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oksewglad 01-17-2018 10:35 AM

Taking a noon break...QNS, that evil twin sister of yours must be at work yet again. Just so you know, I have one, too.

Our GS hunted with his uncle on our land this fall. Second season had another group of locals hunt as well. We also have a couple of young hunters who bow hunt in early fall...they each got one. So we do get hunters...just not the $$$ paying kind. Although they do share of the bounty every year along with a local gift card.

I have declared 2018 the year of the triangle...I'm sorting the numerous HST's I've been gifted with. Many are from corner cutoffs or binding joins. I have a couple of plans for use of them...just no time to take pics and post as I don't have reliable cell service for a quick phone pic. Back to bookwork....

JeanieG 01-17-2018 11:01 AM

I finished all the pieces and am finally doing the block assembly on the On Ringo Lake quilt. The blocks are much easier to assemble than some of the other 7 Bonnie Hunter Mysteries I have done. I am not in a hurry, so that makes it nice.

We have had great weather the last week, in the high 70's, but temperatures are dropping and they say we may have some light rain on Friday/Saturday.

I started feeling like I was getting a cold last night, so decided not to go to a luncheon that was scheduled for today. I still feel a little under the weather. Hopefully it won't progress to something worse!

JuneBillie 01-17-2018 03:14 PM

Jeanie, I hope your feeling under the weather will improve.

QuiltingNinaSue 01-18-2018 11:20 AM

Just learned today that our Dr doesn't accept our insurance plan any more. Bummer. So now we are 'Dr' shopping!

JeanieG 01-18-2018 03:10 PM

Oh no, QNS - that really is a bummer! I would hate to have to change Drs.

JuneBillie 01-18-2018 04:16 PM

We had to find my hubby and insurance to have for this year. We will see how it works out.
I lost an extra coverage I had to help with the extra costs. This all due to the new things this year.

QuiltingNinaSue 01-18-2018 06:38 PM

Everything happens for a reason. The CFM only accepts PFFS now and we cannot afford that. So we will change to my hometown Mercy Medical Center where they accept all insurance cards. We will stay in our TSTA group, with acceptable insurance rates to our budget. Whew! What a relief. Tomorrow we go and have our records transferred. And we will smile and say, "Thank you!"

sewbizgirl 01-18-2018 09:19 PM

I hope we see some postitive free market changes in the health care industry now that OCare is on the way out. I think they just made it legal for insurance to be purchased across state lines, didn't they? That should produce some healthy competition that drives prices down.

dublb 01-18-2018 10:04 PM

DH & I have no medical insurance. It cost much less to go to the Dr than it cost for insurance.

QuiltingNinaSue 01-19-2018 06:34 AM

I hope you stay healthy, Dublb. Hospitals charge big bucks. Interesting conversation with former clinic, who stated they could charge us 50% less than what they billed Medicare for in services. Dh overnight and day in NE was over eleven thousand dollars...not the fee we paid but it hit our retirement funds hard. Plus his operation in Pella which was a few thousand less. Group insurance remains the best benefits and easiest on the budget. Satisfied with our group, that is why we chose to change doctors and not the insurance plan.

And don't get me started on charges the pharmacists charge the public. Highway robbery as DGM said.

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