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dublb 05-10-2015 02:38 PM

DD is in town. :) All o' my DF came over here for Mother's Day. #2DSon did graduate from Midland Collage w/a high B average. :)

carriem 05-10-2015 03:02 PM

Happy Mother's Day!

We just got back from the National Archery Tournament in Louisville, KY. Left Thursday night and returned this afternoon. It was a good time. My dad and the three kids went, so it was a van full. Two of the three kids shot...my DS did pretty good, DD wasn't too happy with her score. It will be an early night for sure!

QuiltingNinaSue 05-11-2015 06:15 AM

Carrie, your DD and DS did great; they both got to enter the Archery Tournament and that is great!

Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day and got their phone calls they were expecting. Our children called me about the same time from NE and TX, so I had to call TX back after finishing the first call.

Cleaned out my closet and piled the paperwork in the big green chair...its still waiting for me...but not yelling at me yet. Found the two projects I was looking for and put both in to my QR. Have the borders for the garden trellis figured out; now to find the time to do them. Discovered some Jenny Beyer fabric I had forgotten about; delighted to see it...love it! Now to find the energy to be productive today....

oksewglad 05-11-2015 07:01 AM

Good morning..last night watched storm progress in western Iowa as I have lots of relatives in the affected area..no problems for any of them.
Getting to the national competition is a big achievement...congratulations to your two archers, Carrie..
Just got off the phone with my computer guy..monitor goes black..sounds like the backlight is going so will run into town for a new one later today..then grocery shop before guild meeting..so glad I have the Kindle for internet back up..
Saw one hummingbird at the feeder on Saturday..so far only one oriole..he was sitting and sipping then looked around as if to say, "where is everybody?" Last year I had six pair...Apple tree is in full bloom and not a cedar wax wing in site. It's the only time I see them, wonder where they went to this year?

I may head down and work in the sewing room..my current project is a quilter's basket for a 4-H fundraiser in June. I saw on Sew it with Nancy some quick fabric baskets. have a big and a small one made...ready quick to do. I'm filling the big one with sewn notions...pin cushion, a machine cover, a Mat to set the machine on, a needle case, a used needle case, and a few more items. One way to use up stash.......have a good one...

Honchey 05-11-2015 08:11 PM

I think Mother Nature is going thru Menopause...Crazy weather!!! Those poor people..Losing everything..so devastating...

Started sewing some HST's together..should have squared them up but didn't..now I have to rip. I was so careful cutting & pressing..no two the same size...I really messed up this time.. Oh well, tomorrow's another day..
Good night all..see ya tomorrow..H.

QuiltingNinaSue 05-12-2015 03:46 AM

Sun is shinning here, but its cool at 42 degrees outside. I am getting my hair cut Thursday....can we skip Tuesday and Wednesday???? It is soooo long and thick its driving me crazy...more so than usual.

dublb, what a nice school record for DS#2.

Honchey, sorry we have to rep...not a happy thing but at least you can see what is wrong and what to do to fix it. Working on hot pads right now for Ronda's new apartment she is moving into....bright and colorful for her kitchen.

Have a good day, everyone.

QuiltingNinaSue 05-12-2015 04:07 PM

https://scontent-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hp...62&oe=55C57D45It is large enough to last a lifetime...so I can add to it...at the All Iowa Quilt Shop Hop....99 counties...94 quilt shops. Will I go to them all?? Not a chance, because I did not win the Iowa Lottery! LOL!:o

Honchey 05-13-2015 05:03 AM

Love that lady!!!

I cleaned my car yesterday then went to have the oil changed...I ripped out all the blocks there while waiting and then presented the threads to the cashier :D there wasn't a trash can in sight!
Today is senior day (20% off) at Joann's and I need some w/w fabric..I don't have enough yardage for the blocks I started...
I have a full day today..another Dr's apt, DH wants me to be home when the septic tank gets emptied, dash to joann's 20 miles away...make dinner for the kids tonite, pack my little bag for my adventure to AC with my sisters...
I haven't been this busy in I can't remember when :D No time for sewing today :( H.

oksewglad 05-13-2015 04:40 PM

LOL....strings handed over to receptionist...just a crazy old quilt lady you were.....
A lot accomplished....after guild meeting I sorted through 2 large shopping bags of scraps..Tuesday ran errands while waiting for Sam at play group and my computer..New monitor needed...went for the 23" one. I can see 2 programs at once..love it when I do bookwork...have ss and accounting program open at the same time. Of course had to reconnect every thing when I got home so am up and running again. Last night worked on an EQ project for LQS before I called it a day.
Today started out sorting cow records...I'm filing dead cow info in the dead cow notebooks while removing a couple of cow families we have no living family members. Kind of sad when that happens. I've got 4 big 3 ring blinders for the dead cows, 2 smaller ones for the current herd and 1 large one for the heifers. The cow production software we use doesn't retain archival information which is why I have the dead cow files. Our breed association has the info in their data base, but don't want to call them every time I need information on a cow family...I'm half way through the filing...took a 2 hour break and mowed half my lawn...Hope to finish off tomorrow..have some bookwork to do on Friday and have a farm visitor on Saturday..Will be here for lunch so if I am AWOL...that's why...do hope to share my baskets and a couple other things I've finished before the week's out....back to filing....

Honchey 05-14-2015 04:27 AM

Leaving for AC in about 3 hours.. having my morning coffee right now..I'm bringing the knitting I started in NC and a Janet Evanovitch book for my down time...I'm not the gamblers the rest of my family are... I can walk away with no problem.. Bingo is another story:D Packing some snacks too! Had good reports from all the testing ..192 for Cholestrol & 116/70 for BP...Vitamin D level is still low after 3 mos of 2000/a day so now I'll be taking a prescription level once a week. Maybe that's why my nails are giving me a hard time??? Hmmm..
Have a good day all of you..H.

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