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QuiltingNinaSue 06-06-2018 10:45 AM

Givio, thanks for sharing the 9patch quilt with us. You have done an excellent job on it. Great to find berries,etc., that you can put up. DD always finds things like that in Lincoln, NE. DH was detained at the Cancer center for two hours, but they believe they removed all of the skin cancer problem. Next appointment is in three months, but he needs to go back to have his six stitches removed from his ear.

Five large hen ducks are on strike again. Only one egg today. Cannot wait until the others start to lay.

JuneBillie 06-07-2018 12:22 AM

Givio such a beautiful quilt.

QNS I know what you mean about the doctor bills swarming in. We are having that too. I feel like such a slug on most days due to the health I am blessed with. I am doing things for better health, but some things don't change. It's was a beautiful day yesterday so ignore my down moment.

My precious son came by yesterday evening to mow our grass. It looks so nice now. When he finds the time he is going to bring over me a picnic table to put on this flat area by the house. I look forward to it. I planted some basil seed in a starter pot, and put it in my kitchen window. I hope it sprouts.

Everyone have a great week and weekend.

sewbizgirl 06-07-2018 06:55 AM

QNS, good news that they got all the skin cancer! I know that's a relief to both of you.

I've heard duck eggs are very rich. Haven't tried them, myself.

Susan, it's great to have a good son nearby!

dublb 06-07-2018 02:58 PM

OH Sue that is such good news!
I am still painting! I don't think I am ever gonna get it all finished.

JeanieG 06-10-2018 11:11 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Are you guys ready for my "quilt show"? Here are the things I have completed recently:

Farmer's Wife Sampler 30's Quilt Flimsy (I did not use all of the blocks.)
On Ringo Lake Flimsy (Last year's Bonnie Hunter Mystery)
En Provence Completed (2017 Bonnie Hunter Mystery)

I don't know why these are all upside down - Deleted and tried again - Oh Well!!!

sewbizgirl 06-10-2018 01:49 PM

Those are gorgeous Jeannie! I am in the process of quilting my Ringo Lake. I really need to get my Farmer’s Wife 30’s blocks put together!

oksewglad 06-10-2018 02:29 PM

Fantastic, Jeanie! I can't wait to get back to sewing on my own stuff.

Early evening last night we got deluged with over 8" of rain in less than 3 hours. Road is closed just north of DS and DIL's...all cattle above water...was still light enough we did a quick check on pasture animals...thank goodness none of the dry cows decided to calve. Went to town today...water had been over the road in a couple of places just a couple of miles from here as well. 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givio 06-10-2018 04:11 PM

We've had more rain this weekend too.

Jeanie! What wonderful accomplishments you've achieved! Just think. All those little pieces. So much sewing. Wow, your FWQ is really cheerful and pretty. It seems like you used a lot of red, orange, and yellow, but it's probably not more than the other colors. Maybe it's the white sashes?

Blue Bell 06-10-2018 04:55 PM

OK-----I can't imagine all that rain in such a short time. Hope that the farmland and animals will be OK. We could have had some of that rain fall here. Ground is dry.

JeanieG 06-10-2018 07:18 PM

OK - so glad your cattle are alright after all that rainfall!

Thank you for the kind comments on my quilts. I do not start much of anything new at this time, just some of the Mystery Train Rides here on the Board. I still have some items from 2012 to quilt. I am trying to keep current on my recent quilts and get them finished, then go back and start on the 2012 things. I will be sandwiching and quilting On Ringo Lake next. Hopefully I can get it sandwiched this coming week.

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