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QuiltingNinaSue 12-09-2018 06:45 AM

Still telling myself "I CAN" 'cause cannot never did. Counting my blessings. Printer is not working and the control of my TV is on the blink (waiting for NEMR to fix that) and wondering what else will not be working???? Bad luck seems to come in threes. As long as it can be fixed, I will smile and count my blessings. Have 12 out of 20 blocks done on BS RW&B. Loving my scrappy Christmas theme blocks. This too shall pass and sun will shine again.

oksewglad 12-09-2018 10:10 AM

Mama said there would be days like this...Like you say QNS we just move on...here on the home front MrOK had a repair to to the scale on the feed mixer...+$300 bill; a young cow slipped in the cow yard..have to lift her up to get her steady on her feet...think lifting a 1200# animal; milker pump went on the fritz yesterday...need a new one...+$3000 cost...DDIL celebrated her BD thawing out a frozen water fountain at 10:00 pm...thankful that I went to town to pick up DGD from a choir event.

Have MrOK packed and ready to go to a meeting halfway across the country for a couple of days. Fixing a big batch of meatballs for dinner and for potluck at quilt guild Christmas party tomorrow night...killing 2 birds with one stone. Playing at farmer this week while MrOK is gone. Tonight going with a friend to the annual Madrigal dinner put on by the choir..can pickup DGD afterwards. They have 3 3hour performances; one last night and 2 today. My friend hasn't been to one since her son was in choir in 1988! I haven't been since our youngest was in 2001. Always a great performance and we are looking forward to it.

dublb 12-09-2018 12:14 PM

I agree that we all have days like this. W/the stock market going down DH is talking about getting a job. He hasn't worked in 4 years. I think that is a black spot on his resume'. The $ we are living on right now is in the stock market & it needs to last another 4 years. DH is worried.

I have the green rectangles & black squares all cut. Now I'm drawing the lines onto the green rectangles. That's 400 lines! At least I can sit while doing the drawing. I am tired of the world tipping out from under my feet.

dublb 12-11-2018 11:50 PM

OH Wow! DD called this morning & they are gonna look at doing Foster Care. Hopefully to Adopt. It will take a year for the training but in a year I could have another DGK! I am so excited. I know there are chances that they won't get to keep it but I am excited anyway. I also know that there is a most likely it won't be a baby nor Caucasian but who cares? It'll be another child to love. It'll most probably have some issues but we are gonna be prepared for that. They went t an informational meeting last night & are now gonna take step toward this.
Later in the day I got a phone call from my DC. My favorite Aunt has PSP. Its like Parkinsons & also a dementia side to it. Now I'm crying.
Talk about a r
oller coaster ride.

QuiltingNinaSue 12-12-2018 06:22 AM

Focus on the positive side, Dublb. Great news that they are going to care for a child or two that needs their love and you get to love them too! Your favorite Aunt has probably loved and lived a good life. Cherish the good memories of her.

17 out of the 20 blocks BS RW&B are done. Sunshine today. And warmer weather. Have a good one.

dublb 12-12-2018 06:40 PM

I am still dizzy today. Not as dizzy as I was last night. The DGK's came over last night while DD & DSonIL went to San Angelo for an informational meeting w/ CPS. They were excited when they got home.

dublb 12-13-2018 07:45 AM

My head is still 'heavy' but I can tilt it in any direction & it doesn't spin. I asked DH to bring me the Musinex D early in the morning so I can take it & go back to sleep. He did & I think it helped. He's up early anyway. Anyway I am still gonna take all the meds till my head doesn't feel heavy.

sewbizgirl 12-13-2018 08:23 AM

Hope you feel better soon, Bev. I only had vertigo one time. It hit suddenly and I ended up hospitalized. We were thinking I was having a stroke... It was really bad and they had a hard time getting me to stop vomiting at the hospital. They kept me overnight. I hope it never happens again!

dublb 12-13-2018 08:53 AM

OH SBG. That sounds awful. I have been nauseated but haven't vomited as of yet. I have had trouble w/vertigo several times in my life but it's not a regular thing. I do know what to do.

QuiltingNinaSue 12-14-2018 07:28 AM

I have had vertigo once...they gave me some tablets for it and I am hoarding the bottle in case it happens again...that's my insurance against it!

20/20 blocks done for the RW&B BS quilt. Now to QAYG them. Thought I knew where the stencil was, but its hiding from me now. Guess that means I had better clean up the quilt room! Good progress on that yesterday, a few more places to look today. Foggy outside, but the sun is going to shine for the next week. Snow jumped way down in Texas. Do you have any Dublb?

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