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JeanieG 06-20-2015 06:56 PM

QNS - That pattern looks really complicated! Great looking pattern.

janRN 06-21-2015 05:01 AM

Very nice, QNS, and I agree with Jeanie--looks complicated trying to keep all colors in their correct place.

Yesterday was DGD's graduation party. She's such a sweetheart (I'm not biased LOL) and always refers to herself and her group of friends as the Nerd Crew. They were all so polite and interesting, talking about college plans and majors. What a diverse group: black, white, dread-locked, purple hair, hippie clothes, piercings/no piercings, stylish clothes/vintage clothing, etc., each an individual. It was fun being around young people with goals other than playing the latest video game. I hope they all do well.

Usually at grad parties around here the menu is similar: a barbeque, fried chicken, picnic fare. DIL decided to do a taco bar. Lots of prep the day before but little to worry about during the party. And everyone loved it. MrJan & I went up early to help set up, partied awhile, came home then went back afterwards to help clean up. Again, easy to do--she used those large disposable aluminum pans so only a few crockpots and bowls to wash. And there were very few leftovers. I may try something like that for my friends at our next get-together.

Only downside was rain--and more rain! We've had rain for the past 8 days and we're getting more this week. Can't even walk in the yard--it's like a swamp. Neighbors are bailing out basements and driving is an adventure trying to avoid standing water. It could be worse--it could be snow LOL!!!

Sorry, this was one of my longer posts but wanted to share my happy day with all of you.

QuiltingNinaSue 06-21-2015 05:05 AM

We lost our electric power last night at eight, and it never came on until 12:10 this morning. That is not good in an all electric home. Very unusual with our power company; it has not happened since we built in 2005. I guess a tree was downed by the storm last night and fell across their power lines. Not even during the ice storms repairs take so long.

JeanieG, the pattern 'looks' hard, but very easy to do. Just have to recheck as you go along, so you don't have a mistake.Not that anyone else would do such a thing!:)

Honchey 06-21-2015 06:29 AM

Hi Nina, I watched the tutorial and it shouldn't be hard, just have to keep the corner triangles on the right corners, yeah :).I think any Jelly roll would look good too!.

Jeanie, Moda Bella is kind of new in my area and I only discovered it by accident...I'm not a super of Kona but they are readily available..The $4.95 a yard for the Bella at 1000yards is a good deal..

Jan, congratulations on your GD's graduation...a milestone to be remembered...Glory Days!!! Tacos go over well with my Gkids too!..paper plates, easy cleanup!

It's another hot hot, hot, muggy day here... so I'll be staying in and sewing later today.. A local fishing company makes a wonderful seafood gumbo that they sell at Walmart..Had a sample... It's a little spicy but very good and that's what we're having for early Dinner today..

A Happy Father's Day wish to all your DH's from me... Have a good day all...H.

dublb 06-21-2015 07:03 PM

Today has been a slow day for us. I did a bit o' sewin' & DH took a nap. Well that is after we went ta brunch w/#1DSon & his family. Th'sevenin' DH grilled BBQ chicken.

oksewglad 06-21-2015 07:30 PM

I'm back...... we had a great week in Ohio, but all the rain that Jan got had already gone through and everything was soggy. We had lunches underneath big tents and even on a hill one sank into the soft ground when one sat on a sturdy folding chair... the food was fantastic, the fellowship wonderful, all in all a good trip. We drove 13 hours straight and got home at midnight. Today celebrated Father's day with MrOK's cousins as we have for the last 45+ years. It was started years ago by his Grandfather. Six of the eight cousins were there and some of their families. Biggest problem is the next generation is spread out from Ca to NC to Massachusetts to Wisconsin to Kansas and points in between.

We met our little Maeve this morning...Looks like her dad but I see mom's family traits in her as well. They will be out tomorrow morning. Older Grands have 4-H exhibits to be judged tomorrow so younger ones will be here, too. Not going to get much done other than family and fair...but that's okay.

So nice to see your quilting progress, Nina.

How refreshing to see a group of kids with goals and a purpose driven life. I experienced it this week, too, Jan, as I watched the youth group interact.

Love to hear the new FW chatter..

Maybe another week before you hear from me...I'll let you know how the basket sells...

QuiltingNinaSue 06-23-2015 03:35 PM

Bad storm in the area last night, damage to businesses and homes, but no deaths. Des Moines is going to be hit hard tomorrow, so we have cancelled our trip to the All Iowa Quilt Shop Hop. So much to do here, that it is a good thing we are not going there. Finished the neighbor's canning of green beans; her pressure canner did not work, then she was so afraid of the storm she left and picked up her canned jars tonight.

Computer problems yesterday and today has been 'fixed' by DD who rescued her Mother one more time. What a battle it gave her, but she won the war.

Hope everyone has a good day wherever you are, and watch out for rain, flooding, and high winds. The sky was 'growling' here last night.

dublb 06-23-2015 04:56 PM

We had a lovely day taday. Mid 80's w/a slight beeeze.
I am gonna head ta Brady tamarrow. Gonna meet some DF's. I'll come back on Mon then DH & I will go back next Wed. For the 4th/bday party. 2 o' my kids have b-days on July 7th. We will celebrate early.

QuiltingNinaSue 06-25-2015 01:19 PM

Lots of rain last night in the area, rivers and streams are all flooding farmland today. Kirksville, MO had eleven inches, while we had about six to eight inches. Tomatoes have the blight and may not produce what we what to can this year. The ground is just so spongeez, make us happy to be on the top of the hills here. Ready to think about building Arks and selling them like hot cakes. LOL! So tired of loss of sleep and power outages, another last night from midnight to three or four am.

JanRN, loved your story about your DGD party. Nice to know common sense resides in the youth of today, that will be tomorrow's leaders.

Have a good end of the week and week end.

QuiltingNinaSue 06-26-2015 07:21 PM

I have 'stored' three blocks in the new notebook for the FW1930s. Love all the bright colors in that new design....although I am not following with her colors in all of my blocks, just substituting my own version of color a bit. Wonder how far Carrie and JanRN has gotten in the blocks...I finally figured out the 1,,3, 2 bit.

Hope I can put the border on my PC quilt this weekend. Time will tell. Take care, all.

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