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carriem 01-18-2013 12:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Good news...I have GrannyQ's BBs! They are very pretty! Great job. :)

DH is marking where the new "clubhouse" will go. Bad news is that we will have to build it ourselves now. :( The people who (verbally) sold it to us were living in a rented house and built the shed on that property. They were just moving out and now the owner won't let them have it...soooo it will be a lot longer before I can move in, but this way I can plan doors and windows where I want them....not to mention the lighting and outlets! Watching Menards ads for sales on building materials and a couple trips to the "Re-Store" (Habitat for Humanity re-sale center nearby).

Back to sewing Rosie rows...should be able to get all the rows together today and start quilting next week!! Here are the blocks laid out with sashing and setting triangles...

QuiltingNinaSue 01-18-2013 12:39 PM

Anael, have sent the 'daisy' card with hugs. Love the log cabin quilt...that is one of my favorite patterns. Hope the kitty feels better when she gets back home.

Honchey, so happy you posted your latest news...great that you are winning at Bingo and you enjoyed the homemade orchard jam. My English muffin was sooooo bad the chickens got the rest of the package. Have copied off the carrot cake recipe with intentions of making it. Will let you know my results. Made Paula Deen's Mac and cheese for lunch and it did turn out well...she is on the foodnetwork.com site on internet and has her own cooking show.

Worked on dh pillow pockets for his bed; will try to post pictures tomorrow.

Anael 01-18-2013 12:47 PM

Thank you QNS! I didn't do a log cabin quilt before though I always admire those quilts when I see them. I love the patterns you can make with the blocks. So when I found a quiltpattern with log cabin blocks I thought I give it a try. Now to make more scraps :D

Tomorrow I will visit my DDIL with my DS. As we will stay quite long I started a sweater so I can knit while sitting there and talking :D My mom always said: 'when you're knitting you can do something else at the same time' and I still do. Either watching a movie, reading or talking. No complicated design though otherwise I can start all over again!

Carrie, I love your Rosie quilt. I'm very far behind, still have to do 9 or 10 blocks! They're on my to do list ;)

QuiltE 01-18-2013 06:44 PM

.... no BINGO for Honchey??

THANKFULLY I read on to discover that you did allow some BINGO during your quilt-fest! Do you go straight to the LQS or that fabric warehouse with all your winnings? Glad you've made progress on those BBs. You sure have built the suspense as to "what" they are!

Looks like I did the same ... all BBs the same, only different!
Anyone else do this?

mmmmmmmmmm carrot cake! Thanks for the recipe ... I think it'd be dangerous to have that cake around! :D
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm grape jam!!!

My Mom used to make Grape Conserve ... absolutely delectable. And now you have me dreaming of that.

JanieW ... thanks for the directions. I got thinking about that today, and wondered about just that. The part that gets me is that it's not consistent. Sometimes on QB, sometimes not. Sometimes when I am in Outlook, sometimes not. I haven't been into Word much yet, so really don't know. Have reset it now, so we'll see!Yea for you being almost done the PC blocks!! Photos, please!!!!!! Sashing and cornerstones chosen? Started to add?

JeanieG & Anael ... I think we were all thinking the same!! Thanks!

Anael ... your log cabins are beautiful and are going to make for one showy quilt. They'd be nice in the Barn Raising layout too! Hope you have an enjoyable visit tomorrow. Great idea to start a knitting project for these visits. I bet your DDIL is getting bored already. Is there anything you can take her to work on? or perhaps some reading?

QNSue ... I bet Anael and her DDIL and DS will have a good laugh over the mis-picks we'll make, in not understanding Dutch. After all, Laughter is The Best Medicine, isn't it? Yes, life is what we make of it ... I have really changed in the last years, and able to go a lot more with the flow than I used to be. Dealing with adversities, you have a choice ... and that's the choice I made. Some go sour and bitter, and I could have easily gone there. THANKFULLY I did NOT! Wondering now, will the new Carrot Cake recipe be your DH's birthday cake?

OKSGlad ... when you get here ... you'll be able to one up all of use with your Dutch connection!

CarrieM ... I'd take your weather ... today was back in the boonies starting at -18C ... and rising to -12C. Tomorrow though, we are to see it "soar" to +2C!!!! I'm a little confused here ... does this mean you are building, from scratch your new clubhouse now? and not moving the other one in? That might be a good thing, as you know how renos can go and add up. As you said, now you can really plan what you want for inclusions and the like ... remember the washroom plans! :) Rosie is beautiful ... love your colours. I forget did you do the 4" blocks? or the larger ones?

