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givio 05-04-2016 08:32 AM

Jan! I recognize some of those patterns as ones I've made, but I don't remember making some of the other ones... Are those a mixture of the first FWS and the FWS we are doing presently? Or are some of the blocks ones later in the book? Wow, I'm confused... I remember you substituting the heart, and star for blocks you didn't want to do. But there are several other ones I don't recognize. Lovely, healthy grass, by the way! :-)

Susan, we have a similar story in our family. My aunt was in kindergarten and her teacher had each student root a begonia leaf, then plant it in a cup to give as a gift to their mother for Mother's Day. My grandmother kept the plant for years. She re-potted it several times and it grew huge, about 3 feet in diameter. When she died, it went to my mother. My mother had troubles keeping it healthy, and she gave it to my sister, who has a green thumb. My sister tried to discover the variety it was, and ended up taking it to Michigan State University's Horticultural Department, where it was identified. Under my sister's care, it was the first time we saw it bloom. During our lifetime, it was always a part of grandma's home, and we thought it could only be green. My sister rooted pieces of it for my other sister and myself. My son loved it growing up, and the story behind it, and asked for a rooting after establishing his household. The 'mother' plant has been in our family these four generations, and more than 100 years.

JeanieG 05-04-2016 10:11 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is a photo of my current large project. It is Bonnie Hunter's last mystery (Alletaire) which began the day after Thanksgiving last year. Needless to say, I am way behind. I took a picture of it, as I always do and put it on my desktop to see if I could spot any errors. Needless to say, you will see the error immediately! I have fixed that, and am in the process of sewing the rows together.

sewbizgirl 05-04-2016 11:20 AM

Jan, you need to get another dog! There are so many waiting for a good home and someone to love.

Susan, Marty's mom is a full blooded collie, very blonde and beautiful like Lassie. His dad was a black lab-- very sweet natured. Marty got the narrower collie head and ears, but the rest of him looks very labrador, as you can see. He had a brother identical to him, and a sister that got the collie colors but short hair like the two boy dogs. I don't know what my hubby and I would do with Marty now.

Jan, your 30's quilt is amazing! It's so much fun to see the blocks all set. I am also thinking of doing something other than the on-point setting. Some of the blocks I like on-point, but most seem to look better to me with a straight setting.

JeanieG, your Allietare is looking really good! I need to get mine put together.

Honchey 05-04-2016 03:54 PM

Great quilts posted here....Jan, is this your finished 30"s or adding more?

Jeanie, I looked at this latest one but Bonnie has too many pieces for me.

Some child or adult will love the Xmas quilt...

I'm cutting some strips for the future...I'm doing it sitting down at the ironing board..My legs hurt me today..Yuk!

dublb 05-04-2016 05:01 PM

I just love those quilts! Ya'll are doing great!
My DF/housekeeper needs to pick up her DGSon in Brady on Fri. She, another DF & I will go tomarrow & they will stay at my house then (after we get the DGS) we will come home on Fri. When they had the custody hearing DF & her DD stated that the meeting place would be Brady & not Austin.http://www.quiltinghaven.com/Smileys/default/smiley.gif Hooray, this is one DF I won't have to miss!

Pam P 05-04-2016 05:08 PM

Good news QNS on your dr. visit. I had one too and was reprimanded for not getting my mammogram this year yet. Oops, will have to schedule that. Love the stories about the plants. I can keep one alive for a little bit but then turn them over to my daughter who really has the green thumb. Pretty quilts Sewbizgirl, JanRN, and JeanieG! I can barely keep up with this one but I am working on a portrait quilt too. Love Marty too Sewbizgirl, You can see my buddy 'Bugs' in my avatar. Don't know what I would do without him. Thinking of getting him a pal sometime soon.

JeanieG 05-04-2016 05:54 PM

sewbizgirl - love your donation quilts. What a wonderful thing to do!

Jan - you are moving right ahead with the FWS 30's quilt. Looking good girl! I've got my blocks all stacked in a box! I had them on my display wall, but took them down when I started completing the Alletaire blocks.

Fun to see what everyone has been working on!

sewbizgirl 05-04-2016 07:10 PM

Pam, I did notice Bugs... He looks like a good doggie and great friend.

Jeanie, I got stalled out on Allietare because it just seemed so endless. I have mine upstairs at my Singer 301 and will work on it when I get annoyed with hubby (or what he's watching on TV), and need to retreat upstairs for some alone time. Eventually I will get it done. I'd like to give it to my son and his wife as a wedding present.

I still have the Grand Illusion mystery quilt from last year sitting around unquilted. For shame, for shame...

JuneBillie 05-04-2016 07:22 PM

Giveo thank you for sharing that plant story with me.
Jeanie your alletaire.is so.pretty.
Sewbizgirl I could really see the black lab in Marty.

oksewglad 05-04-2016 07:35 PM

Happy belated birthday Bev...and another year of wedded bliss for the youngsters Carrie and MrCarrie... I'm trying to follow you all (yinz, as Jan would say), just haven't had the time to comment much....

Love everyone's pictures..Jeanie, the colors in your BH are beautiful. Jan, the batiks are sew pretty, you will have this done in a flash.....
sewbizgirl...great finishes..thanks for sharing here...I don't always see "what's new" each day.
Love hearing all the chatter...going fix supper for MrOK...it's taco salad tonight. He's been beat with the extra work of spring and FarmerSon out of commission. Just had 2 more cows freshen today...each with a heifer. That's 6 heifer calves out of the last 5 freshening..yes my math is right. A set of twins...glad they were both heifers as in bull/heifer combos 92% of the time the heifer is infertile AKA a restarting...ok supper needs to be fixed..later

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