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QuiltingNinaSue 11-16-2018 11:30 AM

I hope Dublb, you will let us know when your son adds stories to his Blog. Loved his story.

I do not walk into the chicken yard because the chicken and ducks have made too many holes. Ducks use their beak and burrow down into the ground often whatever they hear or see; chickens will peck at it sometimes and make it worse.

dublb 11-16-2018 02:46 PM

I just hope he lets us now when he adds to it. LOL If he does I'll surly let ya know. :)

oksewglad 11-16-2018 04:22 PM

Earlier in the week I lost my internet connection...found out today it was a glitch in a driver and it's all better now, but do I have a lot of catching up to do!

Oh the lowly 9P...makes a lovely little quilt, Bonnie!

The black sashings set the blocks off so much better, Bev..they don't blend into each other now...good design choice. What fun for you and Jeanie! Glad you could spend some time together.

Going to catch up on some on line reading. Have a good night, all.

dublb 11-17-2018 08:31 AM

I just got off of the phone w/#1DSon. He is working on how to set it up his blog w/a subscription button. In the mean time I will post here when he has a new story. He says that he has a couple of already in the works.
Part of his goal is to point out to the medical students about the other part of what patents go through. So many of 'em are so young when they go into Medical school & have no idea about life. Nor do they understand the mind set of blue collar workers. He has been there.

QuiltingNinaSue 11-17-2018 12:17 PM

That's why his story he is telling hits the bull's eye, Dublb. He needs to think ahead about publishing a book based on his experience; bet there is publisher and an agent out there that would help with that...first step is to find a publisher, (submitting a chapter and theme of what his story is) after its acceptance, then the agent comes into play to help with the book. He might not get rich, but it would help with expenses during and after he finishes his education. Reading has been my whole life and listening to favorite authors ventures into writing. I am willing to let others write and just enjoy their stories....sometimes I wonder how many books I have read in my lifetime, maybe a million or three. Used to spend up to $500. a month on books. Not anymore, retirement funds have cut our lifestyle down 55% on a yearly bases. After 13 years, we are still adjusting to lower income, challenging ourselves to live within our income. About the time, we think​ we have, something else comes up. That's Life.

dublb 11-17-2018 03:33 PM

Thanks Sue. Right now he only has time to write a few stories at a time. He does hope to get enough followers that he will get advertisers interested. He also hopes to get an E-book out in about a year. It'll be mostly a compilation of the stories he puts in the blog. Maybe in about a year. Wouldn't it be awesome if this would help him pay for his schooling?

QuiltingNinaSue 11-18-2018 06:03 AM

God moves in mysterious ways, Dublb. He is a very good writer. I wish him the best...he is a child to be very proud of and I know you are, and you love him and every member of your family. He desires an extra hug for all his hard work and efforts.

Been working on the 'BS' red, white and blue quilt and have almost 5 blocks done. A lot of stripping and cutting to get all the background done for 20 blocks. I don't have enough backing in my Christmas BS quilt so outside blocks will have different background or it will be a smaller quilt...still thinking about it.

Snow on the ground...about 3 inches and temperature in the twenties today.

Cyril 11-18-2018 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl (Post 7616902)
Yes, it was traumatic being without our thread! Hope all the gang finds us here.

I don't have blocks to show for this week yet, either. Tomorrow night is my charity quilters meeting and I need to get some stuff finished to take with me to donate, so I probably will be late getting my FWS blocks done this week.

Honchey, sorry you had a bad experience with the Boom swap. I'm hoping for the best. Mainly, I just want to play with making blocks with everyone else's fabrics for them. The fabric I'm sending in is some of the loot I got from Hancock's liquidation.


And I experimented with blowing up some FW1930's templates 200% and they came out perfect for 12.5" blocks. Here is the one I played with so far:

Remember this one? It's block #9, Autumn!

Today is so unbearably HOT here... even the dog doesn't want to go out. :eek:

Oh my gosh, I'm loving the block #9.

dublb 11-18-2018 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltingNinaSue (Post 8163303)
God moves in mysterious ways, Dublb. He is a very good writer. I wish him the best...he is a child to be very proud of and I know you are, and you love him and every member of your family. He desires an extra hug for all his hard work and efforts.

Been working on the 'BS' red, white and blue quilt and have almost 5 blocks done. A lot of stripping and cutting to get all the background done for 20 blocks. I don't have enough backing in my Christmas BS quilt so outside blocks will have different background or it will be a smaller quilt...still thinking about it.

Snow on the ground...about 3 inches and temperature in the twenties today.

I love what ya have done on the BS quilt so far. I now am looking forward to seeing the finished top.
I don't envy you the snow!
Thanks for the compliments about #1DSon. Yes I do love all of my family. Even the DSis that drives me crazy! I told my DGK's that even though I love each of my family the same amount, that I love each one differently as they are all different. :)

JeanieG 11-18-2018 08:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Everyone,

We are in Phoenix this week with my son and granddaughter. We will be home by Sunday. Over 3 months on the road. What a beautiful country we live in, we have seen so much of it.

When dublb (Bev) and I met up in Fredericksburg, Texas a week or so ago, we had a wonderful time visiting the shops in this German town. Here is a photo that my husband took of us!

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