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givio 02-05-2018 06:35 PM

I don't remember seeing that type of Bear Claw pattern. It looks like a double bear claw for each corner. Very cute with the bear prints!
You've been busy! The blue/green top is really progressing! The fabric of the star points and the Xs coordinates very well, like they were made for each other.

JuneBillie 02-06-2018 07:15 PM

QNS your bear claw is great with the little bears. Your twisted classic combo is so pretty in those colors.

Bev it sounds like a great time with your mom and friend.

QuiltingNinaSue 02-08-2018 05:25 AM

Off to visit with our new doctors this morning; our clinic we have used for 12 years told us our insurance was not accepted. But then they called later and said they did and apologized. I told them after this morning we would decide on what choice we would make then.

My Twisted Classic is not large enough, so will continue making blocks for it until it is 9 x 10 blocks, since each block is approximately 9 inches, then I will add borders. Doing a version of the Bear Paw in Christmas Colors. It is distracting me from my bucket list...lol!.

Have a good day!

oksewglad 02-08-2018 07:49 AM

LOL, QNS, all those different projects detract me from my gotta do list! Farm taxes to the accountant and will be a part of history soon. Great feeling, but now onto thisngs I didn't get done...that darn gotta do list.

Hope your MD appts go okay...

QuiltingNinaSue 02-08-2018 06:07 PM

We had the wrong time down for DH appointment and he missed his and he was very unhappy about the situation and they could not work him in (waiting room empty!) but I told him he was looking at the problem from his view only. There are always two sides to a story and dealing with only one view means you have half of the story.

I loved the lady doctor I talked to; will see her again in three months. She will only do the blood tests every six months, not every three months that the old clinic did in the past. Less cost to me and less insurance monies that way, which is a win-win situation. There are no issues or problems to worry about and that is great news. You go online and check out your health records just like I do at our bank. I hope it all works out as good as it sounds.

We did go on to Cantril today and I found some good choices for more Christmas fabric and a couple of projects on my bucket list. That number of Christmas quilts has grown to four or six quilts now...LOL, reminds me of the quick reproduction of rabbits! The latter happens quicker than I can piece and quilt! But I love to 'design and plan' one quilt after another!. And 'love pat' more fabric.

JuneBillie 02-08-2018 06:29 PM

QNS glad your appointment went well, well except for your hubby not getting in.
The clinic we go to has the records we can see online too in their portal. It is handy for sure.

QuiltingNinaSue 02-12-2018 10:36 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Christmas is coming! Extended bear paw again.[ATTACH=CONFIG]588922[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]588923[/ATTACH]just maybe I can finish it before Christmas!

Wild Sunday with his cousin and wife coming down to play cards.. When they went to leaved, his keys had gotten locked in his truck. We offered the old Chrysler to them and gave them the keys. They came back because it had a flat rear tire. So we all loaded up in the new used Chrysler and drove to get their spare keys. Dh had to give up the driver's seat and let his younger cousin finish the drive up and back. No deer crossed the road that was seen in nearby fields. They got their truck started and left about eight o'clock...sife was busy this morning making a another set of truck keys. All in all, it was a fun and good day!

JeanieG 02-12-2018 11:50 AM

QNS - just love those Bear Paw Patterns! The one with the bear fabric is so clever! The Twisted Classic Pattern is great too. Love the fabrics you chose. So glad you liked your new Dr. I have a woman Dr. and just love her.

We are off for our first camping trip of the year with our RV Group. So much fun and great food too!

I have 1/3 of my On Ringo Lake Mystery Quilt put together. I am using the main blocks as leaders/enders and only have 6 to go. I was so upset last night as I found I had put one of the sashing strips on backwards, so all the triangle points were going the wrong way. I had found 3 of the triangles and already corrected them, now to do the other 7. Darn!!! Will get it done when we get back from our trip on Thursday.

I am feeling much better since I am almost finished with my 2nd batch of antibiotics for the flu/bronchitis/sinusitis. Thank you Lord!!!

JuneBillie 02-12-2018 01:30 PM

QNS that another pretty block, and I like those fabrics together.
Jeanie it sounds like you are progressing on your quilt blocks, and have fun on your camping trip. My son and daughter in law do that a lot with their RV. He has been working on making his own tear drop tiny camper.

oksewglad 02-12-2018 03:07 PM

Maybe some fresh air will do you good Jeanie...the "flu" has hung around in our neck of the woods as well.

A visit to remember, QNS. Nice colors in the bear block...

I tried uploading pictures last night...my new camera's photos are too big...I found out how to decrease the resolution on the camera, but not how to downsize the pictures already downloaded to the computer. Had our monthly guild meeting today. Another member and I put together a Cathedral Window presentation. She had written up very good directions for me to follow...I just assisted. Our next SitNSew is a workshop on the block. It's really quite simple once you get the hang of it.

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