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JeanieG 11-26-2016 10:20 AM

SBG - I am such a animal lover! Breaks my heart to hear of your grandkitties injuries! Hope she mends quickly!

sewbizgirl 11-26-2016 03:58 PM

Thanks Jeanie. She is healing really well.

givio 11-27-2016 06:52 AM

When we lived in the country, we had a cat that disappeared for six months. We thought maybe he was killed on the highway, we never found him. Then one day he returned! but, in terrible condition-- thin, fur all whacky, mouth open and drooling. We took him to the vet, and found out there was a hole burned in the middle of his tongue. He couldn't lap up water to drink, couldn't eat. :-(

I started doing the Bonnie Hunter mystery in the Challenge and Contest thread. It's nice to work on something with other people. But, frankly, I prefer to know what the item is going to look like. I so enjoyed doing the FWS with you! Does anyone want to work on something else together next?

dublb 11-27-2016 05:17 PM

I don't recall if I let ya'll know that DM went to #2DSis's house on Tues. She is doing better every day. DSis's hall is very long & DM has to walk it very often. She does well in the bathroom too. She is able to get both feet up on the bed by herself even though it is higher off of the ground than the one at Health South. She still has a long way to go but I am proud of her. She is still very resistant to the work it is gonna take to get better. Sigh.
We had Thanksgiving at my house as there is plenty of room w/o all my furniture. DBIL brought a bunch of tables & chairs. We had 19 here. #2DSis brought DM here. I called everyone & asked what they wanted to bring. DH did the Turkey. Hmmm I think all I made the gravy & a dessert for me. (I don't eat sugar not chocolate.)
Thurs evening #2DSis & her family went to visit her DIL's. I stayed w/DM at DSis's house, till last night. Friday was good but yesterday she was grumpy. I was sure glad when they got home. Today I did nothing.

sewbizgirl 11-27-2016 05:44 PM

Glad your mom is doing so well, Bev, and that your sis can keep her. Sounds like she got plenty of excitement for Thanksgiving. What a crowd... glad you didn't have to feed them all.

We decided to stay over in Memphis another night and help the kids put up the tree and decorate for Christmas. We will head home tomorrow morning.

Givio, your new avatar is so pretty. Is that part of a quilt you made?

oksewglad 11-27-2016 05:47 PM

So glad to hear of your mother's continuing progress, Bev...

Cats...anyone say cats? We must have 30 in the barn...our 2 Border Collies always kept them away from the house..now that we are down to one dog, he's getting lax by himself. Today I caught a cat sitting on one of the porch chairs and Lucky was laying on his pillow...when I came up to the house after milking, the brash tuxedo cat was laying on the dog's pillow. I wonder how long that will last!

I'm wore out from just milking 2x...fortunately DiL mom came up to take care of calves and heifers. That's a 3 hour job twice a day alone. But kids had a good time with the cousins...

Tomorrow is a work day.....better get some food prepared for the week ahead.

givio 11-27-2016 07:37 PM

SBG, Yes, that avatar block is sewn in a sampler quilt top. I've bought a whole bolt of batting this past week on the 'black Friday' sale. I'm going to give the QAYG method some more practice... I have too many tops-- time to get them done! I'm not gettin' any younger! :-p

JeanieG 11-27-2016 09:52 PM

Jenniky did a tutorial on various methods of QAYG and it is still on her blog here on the board. Go to Jenniky's blog and you will find it there. I followed along with her blog and learned to do this method. It turned out beautiful.

QuiltingNinaSue 11-28-2016 08:25 AM

So much going on here, so much news too, so glad to have it to read and get caught up this morning. It is 'catch up' time on many things this morning. Looked at Bonnie Hunter's new mystery and would love to do it. But have so many irons in the fire going on and could not find where the clues are; all mystery to me. Read thir first 'start up; on face book and it looked doable...

Back to QR to make more progress on Wild Flying Geese. Sigh. That is going to keep me busy, busy, Busy for a while as slow as I am.

Enjoy today; it will not come again in our lifetime. Smile.

JeanieG 11-28-2016 12:11 PM

Here is the link to the En Provence Mystery QNS: The 1st clue is listed at the bottom after the Introduction. You could even do half of the Mystery as Bonnie noted. The 1st clue is 4 patches in neutrals.


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