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gardnergal970 02-23-2012 09:48 AM

ArteEmCasa...your blocks are always so perfect! You have perfected the workmanship part of this pony ride!

QNinaSue...the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence...you captured that completely in the corral block. Thanks for sharing your memories with us. Are you copying them into a file you can write out for your children?

QuiltingNinaSue 02-23-2012 10:14 AM

You are quick to see the point, gardnergal. Every critter we owned seemed to have that thought in their minds. I have given thought to writting down family memories. Will see what develops in the future. Enjoy sharing them on QB.

Love the difference on each block each week and the beauty of each one on PQ as it was on FWSQ. A highlight of my week to see everyone's success and their making it "their" block.

dublb 02-23-2012 10:35 AM

Anael - Such perfect points & lovely fabrics = a beautiful End of Day! Great substitute! :thumbup: If it doesn't fit your quilt then don't use it! It's your quilt!

Gardnergal - I ordered the Betsy Ross collection the day after I ordered the PC book. If I had seen the book first I would have picked out a different theme. After the first few blocks I realized that I didn't have enough so I started picking up more fabric a little at a time. I even ordered some more last week. I saw a panel with an Eagle in the center that I think will be the final touch! I think that except for the fabric I want for the attic windows I've got it all. I am using all of the fabrics several times.

Art - I can see the corral! Very pretty! Your green flowers look like clover in your Clover Blossom! Beautiful block!

QNS - That yellow makes your Clover Blossom glow! Your unique insite is showing in your blocks! Grass in a corral, who would've thought? You that's who. My thought was 'Duh why wouldn't that have occurred to me?' When I make this quilt with the pony theme (in a few years) I'll have a better idea about how to do it. I love hearing your stories. They make me smile!

JeanieG 02-23-2012 05:08 PM

Clover Blossom and Colts Corral
2 Attachment(s)
Ok, I just got around to fixing my Clover Blossom, so here are this weeks blocks. I did not follow the "theme" for Colts Corral, but am happy with the block anyway!

dublb 02-23-2012 05:36 PM

Jeanie, those are great blocks! I bet your going to be happy about your Clover now that you fixed it. That brown is awesome with all of those clover in the background. The red & blue horseshoes & boots make a great contrast with each other.

janRN 02-23-2012 06:24 PM

Well worth the wait, Jeanie. Great blocks with lots of contrast. Love your fabric choices, too.

oksewglad 02-23-2012 09:40 PM

More fun fun blocks!
Anael a beautiful End of Day--so soft looking
ArteEmCasa what a striking corral and I love the little clovers, too.
QNinaSue yup grass is always greener on the other side and this would sure tempt a young colt. I love how the clovers from the green fabric just float into the white as if they were appliqued on and not seperate pieces of fabric. You never cease to amaze us.
This morning get a phone call--"G, just drove by the neighbors (on the other side of the hill), looks like about 20 heifers out on the road." Well you know what that means--dash and run to the car/pickup whatever. This particular group of heifers have been the worst. We name everything here and "Defiant" is a class one "jumper". DH is sure she is part deer as she goes up to the fence and jumps like one. Of course taking fence with her and letting the rest waltz right on through!! Note to self: Watch what you name those little ones when they are cute with those big eyes looking at you!
Jeanie you've got exploding clovers and a boot kicking corral!!
Can't wait til Saturday night for some sewing time.

Termi 02-24-2012 05:41 AM

ArteEmCasa, your blocks look perfect!!! Nice contrast in colt's and your clover has very pretty shades of green!

JeannieG, love the brown in your clover and the cute clover fabric. I like the red and blue in colt's. Both look perfect!

QuiltingNinaSue, love the color combo in your clover and the great fabrics in your colt. Also, like your story about the mares and foals when you were growing up. That must have been so cute!

gardnergal970 02-24-2012 06:00 AM

Jeanie..love your blocks.

