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dublb 04-14-2015 03:36 PM

I also have a bed that will take for ever ta get rid o' the grass. We are gonna try ta plant squash in that bed latter. Hope ya get most o' the grass first.
I finally found a sectional! I am so excited! It looks great in my livin' room!

oksewglad 04-14-2015 08:23 PM

Sounds like gardening is taking over everybody's time. I worked in garden beds today...have 3 of them ready for early vegetables. I rearranged a couple of my panels so took a little extra time. Tonight I burned grass south of the house. I'm determined to get that area under control of somehow. It's a rocky slope so mowing is possible in certain spots and that's only if I go downhill as it's at least a 45* angle. Really want to get some tall grasses in there, but many are not for zone 4. The blue stems are...drop seed too. I'd like to move the dry cow lot fence a little further north closer to the hose, but there are only certain places there is enough dirt to put in steel fence posts for the fence.

MrOK spread fertilizer on the ground that's to be planted to peas and barley. He's getting into his spring "zone" where he works till he drops and then sorta hopes for a little rain to slow the pace a bit

Last night, Cynthie from Iowa Star Quilts talked at our guild. Great quilts and a fun night. To see her patterns go to. www.iowastarquilts.com/ She is also on Facebook.

Ok the body is calling for rest....Need to make a list before I head to town tomorrow...Have a good night.....

Honchey 04-15-2015 05:31 AM

Hi Everyone, Sorry to say no gardening for me..I can only wish.. I've been busy with the star quilt and have only 2 rows left to sew to the other 7 that are finished..It's coming along beautifully and even I am surprised at myself..
The ladies are treating me to lunch today, somewhere along the waterfront...I hope it's not outside...it's been raining off & on for a couple of days now with more to come :(
I spoke to one of my co-workers and they told me they have a strange looking machine for me that came in on a trade in..they said "That's for Anne, don't throw it out"...:D I'm so very curious...they also told me that they are lining up the calendar for their days off! :) This is the longest we've been away..

Have a good day and take it easy in the gardens... H.

Honchey 04-15-2015 07:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Everyone, Here is the quilt I've been working on.. it's going to be a raffle to raise funds for the Wounded Warriors. I named it "Unforgettable Stars"

DH is hold it up....H

oksewglad 04-16-2015 05:10 AM

Very nice, Anne....Hope. you sell lots of tickets for such a great cause.

Heading back to the garden...soaked peas overnight so better plant them...bought broccoli and kale to plant yesterday..I'm soaking up the "D"s in the sunshine....Have a good one.....

P.S....going through quilting withdrawl so going to need some rain to work in the sewing room.....

QuiltingNinaSue 04-16-2015 09:00 AM

Dublb, hope you enjoy your sectional sofa; what color is it? How many quilts do you have to 'decorate' it?

Anne, what a wonderful job and I love the name...our soldiers are unforgotten stars. Many are buried abroad in WWI and WWII. How did you ever get them the same size? You must be a wonder woman on your sewing machine and rotary cutter.

Ok, we have our potatoes and peas planted. Time to fix lunch. will talk later.

QuiltingNinaSue 04-16-2015 01:44 PM


Honchey 04-16-2015 04:07 PM

Nina, it took me 2 weeks of ripping then sewing & measuring every section as I went along.. They all had to measure 8-3/8" finished with the 1/4" seam allowance around the edge of each block.. I pp'd the flying geese sections and where it came the point part I sewed just outside the lines on the top of the "v"..that helped to make sure the star points would have some room...Then I figured if the blocks are supposed to finish at 8.5" all I needed was to sew just past the 1/4" seam allowance...it worked for the most part. the problem with the points was that when I sewed at the end of the points seam it would wiggle and the seam allowance was gone..I noticed that when sewing with the paper attached on the flying geese that didn't happen..so when I sewed the sections that didn't have paper under it I just slipped a piece of paper under the seam and it sewed nice & straight... so as I was doing my group a favor by tackling this project I learned something new..place pieces of paper under when you don't want the seam intersection to go wonky...I also made sure every white block was the exact size needed. and I pinned like crazy..if you were to zoom in on the photo you will see that every seam intersection is nested 98 % perfect....I was thrilled that they came out so nice...
I went to Wilmington today to get some fabric for the border & backing...it's supposed to be bordered with the w/w but didn't have enough fabric & Hobby lobby's new bolt of it was off color and the print was hardly printed..so I went to Joann's and got a light gold with white dots and a dark navy with faded eagles on it with some gold stars for the backing & binding I brought the quilt with me to lay it out and asked for opinions and the all liked what I picked out..I just hope the group likes it as well..
I thought the name was appropriate as well.. Now I can go back to one of the 2 Mysteries that have been draped on the back of a chair.. OK will be happy to see # 8 as a flimsy...I will too!!!

Bev, I would love to see your sectional...I've been thinking about getting on of those in the future...
Time for me to grab a bite then relax for awhile...Have a good evening everyone..H.

JeanieG 04-16-2015 04:20 PM

Wow, you have all been busy. Great job on the Star quilt Anne! You done good girl!

Everyone is working so hard on the vegetable gardens. Glad the weather has turned for you all. You have had a really rainy winter season.

We just returned from out last RV camping trip. We had beautiful weather and I got to visit with a girl friend from the 70's. Our kids were stairsteps and we spent hours together when they were toddlers. She is fighting cancer, and I did not think I would see her alive again. She is in remission, but so weak! We chatted for around 3 hours! So much reminiscing!

Such fun to get new furniture Bev! Enjoy!

Honchey 04-17-2015 07:09 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Here's the fabric I chose for the border & backing/binding for the star quilt.

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