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dublb 05-26-2015 07:30 PM

Yea for Honchy! A new car. :)
DH & I had words tanight. We don't do that very often anymore.
I got my feelings hurt, he thought I was upset for somethin' else. We yelled & #2 DSon went & took a shower.
I'm glad that it's over. Thanks for lettin' me talk about it. :)

oksewglad 05-26-2015 10:25 PM

New car smell....don't get intoxicated by it:D..how many states require inspections? Iowa tried it several years ago; don't know why they discontinued it a couple of years later.

Emily has just the hem left in her trial dress.. she hoped to have it done so she could wear it tonight...Glad we have done the trial dress; have a couple of fitting issues, nothing major. The biggest thing is we've discovered a couple of simpler and easier for her to sew techniques. She's enjoying using the ball point pins, QNS.:)

dublb..by now most of us realize married life is not all peace and harmony! Glad you got "it" settled.

Tomorrow (I guess now today;) ) is sew day with my QBuddy..she's bringing over a kit she wants to see or her Tula Pink Cityscape project. I'm going to work on cutting out my City Scape blocks...I have about 25 cut from batik scraps that I started a winter ago...the blocks are simple geometric 6" blocks. Nothing too hard.

Already after 1:00--better head to bed.....

QuiltingNinaSue 05-27-2015 02:53 PM

4 Attachment(s)
OK, I cannot think past five in the evening and sometimes before that.

I have been told that given two people who become couples, raised in different households will have words once in awhile, and its healthy. And they have the fun of 'naking up'. Seems dh being as Irish as I am and just as stubborn, we do disagree from time to time, but we have hung in there for each other for 49 Years and have not desire to change a thing. He's still around to 'discuss' issues.

I went to Columbia, today, to the Satin Stitches, and picked out some fabric....but I need your help and advice. The first piece I picked up was to replace the 'gold' in the crossed stars that each piece is touching....do I go with one or two in choices?[ATTACH=CONFIG]520870[/ATTACH]The A at the top or B at the bottom?

I picked up border print for $3.00 a yard from Broomfield the other day and chose this coordinating b]fabrics today:
[ATTACH=CONFIG]520871[/ATTACH] Hope you think these match up.

And finally, I yielded to the reproduction prints for our next Laurie Aaron Hird's adventure:
[ATTACH=CONFIG]520872[/ATTACH]And used my favorite bag to carry all this home with:[ATTACH=CONFIG]520873[/ATTACH] LOL! Best news of the day, I got to sing DGS his birthday song....he is still too young to know I don't carry a tume. LOL!

janRN 05-27-2015 05:15 PM

You had a very fabricky day today, QNS--what fun! I'm not sure why you want to replace the gold in your stars; I like them the way you've done them. They look good on my monitor, there's contrast with your other pieces. Hmm--don't see a problem. If you do replace it, my choice would be the one on the left, the deeper gold because I think the one with the dots may be too light (altho I love the fabric with the dots or circles). Love the peach colored fabric that's with your border print. What are you making with that grouping? I have a couple yards of border print fabric in my stash, keep looking at it and wondering what to do with it. I also like what you've selected for FWS1930s--good choices. And happy birthday to DGS!

QuiltingNinaSue 05-27-2015 06:53 PM

Replacing the gold is not an option as I ran out of fabric used in the first round of doing the Crossed Stars, JanRN. The later Stars were too small and not consistent the size of the first seven I made. The Border print is four yards long, and I will cut it for the border to run the full length of the quilt, combine the ups and downs of the border to be 'up' with a small 'braid patter between the border panels...I have a quilt book on 'braids' and will add my own touch to that down the road. After I purchased my choices, the clerk called my attention to their display of border prints....but I told her, 'too late' and walked away...

Another choice with Border print fabrics is an simple nine patch, or to cut the nine patch into four sections and sew them back together, set them on point between the strips of the border....making a quick and simple quilt that is attractive. It falls in later quilt not right now...there will be an off white color in that also.

Almost finished the Trellis borders yesterday...still have the header and footer to design...that will make three ready to go...next is the Pony Club border. But tomorrow will be outside work, weeding and pulling rhubarb and freezing it. Have a good one, everyone.

oksewglad 05-27-2015 08:33 PM

Like the A fabric...as Jan says the B fabric appears not to have the contrast you want. Wow you had a fabric fun day.....Soundwave you are on a quilting roll....
After QB left still had time to get some lawn mowed. No key in the lawn mower...not surprising as I pull it and put the lanyard its attached to and hang it on the bulletin board...not there...don't think 4 yo took it...now on a search mission. So I went back to my Cityscape blocks. Had 3 sewn. (I've lost them...showed them to QB and don't know what I did with them...she was still laughing at me when she left.) Sewed an additional 7 while she worked on a cute HITBdoor mini kit. So started sewing more blocks and have 21 done....going to have to cut more pieces. I've been using scraps from the left overs from quilt friends...did buy a couple of brighter batik FQ's to help off set the many tans and browns in their scraps...haven't used them yet. Think I will sew a little longer...blocks are really easy to sew, but do have some one inch pieces in them....later

JeanieG 05-27-2015 09:59 PM

QNS - I am like the others and prefer A fabric to B. Love what you have picked out for the FW1930's. What fun we are going to have, can't wait.

OK - I misplaced some quilt blocks the other day too. I'm usually so organized, drove me nuts! Finally found them where I least expected!

QuiltingNinaSue 05-28-2015 04:37 AM

I may wait with the gold choice....will hit 4 or 5 quilt shops on the 1st and seven or eight on the 9th of June. No rush...the choice will affect the whole quilt. That will be the total All Iowa Shop Hop in June that I can work into our schedule and budget. Couple of the shops will give us additional percentages off and some have it at a low price per yard. Thanks again for the advice on the golds. I value it highly frok you all.

Good luck finding the key to the lawn mower, OK. Maybe it fell down where it was hung? I can lose things where I sit working on it in one place....less places to look for it, so usually I can find it again.

Honchey 05-28-2015 06:05 AM

Everyone is busy, busy, busy....Used my spurt of energy the last 2 days and today will be an easy day for me...just sorting thru more fabric for the new ride...Worked yesterday at the Gallery and looked thru the remnants in Joann's found a 1 1/4 yd of winter white microfleece...it is so thin and so soft..I would like to make a sweater with it..I have a pattern that I "rubbed". can't shop in the stores anymore without covering my shoulders & arms..it's too cold in them..

Great fabrics everyone has for the FWS 30's quilt. looking forward to doing it..I'm going to post the new thread June 9th...I don't want to wait longer than that..the start will still be August 4th..

Picked up the new car last nite after work..It drives like a dream..the salesman connected my phone to Bluetooth..it's amazing the technology the new cars have..

Have a good day everyone..H.

carriem 05-28-2015 06:14 PM

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We had graduation parties over the weekend, spent some time on the river, and finished the tulip quilt I've had sandwiched for over a year! I delivered the quilt to the owner yesterday and she was VERY happy.

This week has gone by fast...I can't believe tomorrow is Friday already! We will mow at MIL's in the morning if it is dry enough (more rain expected tonight), I work in the afternoon and might be able to spend some time in my craft room tomorrow night...for sure on Saturday. :)

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