I thought I would work on my blocks today but my DH is already working to fill in the edge ceiling tile in the kitchen. It takes about 1/4 of a block so there's a lot of cutting and fitting. He injured his back years ago so everything takes longer and gets done when he feels good. Glad he's feeling good but....oh well, it will be nice to go on to the next step of redoing and quilting will get done in between.

QuiltE 02-24-2012 07:41 PM

JeanieG ... love those Kickin'Cowboy Boots in the Corral ... and nothing better than a field of Clover!

OKSGlad ... arrggghhhhhh!!! Nothing worse than a "rodeo"! And there's always a Leader of the Pack! We used to have a Spring, who had springs in her legs, we swore! Although, there was also a Chrissy, which became known as Kissy Chrissy, as she'd turn while being milked and give the person doing the chore a nice big slurp .... often taking his/her hat along with that long tongue! :) Great name, Defiant ... hhmmmmm, a name like that make me think that perhaps you name yours much like I did? :)

GGal ... hope the Mr. FixIt day went well ... and that there was harmony in the household throughout!! :)

QNSue ... your originality and creativity shines out yet again! Love that grass and fencing!! And of course, the intended pun is priceless!

ArteEC ... WOW! for someone who says she can't find fabrics easily, you seem to be showing some pretty nice blocks and fitting in with the theme! Your clover fabrics are beautiful ... and the block too. And I'm envious for those boards!

gardnergal970 02-25-2012 06:01 AM

The ceiling is done all but the trim but that's another whole process. All of the walls needs new paper/paint first. I did get the Colt's Corral done too but I'll post it after I finish Clover Blossom this weekend. The D9 for my DS is in the disappearing stage. I've never done one before but it's going together real easy.

wendiq 02-25-2012 07:38 AM

Great blocks, JeanieG. I really like the clover fabric. I didn't have any and since I am really trying to "destash", I refused to buy any....:) But your's makes me think I should have......Of course, I am one that loves the horseshoes in any form and your Colt's Corral is just fine....Aren't these fun to do and then share and see?????

JeanieG 02-25-2012 10:51 AM

Thank you everyone for the nice comments on my blocks! Wendig, I agree that these blocks are "fun to do and share". I so look forward to "working" (playing) with these blocks each week!

mirabelle 02-25-2012 04:24 PM

I love the clover fabric some of you have used, I have never seen it before. But then again there is a LLOOOTTTT of fabric we don't get over here.
Now I am off the the bat cave oops I mean the sewing room

ArteEmCasa 02-25-2012 06:42 PM

Thank you all for the kind compliments for my blocks. It happens... sometimes I find almost the perfect fabrics.

QNinaSue - Great blocks oh yes, the grass seems to be greenest on the other side. How neat is that. Great idea. I love reading your stories, keep up the memories come out. Very special.

JeanieG - I love your Clover blossom, the brown fits so well. Beautiful blocks.

Honchey 02-26-2012 01:25 PM

Hi GG970, I've done 4 DNP's and they all look great when finished. Next to try is the DFP which is done using 4 Patches.

gardnergal970 02-27-2012 06:19 AM

Thanks for your encouragement, Honchey. Did you do them scrappy or with the same colors? I'm using 4 darks and 4 lights so I'm concerned that I get similar fabrics too close together. How much of a problem is that in the final layout? I have only sewn together 2 of the final blocks.

gardnergal970 02-27-2012 06:25 AM

2 Attachment(s)
It was so sad this morning to not have new blocks to look at with my coffee. Here are mine for the rest of you to enjoy...both are scrappy. Clover Blossom used the last of that floral and Colt's Corral is fabric from the ends of the strips I had from the D9 that I'm doing. The scrap pieces just keep growing with everything I do so I'm focusing on getting them pared down to size. Only 2 more days....

wendiq 02-27-2012 06:42 AM

Gardnergal.....your fabric for the Clover Blossom is beautiful and the Colt's Corral is a great use of scraps.......I think yours is the only one I've seen done that way.....I like it@
I hope you will share your four patch DP9 with us when you are done. I've done several, but none using a four patch. I'm interested in seeing what you do...:)

QuiltE 02-27-2012 06:48 AM

GGal ... fresh and beautiful in that Clover Patch. It has spring all over it! I really like the paint job of those Corral boards! Terrific idea!!!!!!!!

gardnergal970 02-27-2012 06:52 AM

Honchey, I just Googled the D4 patch. I love it. Then I saw the 4 patch pinwheel. That would be fun too. So many pretty things to sew!!!

oksewglad 02-27-2012 08:41 AM

GGal--wonderful rendition of Clover block (lovely fabric) and fabric placement of corral complete with a bird sitting on the fence!

