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oksewglad 08-09-2016 05:21 PM

Yes I'm still alive...this afternoon the 3 oldest girls and I went on a FART for the unruly letters project...fun to see what they've picked out...DIL brought home lots of sweet corn tonight...we'll see how many quarts to do tomorrow...not in my plans for the day...oh well....

dublb 08-09-2016 10:29 PM

Monday, DH & I bought some garden soil & put it in one of the raised beds that we brought from Midland. We then planted some black eyed peas. Gosh I am sure looking forward to a pot of fresh black eyed peas! (Tuesday) DH decided to go & visit one of his mentors. He had a stroke. DH drove to Midland & back in one day. Wed we are planning on building an 8ft fence to keep the deer away from the raised beds. I know that we don't have the other raised beds filled as of yet but it is better to get the fence around all of 'em now.

janRN 08-10-2016 04:06 AM

Good morning, ladies, glad to see all of you well and very busy. It's so hot & humid here already this morning. My 50th class reunion (OMG I'm old!!!) is this week-end. Just found out my "first love" will be there; is it too late to lose 20 pounds and get a face lift???

I finished all the FWS 1930s blocks and now need a new project. Any suggestions? It's not like I don't have 100s of patterns downloaded or purchased and have EQ7 and other CAD programs. I just haven't found something that jumps out at me. I've always wanted to do a New York Beauty but that seems more like a winter project. Maybe I'll make some runners or wall hangings out of some orphan blocks--and I have tons of them.

Enjoy your day--do something you love.

sewbizgirl 08-10-2016 05:34 AM

Good morning friends!

Bev, deer are a problem here too, garden-wise. We were just watching two in the yard this morning! We gave up on having a garden because they eat everything. All but the cukes, for some reason. Maybe they don't like the prickly leaves? Anyway, the dog woke us up, alerting us we had "friends" in the yard....

Jan, I planned to do a Civil War sampler once the 1930's blocks were done. The book I have is much simpler than Laurie Hird's books. BUT, I joined the boom swap for the first time, and those fabrics will be arriving soon. That should keep me busy for a while. My Civil War quilt might have to wait.

I have so many tops to quilt, too!

Hubby's birthday is Saturday. I got his gift shirt made yesterday but have a wall hanging to finish up for him now too. Lots to do! And we won't even talk about the wedding gown I've got hanging here to alter! LOL.

Have a happy day....

QuiltingNinaSue 08-10-2016 07:25 AM

JanRN, I think Honchey is looking at Gypsy Wife; pricey little booklet. Interesting 'throw things together' look to me. It might be good to use up some scraps. Undecided on it.

Also have 17 dozen projects to choose from. Trying to finish Savannah. Threaded up my old reliable Berina 1530 to start ?????? Finish FW 1930, or Savannh or ???

DH keeps filling up the island sinks with produce from the garden: potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh peaches...trying to find more work for me to do, I guess. Too much to do, so I will read one of my books for a while and do nothin' but think on it. You'all have been just too busy and someone needs to rest up for you to do more! LOL!

Honchey 08-10-2016 08:27 AM

Hi Everyone and especially Jan, I'm hoping to start a "followalong" doing the "Gypsy Wife" starting this fall..I have most of my fabrics and some things cut.. Pinterest has a tutorial blog type page with monthly projects doing it section wise..You do need the pattern tho because it can get a little tricky if you don't.. It is pricy but I got mine secondhand for $10 at "sewitsforsale.com"..I put in a request and was lucky enough to find someone willing to part with it.. The quilt itself looks rather complicated but when broken down into sections it isn't..strips are narrow & long and to keep from getting curved you would have to remember to alternate direction in sewing them..Lots of small blocks but they are simple ones.. Looking forward to doing it

sewbizgirl 08-10-2016 03:31 PM

Don't think I will be "in" for the Gypsy Wife quiltalong... will just watch some of you create it.

I'll probably work on my Hawaiian applique quilt and try to get some other projects that are just for ME finished... like the FWS 30's quilt!

Dinnertime... salmon, salad and butterbeans tonight! Yum.

givio 08-10-2016 04:50 PM

Jan, "lose 20 pounds and get a face lift" hahahaha I think we all watch too many movies. Who do you know that has a face lift? I guess I don't run in that kind of jet set. All the girls I know have gravity affecting them, faces included...

My next project is going to be the Round Robin. I've got distracted from the FWS blocks by it. It won't be nearly so time consuming, so I'll be able to gradually finish up the FWS blocks during the same time. I do like the Gypsy Wife quilt, but I'd just as soon make something similar to it myself, rather than paying for a specific pattern to recreate it exactly.

dublb 08-10-2016 05:17 PM

Instead of getting the PVC for the fence we worked on the catch barrel today. It is used to catch grey water from the washing machine. We haven't had one set up for 3 years. The house on Sentinel had the washer & dryer in the house. Anyway it has a connection on the bottom for a water-hose. I can, to a certain degree, move the hose to the things I want watered on the east side of the house. We had to redo it once. Actually there might have been 3 different things that could have made it over flow. So we redid all three to cover all the bases. We bought a new water-hose, put the barrel on a platform that raised it 5 more inches, & redid the piece of PVC we had attached to the drain hose. It now works like a dream.
Then this evening we went to water the peas & they are up! Yikes! Have ya ever heard of black ey
ed peas coming up in 3 days?

oksewglad 08-10-2016 05:55 PM

Sometimes wish I would've set up a gray water system with our house....I cringe whenever I empty a bathtub of water down the drain...the fact that we dig water lines 6 feet deep to avoid a frost line enters into the equation...enjoy the peas, Bev...

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