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carriem 01-09-2015 02:41 PM

Honchey--I am glad I am only dealing with 8-ft and not 12! The insulation has paper on one side, so we are wearing masks to keep stuff out of mouth/nose...then have to shower/change clothes right away when we get done. We have 7 of the 13 strips up...so more than half way there.

Honchey 01-09-2015 02:58 PM

I went to quilterscache to print the large hex & small triangle of the Jake's Chain and it will not print out !!!

QuiltingNinaSue 01-09-2015 04:11 PM

Hope you got the email, Honchey.

Brrrr, it is still winter here. And cold. Enjoying staying in and getting into the quilt room more. Running out of necessity items, so will try to get into town tomorrow.

dublb 01-09-2015 04:41 PM

No earthquakes here. The closest one was in Snyder. 88 miles away. Most o' 'em have been in Irving. 324 miles away.
Oops I didnt mean ta hit post yet. LOL
It's cold here again but it's very dry this time. It'd be OK if the wind would stop blowin'.

Sue #2DSon just loves your Jam. He wants ta know when I'm gonna make more jam or jelly. He is usin' your jam very sparingly so as ta make it last. Said that if I made some he could just eat it like he wants ta. LOL Hmmm I think I might have some Prickly Pear juice in the freezer.

Honchey 01-09-2015 05:03 PM

Yes Nina, it came thru fine...I don't know why it won't print that pattern...I should check out another to see if it will print...maybe something in my security is blocking it....Hmmm.

Honchey 01-10-2015 07:40 AM

JeanieG, have you seen the new Mystery Trainride #8 Scrapalicious??? will you be doing it?

janRN 01-10-2015 02:47 PM

Anne, sounds like you are feeling better??? Have you used your paninni maker yet? OMG I love it!! I've been sewing like crazy this past week (too cold to do anything else) so I've been making lots of paninni sandwiches with soup for dinner. Love that the grids can go in the dishwasher; George Foreman had to be washed by hand.

Hope everyone is safe and warm. Terrible multi-vehicle accidents all over the country. We had one about 15 miles from here, local man killed. The one in Michigan was amazing--a truck full of fireworks erupting in the middle of a 150 car pile up. Please take care! (And wear clean underwear when you go out as my mother would say).

Honchey 01-10-2015 04:28 PM

(And wear clean underwear when you go out as my mother would say).

And Jan, my mom would also tie some coins in a hanky and pin it to our undershirts when we were young girls...when we developed enough to wear a bra, it got pinned to the inside of the cup.. When we got tired of untying the hankie we would tuck the coins in our socks...that was in case we needed to take a bus home if our dad forgot to pick us up from wherever we were or to make a phone call. This was every Saturday afternoon going to the movies then browse the 5 & to cent stores before we went home...

I haven't used the Panini yet...it's still in the car...I purchased it at Costco's ..it was a lot less $$$ than where DH got it for me at Christmas.. He's always complaining that I return all my gifts.. Not really but he thinks so.... Have you made the Osso Buco yet..Not all the stores carry veal shanks I think you'd have to go to a butcher shop...I am feeling much better.. I still have the yucky yuk congestion stuff and I'm constantly hacking it up (sorry) but how else can I explain it??? :)..I even refused work!! can you believe it!!! I might go in one day next week, but, not on Wednesday..DH has a surgical procedure that day.. I stopped at the LQS and got 2 bags of scraps..I'll post a photo later.. I'm considering doing the Mystery Train ride here on the board..I really don't need another project and the girls doing it seem to have a lot of fun doing it..plus it's a scrappy project..right up my alley..so I went and bought some scraps..some of the pieces are 1/4 yard +.. need to clear the table to lay out my haul..catch y'all later..H.

janRN 01-10-2015 06:13 PM

Oh my gosh--I also had the coins in a hanky for an emergency. Too funny. My mother worked at GC Murphy's 5 & 10 while I was growing up so I went there most days after school to ride home with her when my dad picked her up. It was a large store-3 floors and sold everything from clothes to hardware and had a soda fountain. Across the street was a Woolworth's and down the block a Grant's and Montgomery Ward. It was such a bustling town; now it's all drugstores and bars and empty buildings.

I've been doing some scrappy blocks but my scraps are not decreasing. I think I better join the Fabric Moratorium thread!

JeanieG 01-10-2015 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by Honchey (Post 7041790)
JeanieG, have you seen the new Mystery Trainride #8 Scrapalicious??? will you be doing it?

I would if I was home Anne, but we are in Phoenix with my son and his kids. No scraps here! I brought my BH Mystery to put together. I got all the pieces, just had to decide how I wanted to finish it up. I am changing a few things around!

The talk of the hankies reminds me - remember when we did not have kleenex, and everyone carried a hanky (my husband still always carries a handkerchief)? We also did not have paper towels. Old toweling was used to wipe up spills, etc. I still do not use very many paper towels. Talk about old fashioned huh!

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