GrannyQ ... Congrats on getting your BBs thru to CarrieM!

So far so good on the ????????? """"""""""""" and ''''''''''''' .... Thanks everyone!!

Tonight I mapped out an Irish Chain pattern, to see how much I need for a baby quilt ... and whether I have enough to make it with. Tomorrow I'm off early to get my hair cut, then I hope to get home and do some stitching. Once I get ahead on this baby quilt, then I can get back to PC ..... That's my plan! And sure hope I can stick to it! :D

QuiltE 01-18-2013 06:45 PM

And did everyone take note ..........
We are past the Century page for this thread!:D
.... and past the Millenium post!!!! :D

mirabelle 01-18-2013 06:54 PM

Carrie I love your Rosie quilt, another one I am sorry I did not particate in, oh well can't do everything.

Anael you will have to make another visit to your DDIL on Monday after she receives all her cards, I hope she enjoys reading them all.

Wow more than 1000 posts who would have thought that when we started Farmers Wife we would all still be chatting years later.

I am off to the sewing room, have to embroider a few quilt labels and sew the sashing on a QAYG top, nothing very exciting. Once I get these out of the way I can concentrate on my quilts once again. I am up to Block 6 on Out of The Darkness, sewed all day yesterday and only managed to finish half a block and DD was helping:p when I finish it will post a pic for you.

carriem 01-18-2013 06:56 PM

Anael--I don't think I commented on your log cabin, but it looks great...good job on contrasting lights and darks.

QE--yes that means we are starting from scratch. The "wash room" sounds good, but the county we live in wouldn't allow that, so will have to make the short trip to the house when needed. It is good for me to have to get up and move around once in a while. :)

My Rosie blocks are the 10" ones...I did just 18 of the 20 since I am going for a large throw finished. I got the blocks sewn into rows today, also cut the border and backing fabrics. I have enough batting so will cut that into strips this weekend and then will start doing QAYG next week...my goal is to have the binding done by the end of the month.

My next quilt(s) ti finish will be PC in between making "clutches" and I decided to do travel kleenex holders too...maybe magnets, checking into that one.

dublb 01-18-2013 07:04 PM

I'm tired tanight. First I'm worried about my #2 DSon's cat. She is at the Vet's. She had a tumor removed from her forehead taday. She is such a sweet cat & almost 12 yrs old.
Second I spent 3 hours (w/my DSis) decorating for my DNiece's baby shower.
Now my other DSis is gonna come over in a li'le bit ta work on her DD's baby quilt. The one night I want ta go ta bed & I gotta stay up. That's life. LOL

QuiltE 01-18-2013 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by mirabelle (Post 5796263)
Anael you will have to make another visit to your DDIL on Monday after she receives all her cards, I hope she enjoys reading them all.

AND ... Anael had BETTER take her camera for some pics! :D

Anael .. you can email them to us, to keep them off the web! :)

MiraB ... you are incredible as to what all you accomplish. How many quilts did you complete in 2012?

CarrieM ... Likewise here, would be harder to get a washroom included. Bylaws can be so difficult ... though many manage to do, and keep it hidden .... as in make it a closet with all ready to convert later when the building inspectors have long disappeared! :D There are ways, my friend! :D The travel kleenex holders will go well with your clutches. Another might be a little zip pouch. You are very generous to your retreat ladies. Have you recruited GGal again? Your Rosie sure is going to be beautiful ... such unique fabric choices.

DublB ... No, you don't have to stay up! Get your sister set up with your sewing machine and what she needs, and say .... "see you in the morning!"

QuiltingNinaSue 01-18-2013 07:22 PM

2 Attachment(s)
QuiltE, with a bit o' luck might show you the 'pillow pockets' [ATTACH=CONFIG]389015[/ATTACH] Right of side of the bed turned around so you can see the fabric that is on the bed, the lower 2 pockets with the moose, the gray top and the deer is 3 pockets just off the top of the bed. [ATTACH=CONFIG]389016[/ATTACH] Its half of the Selvage to selvage,,,about 22 inches wide, both rows of pockets are about 16 inches hanging off the bed side. Big books go in the 2 pockets with the moose photos; the 3 pockets are equally spaced and not as tall as the moose pockets. The rambling wildlife bed top fabric has another piece the same side to put right sides together and sew on wrong side all the way around, almost closed leaving a 'hole' (the seam open a short distance in the middle on one side) to turn inside out, so the right side faces out.

Clear as mud? Will try to finish tomorrow..

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