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sewbizgirl 08-05-2016 05:06 PM

Yes, God answers prayer! Sounds pretty great, to me. So glad for your son to have avoided surgery. It must have been a shock to see him and the dr. walking around when you expected him to be in surgery. :D A good shock!

My son moved to Memphis today, three hours away. He's 26 but had some false starts and hard knocks and due to that, has been living with us again for the past 6 months. He's the 'baby' and we are very close to him, but he got a job in Memphis and had to go. He will be living with our oldest and her husband. My other son and his wife also live there, so all three of our kids have ended up in Memphis! It's 3.5 hours away, so close enough to visit... but we'll miss having our youngest at home. He was such a blessing to his dad and me. Trying not to be sad, but the last one has left the nest... again.

QuiltingNinaSue 08-05-2016 06:09 PM

SBG, your always sound so young in your messages here, I cannot imagine Kids and grandchildren...but I dwell in past times and not always moving on with ages of younger members...realizing, yes, time does past all too soon many times.

Sweet corn is all done and in the freezer; I did it all by myself! This day is done and I am going to bed. Good night all.

oksewglad 08-05-2016 06:59 PM

Life is full of changes....so glad for your sons, Honchey and SBG....every chapter of our lives reveals a lesson....

Tonight my lesson is to step outside and move away from the chaos....biggest discussion was who was sleeping where amongst the kids...noise level was beyond my tolerance level...I don't do well with whiners and the 2 5yo's were testing my limit... I went to my room and closed the door...don't know if I was missed...if those two were mine they would've had spankings...but they are not...in the end all's well and the 9 of them are sleeping in tents up the road...adults and a 2 yo are here...such drama.....Will go join the rest of the world...

sewbizgirl 08-05-2016 07:27 PM

Lol, I am 60 this year, QNS... but feel very young most times.

Gladie, sounds like you are experiencing 'too much togetherness'... how much longer? I'm still waiting for grandkids, but I've heard you love to see them come, and also to see them go! I agree, there is not nearly enough 'behavior modification' for children these days (spankings) and as a result we get little tyrants. Great to send them off to a tent down the road... HA HA HA. :D

givio 08-05-2016 07:30 PM

Honchey, great news! :-)
SBG, *Sigh* yes, I can identify with the feeling... I miss my boys. It's never the same when they are independent, married, in their own home, have their own family. Sometimes I really miss them, being home, young, around every day...
I've got 5 granddaughters. They behave... but, oh, the energy! I get tired if I have to take care of them a few hours. I can't carry around little ones on my hip like I used to.

oksewglad 08-05-2016 08:45 PM

All is quiet....While waiting for the torch to be lit I put the last stitch on my big mini quilt....5,382 1" squares, 284 2", and 284 2" x 5" rectangles and 71 8" squares...cut sizes....photo later...I'm sleeping under it tonight

givio 08-06-2016 05:17 AM

okSG, That's a masterpiece! :-) Looking forward to seeing it! What was the finished size? It sounds like it could be a queen size, but I'm not good with math.

sewbizgirl 08-06-2016 06:19 AM

I want to see it too! I love scrappy quilts. Can't imagine what 5000+ 1" squares looks like.

I have a wedding gown to shorten and am procrastinating.... Wedding gowns always make me procrastinate. The bride to be got all swoony during her fitting and we had to stop before I was done marking the top layer of the skirt hem. Hope I can figure it out anyway.

Honchey 08-06-2016 06:50 AM

OK, Is this the quilt with the different sized squares with the black background?

I can remember many a night in my young days, 6/7 yrs, sleeping on mattresses that were pulled off the beds and layed end to end on the floor and all my cousins sleeping in one room, 16 of us..We had alot of fun then.. didn't get much sleep but hey!! we were young then.. :)

oksewglad 08-06-2016 11:03 AM

I think I shared the flimsy... the little 9P's were in a pickle jar and I used 9 in a block, then alternated the blocks with a red print....and yes it is Queen sized...have all 10 right now....parents went for sibling time...now to get nap time for the littlest ones....later...

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