Personally I like the D4P better than the D9P. Also have trouble cutting DP9 evenly, but now have a new ruler and wonder if it wasn't a ruler issue rather than an operator issue. I had worn down the center of the ruler so much that when I cut a piece width of fabric I had a dip in the middle! New ruler--problem solved.

janRN 02-27-2012 09:07 AM

Ggal, thanks for posting today--I was having withdrawal LOL. I love your blocks-very original, love the colors you used.

JeanieG 02-27-2012 10:37 AM

Love your fabric in the Clover block GardnerGal. Great use of scraps in your blocks!

dublb 02-27-2012 04:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Oh GGal, How beautiful! I agree with QuiltE about your painted fence, & your Clover Blossom is lovely in turquoise.

I used CJMomma's tut about the arowhead block. It is bacially a D4P turned on point then the corners cut off.
If I remember right I made it instead of Apple Tree. Here it is again to jog your memory.


ArteEmCasa 02-27-2012 06:19 PM

GardnerGal - great blocks, love the colors and the way they turned out. Good Job.

Dublb - thanks for the tutorial. It seems to be very easy doing this way.

QuiltE 02-27-2012 08:23 PM

Nicely done DublB ... your fabrics are perfect for that block!

Honchey 02-28-2012 04:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Guys, Here's my clover blossom....nice and bright!

Termi 02-28-2012 04:57 PM

I see a few more beautiful blocks have been added.

gardnergal970, beautiful fabrics in clover blossom and looks perfect to boot!! Your Colt's corral looks great with the different colors.

dublb, I love your arrowhead block!! You manage to find the most beautiful patriotic fabric!!

Honchey, your clover looks perfect and I love the color combo!!

Ready for the next 2??

dublb 02-28-2012 06:11 PM

Hounchey - Very Green!! I really like it!!!! :thumbup:

oksewglad 02-28-2012 07:51 PM

dublb spot on with those stars and "stripes".
Honchey no creature is going to miss that clover in the pasture or on the range. Good job you two!

dublb 02-28-2012 11:21 PM

I'm embarrassed. :o I had posted this block earlier & reposted it here as an example of the arrowhead block. I'm so sorry for the confusion. I do like the D4P.:)

Anael 02-29-2012 01:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Finally, here's my Clover Blossom :D

QuiltE 02-29-2012 09:58 AM

Honchey ... Now that looks like lush clover. It looks dramatic here, and yet not so much in the group photo. Blends well.

Anael ... I like that sweet and soft look!

JeanieG 02-29-2012 11:55 AM

Love that clover fabric Anael! You do beautiful work!

oksewglad 02-29-2012 06:21 PM

So striking against the white Anael. Hope to get myself caught up--again!

wendiq 03-01-2012 07:21 AM

DUBLB...That is such a great block. (Arrowhead) Do you remember the final measurement? I would like to make one to substitute one I have elected to NOT do.....Sorry QuiltE....I just can't quite work up the determination to do those with "Y seams"....:)

wendiq 03-01-2012 07:23 AM

Honchey..... WOW! That woke me up.....Great greens

Anael......beautiful fabrics......as usual...:)

wendiq 03-01-2012 07:24 AM

Honchey..... WOW! That woke me up.....Great greens

Anael......beautiful fabrics......as usual...:)

gardnergal970 03-01-2012 09:27 AM

Honchey...your clover block is so sweet.

Anael...your block carries out the name of the block completely. Each clover leaf is so pronounced.

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