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dublb 02-03-2015 02:49 PM

That is exactly what I had ta do. It is a big pain! I had ta fight real hard ta git 'em saved ta the right place! :)

QuiltingNinaSue 02-03-2015 05:00 PM

Thanks to a neighbor, we had an outing today and enjoyed every moment of it. PW came by and took us over to a small Amish town that has five stores all linked together, so its a whole store of quilting materials, ending with a small grocery store that was divine. I was over whelm by the four full double rows of fabric the length of the store. But quickly found items in the grocery store to fill several 'boxes' to carry out to the car of PWs. Then we stopped in Bloomfield for lunch and a visit to another quilt shop. I did find three pieces to help finish three other UFOs at the right price there. Ended up in my hometown to pick up DH medicine and three quick grocery store stops and back home again.

Honchey, I hope all went well with you today in Mr.Honchey's procedures. Dublb, I hope you feel better very soon.

dublb 02-03-2015 05:28 PM

Sue that sounds like a whole lotta fun!
Jan I forgot ta tell ya thank ya so much. :)

JeanieG 02-03-2015 05:39 PM

Bev - that quilt is really coming along great! I just love what you have done with it, and the Celtic Knot pattern is perfect.

Great trip out for you today, QNS! Such fun to have someone to browse through a quilting store with.

Honchey, I hope your husbands procedure was successful!

dublb 02-03-2015 06:02 PM

I am so glad ya'll like it! I wanted so bad ta share it w/ya'll. It took me several days ta figure out how ta post those picts.

Honchey 02-03-2015 06:49 PM

Bev, you've got a great quilt there!! and...hand quilting!!! I have been itching to try it. can't machine quilt for beans.. maybe by hand would be better...hope you feel better soon...

DH was in at 10 out at 11. Nurse told DH most men go to work after the procedure..it isn't necessary for me to be there, all I did was sit in the waiting room.. DH said the room was enormous, had stars on the ceiling, they played a Roscoe Flats cd while a robot did the rest...no pain, he feels fine...will repeat this for the next 3 days and again on Monday then he's done...very minimal side effects.. return visit in 30 days...He's very upbeat & positive.. that's good.

One of the girls at work is out for the week with an upper respitory ? infection so I went in to work this afternoon. I'll be working all day tomorrow...

QNS, don't you just love when a day like the one you had turns out as planned :)

OK, I have the larger triangles cut but not sewed on..hopefully this weekend.

Jan, I hope you're not sending anymore snow ..If you do, I'll send it back..I don't want anymore. :D

Have a good rest of the night and a good day tomorrow. H.

dublb 02-03-2015 07:11 PM

Anne that's great news! I hope it all goes that well.
Ya'll did the blocks so I can't take all the credit. Handquiltin' is my first love in the quiltin' world. I think I have been hand quiltin' all my life! I have only been piecin' & machine quiltin' for the lasr 8 years or so.

QuiltingNinaSue 02-04-2015 06:03 AM

Great news, Anne.

Great job of quilting, Dublb. and I love your pattern you are using.

Winter watch today; may the weather man be wrong on this storm hitting here. Off to pay the propane bill this morning. May it be a good day for you.

QuiltingNinaSue 02-04-2015 08:44 AM

Nope, its a no go this morning...dh had to try but thank goodness he turned around after a mile in the blizzard and roads were slick and we came back home. It never looked so gooooood to be back inside. Take care.

dublb 02-04-2015 08:57 AM

I am so glad that ya are home safe & sound!

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