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dublb 01-19-2018 07:03 AM

I do think that we all have to make the decision for each of our health care. It was gonna be $16,000 a year for insurance last year. I just didn't have it. Sigh. That would have just covered major medical. Included a $6000 deductible for each of us. OH & none of my Dr's took it.

JuneBillie 01-19-2018 11:19 AM

Bev that is just rediculous. Who can afford that? You are right that we all have to do the best we can.

QuiltingNinaSue 01-19-2018 11:32 AM

Don't know what was in the insurance package my cousin Mary got for $39.00 a year but she got it from United Health Care in Hot Springs, Ark. Might be worth checking out. Quilter 65 said hers was a bit higher from them, so as I say, I do not know what package of insurance that Mary got...maybe based on income.

We each pay our group (TSTA) a sum every month deducted before we see our retirement checks. Social Security also deducts for Medicare from our little bit of SS, each of us each month. It is like the government double dips every month into our retirement for insurance. But we got more benefits than what we spent this year.

Filled out info for the clinic in Iowa that we will be going to start our medical needs at, but it will take two weeks for them to move the records and examine them and assign a doctor. They also have a daily 'quick' medical building for colds, etc....an emergency room and hospital next door. And ambulance service to Des Moines Mercy Hospitals.

dublb 01-20-2018 09:42 PM

We had an absolutely beautiful day, 78*F! (I don't ever remember seeing a January day w/these kinda temps.) We took full advantage of it & pruned the trees. We haven't pruned the pear tree yet. The middle of it is dead. We either need to cut that middle one out or just cut the tree down. It is gonna break my heart to cut it down but it really needs to be done. DH is looking at buying me a pair of apple trees & said that he'd be willing to buy a couple of pear trees also. He was looking up ones that will grow well in this area. Anyway we are gonna decide tomarrow.

sewbizgirl 01-21-2018 10:14 AM

Beautiful weather here today, too. It's like a warm Spring day.

JuneBillie 01-21-2018 01:40 PM

We must all be having nice weather. We have been in the 60's since yesterday. So nice!

dublb 01-24-2018 07:40 AM

Mike & I went driving around day before yesterday. He was feeling restless & trapped here at the house. So before lunch we took off driving. We drove west of the lake. We just took off driving down dirt roads. We weren't gone long, just a couple of hours. We then circled around & drove back into town. Picked up lunch from Dairy Queen & then back home.

Yesterday was so nice for me. I went to the guild meeting in Brownwood then to the Sew & Share at my favorite LQS. In the mean time Mike was home sick. I believe he has a sinus infection. He won't go the the DR though. I am treating him w/Nasicort, Zyrtec & Musinex. I hope he gets it under control. He most probably won't go to the Dr till it is real bad. He slept on the couch last night so as to sleep sitting up. We don't want this to develop into a cough. I am sure he will sleep on the couch again tonight. (I bet this is why he was restless yesterday morning!)

I am excited. The LQS owner wants me to make a sample for the store & then teach a class on it. She sent me home w/fabric & a pattern. It is a beginner quilt but I love how it showcases a focus fabric & has a secondary pattern. It has 48 5" HST's & 10 10" squares of the focus fabric. I am gonna ask the Owner to get a few 5 1/2" Block Loc rulers. I think that will help us square 'em up. We are gonna shoot for a March class so as to have it at her new store. (Which is looking like it will open up on the first of March.)

oksewglad 01-24-2018 08:13 AM

Good for you, sounds like a good stash buster quilt, Bev..would you mind telling us the pattern and size of quilt?

I'm working on a Valentine's quilt at work using 2 1/2" strips..simple sewing, too.

Flu bug has hit both households...oldest Grand home today...#2GD came in the house on Monday stating she was the next (and last) victim. This bug has a cold and vomiting...not always in that order. Kids are out of school 3 to 4 days with it.

No school on Monday due to storm...we had 2" of rain before 3" of snow...wonder how much winter kill we will have with perennial plants as the ice formed after the rain puts a suffocating blanket over everything.

Bookwork and a sew day today so had better get moving...have 3 little things done for school fundraiser to take to town...want to take pictures first....

dublb 01-24-2018 11:39 AM

Here is the pattern;


I think it's gonna come out lovely!

I am so sorry that the flu is visiting your house. It is so very rampant this year.

QuiltingNinaSue 01-24-2018 01:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
QDh had to go back to his special Dr. Smith in Pella, Iowa, yesterday so I made it into a F A R T trip by visiting Quilting Windmill QS on the square.[ATTACH=CONFIG]587630[/ATTACH]They were having their Christmas fabrics on sale; one looked very familiar because it was featured during Iowa Shop Hop two years ago. I had used up most of the beige gold and was happy to find more of it.

We had to return to my hometown today for the antibiotics prescription the Dr. gave to him late yesterday. So I added a few more groceries. Brussel sprouts came out of the oven roasted very nicely; potatoes and onions need more time. Strawberries are cleaned and squash is microwaved and done. Things DH can eat without a lot of calories. If his cousins come in over the weekend, I will make turkey and dressing for the main course.

Sorry, OK , that the flu bug is going through your family. We had an attack between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I still display a mini quilt in my QR as an inspiration to get me going in there.

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