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givio 10-26-2015 07:37 PM

Same here. Lovely weather, and gorgeous trees in all colors. My favorite season. Just the binding left to do on the baby quilt-- it's only a couple of weeks later than I'd hoped for.

oksewglad 10-26-2015 10:04 PM

Got 6 FWS blocks cut tonight...finished with the "hover" blocks...so start with 53 next time. Thanks again Honchey for cutting info..once they are all cut then will start sewing...picking fabric takes sooo long especially with blocks with 3 or 4 fabrics. This is going to be such a mish mash of colors...

janRN 10-27-2015 04:53 AM

OK you have a great eye for color, haven't seen you produce a dud yet! FWS was the first scrappy quilt I did and at times I thought that was harder than coordinating colors. I'm not the type that can put scraps in a bag and pull them out and use them: I'm much too anal!

I'm having trouble typing here, letters are "sticking" or something. Have a great day, ladies--do something you love.

Honchey 10-27-2015 07:13 AM

Hi Everyone, The top part of me is on the mend and as a result of a side effect of one of the meds I took I may have a torn Achilles tendon..I go for a MRI tomorrow..I walk with pain in my right calf every step..I also walk with a walking stick to help alleviate it.. I have to keep a heating pad under my calf and keep it elevated... another page in my life's journey :(...
OK, I'll send the rest of the PDF's for the cutting today.
Jan, Love your Mini Quilt...Have you seen the new "Epic" ? OMG it is beautiful!!
Nina, How's you UFO's? are they al done now?
Have a good day all..

QuiltingNinaSue 10-27-2015 08:09 AM

Honchey, you surprised me and skipped a week in the FW 1930s schedule...I was ready with Crystal and Daffodil. Not ready for next week. I have a good excuse, too. Dinah is ready, but I 'read' Dolly as Dotty...and she is in the works to complete...one row of three done...two more to go.,,for next week.

UFOs are like they continue too be; silent in their in the QR, not a stitch more done on them. Trying to work ahead several weeks on FW 1930 so I can get back to one or more of them. St. Peter, I cannot come, I have quilts to do and miles to go. LOL! Lost count of how many 'cause another one comes along and adds itself onto the 'to do' list.

Cloudy and rainy and cold here today. Good day to be in the quilt room, cozy and warm there. Dotty, here I come again to do another row.

Honchey 10-27-2015 08:26 AM

S- - t! I skipped a week"cause I skipped a page in the book..I'll Post 13 and just leave 14..it's too hard to delete...
I swear I'm not into the wine cabinet!!!

QuiltingNinaSue 10-27-2015 10:25 AM

Thanks, Honehey. I think you are human and humans err. Look at the silver lining, you do not have to 'Post' next week! LOL!

So I posted my Crystal and Daffodil. The Daffodil with April Showers that bring May flowers!

My dh has a hip out of place that refuses to 'stay' in place and is very painful to him. Chiropractor thinks it will stay in this time... we hope so. He is giving it a complete rest for a couple of days.

Have a good day everyone.

JeanieG 10-27-2015 11:17 AM

Hi everyone, I am back from our 2 week trip. I caught some of the posts at my sons, so have some catching up to do. So sorry to hear about your continued problems Anne! And QNS -so sorry about your DH hip. My ex-husband had to have 2 hip replacements both hips (he passed away at 50), I had long divorced him. His hip used to go out too! Indeed, so painful.

Anyone heard from dublb? I am so concerned about her due to the horrible flooding in Texas.

QuiltingNinaSue 10-27-2015 01:56 PM

JeanieG, Dublb went to Temple, Tx., to visit a friend. Not sure if it rained there. I know the Coastline at Corpus Christi, Tx., had a big flood there. Lived through several of those, seen junior high kids picked up in rowboats from school. LOL! A different kind of place to live. Love to visit there again, but not to live there, thank you!.

dublb 10-27-2015 02:55 PM

Hey Ya'll! I am back. Got back yesterday actually. I had a great time & stayed up late everynight sewing w/my DF. Then on Thurs I drove to Brady & met DD, her family, & DH. We gave DD my DMIL's sofa, end tables, coffee table & 2 teal lamps. They brought a U-Haul trailer to take it all w/'em. We still have stuff here in Midland for her but haven't had a chance to take 'em to Brady. She will have to get 'em later. This next weekend we will take a few things & both DSons are gonna come & do some rearranging before we take the big things.

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