the class from you!

dublb 10-14-2012 08:45 PM

Now that sure is purdy!:thumbup:

gardnergal970 10-15-2012 05:00 AM

What a treat. It's Monday morning coffee time and there are so many PC threads to catch up on. It looks like it has been a busy weekend. I have my Marti & Me class this morning so I'll check them out this afternoon. I'm not 100% over my cold but I think I'm past the contagion point and I have to get out of the house plus I haven't sewn a stitch since a week ago and I'm in need of some sewing therapy and when it's with friends I see only once a month...a double dose of feeling good. See ya later.

QuiltE 10-15-2012 07:01 AM

Enjoy your M+M today, GGal ... I too feel like I have turned the bend of this cold, though not feeling as though I am totally out of the woods, yet. I sure don't want a relapse!!

Be sure to show us what you work on at today's class!

dublb 10-15-2012 10:21 AM

6 Attachment(s)
I'm feelin' a bit better taday also. I slept late (Well I guess not late for me, LOL)I've started the laundry, & decided that I do like the bindin' on the potholder I did yesterday. I would sew then sit awhile, then sew a li'le more. Last night I thought the scrappy bindin' was too busy but taday, it looks OK. Yeah I did cut & sew another bindin' ta go onta it, but I'm happy w/the one that is on it now. I've been makin' potholders ta try a couple o' ideas for the PC swap.

The last one is the one I'm workin' on. It now is blocked, has a half inch border, is quilted & bound. It is in the wash.

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