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dublb 09-24-2014 11:03 AM

Yikes I quit gittin' e-mail alerts & have missed a few days discussion! I want ta do the Round Robin or what ever ya'll come up with. Count me in! I'd rather it where we work on each other's quilts so that I will actually finish it. I'd finish for ya'll while I might not finish it for me. But if ya'll want us ta all do our own I'll go along w/that also. :)

deranged_damsel 09-24-2014 11:47 AM

HI :wave: and BYE :wave:
you ladies are just WONDERFUL! I miss you all :D

janRN 09-24-2014 01:57 PM

Hey, DD--hope all is well with you, been thinking about you.

Bev, I'm not getting any notices either. I get the daily digest in my emails but no notices. I checked my settings and they're correct. I think I read a thread somewhere that the site was being upgraded and there were some bugs to work out. I just keep checking in here.

QuiltingNinaSue 09-25-2014 07:36 AM

JanRN, you may have to delete the thread and re-install the threads...I have too every so often. Some times its because I go look, before the email reaches me...but other times it just wears out, I guess.

Honchey, if you have time, why not email everyone so they can say yea or nay to the possible project proposed?

I went to DM yesterday; quilter65 was my driver. Very good driver who found a thru-the-citiy way to our favorite quilt shop and her candy store. So much for not stopping at any quilt store yesterday....then we hit Indianola and Chariton quilt shops, too Yes, some fabric called my name and came home with me...some at $3.50 a yard. I am doing so well with the right eye, I do not have to go back for three months. And I have a referral for the Surgeon to look at my left eye cataract to see if they can help it...in Chariton on the 22nd of October. Her husband and sons are harvesting 190 bushels of corn per acre this fall. The best they have ever had.

Everyone, I hope, is having a good week...if not, may it get to be a better one.

Honchey 09-25-2014 08:04 AM

Yes, I will do that Nina..Why didn't I think of that..I just assumed that everyone that wanted to keep this thread going although they read it would comment once in awhile...I'm not complaining just a little annoyed...must be the lousy weather and all my aches & pains...

janRN 09-25-2014 08:15 AM

Anne, are you getting all kinds of wind and rain from that Nor'easter? I hate to rub it in but our weather couldn't be more perfect: lows in the 40's, highs in the 70's and wall-to-wall sunshine. No rain all last week and none predicted for the next 7 days. Just perfect fall weather.

Honchey 09-25-2014 12:43 PM

Jan,It's just lousy outside, cooler than I expected, not as much rain either.. I wanted to go out today but some family business needed to be taken care of so that messed up my whole day...I'm just cutting triangles & squares in between everything else.. I have completed blocks so far of the wildlife flannel..I'm having a problem with the rotating mat I have been using .. there are grooves with fabric stuck in it and it's hard to remove...I'm wondering what I can use to get it out.. any suggestions anyone they feel like bumps and the fabric won't cut at the bumps...

janRN 09-25-2014 01:32 PM

I use one of those nylon kitchen pot scrubbers on my cutting mat. Mine's a mess because of all the pressure & cutting from paper piecing. I read here on QB about soaking your mat in lukewarm water to re-hydrate it. I haven't tried that yet but that may be a way to get the fabric out of the grooves. I'm not familiar with the rotating mat--could you soak it?

Honchey 09-25-2014 01:47 PM

Yes, Jan, I can soak it...I will try a pot scrubber first then soak it...With all the cutting I do...the 17" one is the only one giving me trouble. The rotating mat turns like a lazy susan so you don't have to lift the fabric to cut another side of it...

dublb 09-25-2014 09:02 PM

Sigh. I posted yesterday. Or I think I did. I know that I typed it out but I see that it's not here.
Yes I want ta join the RRobin. I'd rather that it was where we all work on each other's quilts as I might git 'em done that way. If it were just for me I might not finish it but would meet a deadline for ya'll. ;) If ya'll decide ta do one that we just work on our own then that's what I'll do 'cause I want ta do this w/ya'll. :)

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