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sewbizgirl 01-01-2017 10:33 PM

Hi Anne, Happy New Year! Wish your photo could have shown up. It was good to hear from you anyway! :)

QuiltingNinaSue 01-02-2017 06:22 AM

Yes, it failed to come up this way; I will try in face book and see if it comes up. Good to hear from you and happy things have quieted down for you.

In the latest email, Laura Aaron Hird has offered autographed copies of her latest book, Bible Verses, and I have indicated I was interested in a copy. No plans of making it right now, but I do have her other three books. I print off the pages of the Farmer's Wife 1930 pages from emails that gives a few pictures and more of the stories.

I have been lazy, and not sewing this holiday season. Just reading a few books and trying to keep meal carbs down for dh sake of lowering his blood sugar numbers.

Have a great day, I plan on watching the Rose Day Parade today.

sewbizgirl 01-02-2017 06:51 AM

I have to go out in the rain to teach an exercise class this morning. It will be a test of my strength and stamina after the vertigo trouble and being hospitalized. When I get home I plan to watch the Rose Parade too... hubby set it to record on the DVR for me. I love that parade. My favorite!

Have a great day everyone.

QuiltingNinaSue 01-02-2017 10:31 AM

http://www.quiltingboard.com/picture...y-t284894.html beautiful engineered precise quilt by quilter 65 in the picture section. Wow. Take a peek.

givio 01-02-2017 10:31 AM

I really enjoyed reading the FWS and the PC books, and thought it would be fun to read LH's new book. I ordered it from Amazon.
Have a good day, everyone! I'm going to my sister's house to sew. We are going to do a D9P red/white/blue quilt top, twin size, for donation. I'll probably pay to get it longarmed quilted.

That's a lovely pattern, QNS! Thanks for the link. Such a big one! What does she mean, 'frogging'? Is that rip it rip it?

sewbizgirl 01-02-2017 11:51 AM

Thanks for that link QNS. Amazing quilt! Macybaby posted her finished 365 challenge quilt too, with I think ALL the blocks! That one really blew me away. Would I ever consider making one myself? Nooooooooooooo. The FW30's was small enough pieces for me.

oksewglad 01-02-2017 12:10 PM

LOL...I started the 365 day quilt have some blocks done...hard to keep up on a daily basis for me, but I want to finish it...I love the small blocks...imagine that

Today I'm picking fabric from stash to make a quilt kit for later sewing...shopping the stash I am.

Good to hear from you Honchey...peace to you and yours..

QNS...how does J start his sweet potatoes? We had some at dinner on Christmas...I cut about 1 1/2" from each end and have them balanced on toothpicks slightly submerged in water. Some tiny root growth(?) from eyes.

givio...what fun to sew with sis...

QuiltingNinaSue 01-02-2017 02:47 PM

Happy to show the link to Quilter 65 lovely quilt. Love how perfect her quilts always are, especially since I don't have the eye sight anymore.

OK, we hold one or two sweet potatoes back every year and put them into water with toothpicks so the whole potato does not fall into the water. It spouts young vines out the spores on the sides of it, which we pick off and put into water in a small glass or jar to root, then plant it.The bottom might root and sent vines out, not sure. DH read an article that claimed you could clone any plant with an aquarium pump and the 'plant' suspended in Styrofoam on top of it. Or take a medium large potato drill a small hole into the potato and place a rose stem stripped of its leaves into the hole in the potato. Bury the potato just under the soil in a pot and cover it with a jar. Within six weeks, the rose with leaf out and bloom. I noticed last Saturday, Wal Mart was selling fresh potted herbs in its produce section.

Yes, Givio, 'frogging' is rip it, rip it, taking seams out...which I have done all too often. LOL!

sewbizgirl 01-05-2017 03:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is my Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt top I just finished today, "En Provence". Thought I would show you in case you aren't following that thread. All fabric is from my scrap bins except the magenta for the star points... and the green border was yardage I had.


oksewglad 01-05-2017 03:34 PM

Nicely done, Bonnie...

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