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JeanieG 05-20-2016 05:30 PM

Oh gosh SBG - that is really a masculine looking quilt. Is that one of Bonnie Hunter's free patterns? Great job, someone will really love it!

Blue Bell 05-20-2016 06:00 PM

sewbizgirl, Love your quilt. I have plaids and they would make a great quilt for my grandson. Thanks for the idea.

sewbizgirl 05-20-2016 07:48 PM

Thank you. Yes, it's one of Bonnie Hunter's free patterns. I used shirts but there are lots of pretty variations posted on Pinterest.

sewbizgirl 05-20-2016 07:55 PM

How funny... just logged out of here and went to read the Quiltville post for today... and Bonnie Hunter had posted about this very quilt!


oksewglad 05-20-2016 08:14 PM

Looks like we all have some plaids to use up...nice quilt SBG...thanks for the inspiration...old shirt quilts are very soft and cuddly especially if one puts flannel on the back.

School's out next week. Emily is ready to work on her quilt. She chose fabric last fall after watching Nancy Zieman put together a Quick Column quilt. She chose solid fabrics for the Heartbeat version...her focus fabric is a bright aqua...will be fun to see it come together...can't believe she already 12. I asked Elise if she wanted to sew something. She's thinking about it...she's 10 now...both are in 4-H and fair is in a month...


I'm working on a bag made from upholstery samples..I used press on vinyl on it as some fabrics are light colored...found a nice floral in my stash that will be used for lining and outer band and handles...Will take picture when done it's been a UFO for a while...

Honchey 05-21-2016 04:37 AM

Yes, Sewbiz, I did that too..I copied & pasted it in an email & put it in my saved mail! it's a simple one to do...

oksewglad 05-21-2016 06:34 AM

Honchey, I haven't been keeping up...where are you at these days?

Beautiful day...must get outside...but after my coffee....

Honchey 05-21-2016 08:07 AM

Hi OK, I'm in NJ until the 4th of June when we leave for NC...I'm still having a problem with my left ankle..I had an MRI last week and the tendons are okay but they are swollen with fluid so I'm strapping it with tape and will do PT when I get to NC...This is all happening because I'm not walking correctly because my right knee is shot:) and I have to have a stable left leg when the right knee gets replaced. :(

DH is having a procedure on the 2nd of June and should be good to go on the 4th keeping my fingers crossed..

Not sure how long we'll be staying this time. DSon has to have back surgery.UGH! When it rains it pours...
just have to keep plugging along.

oksewglad 05-21-2016 12:40 PM

It sure is a bummer when it hurts to walk..glad your work ironing board lowers for you, Honchey.
Knee still bothering..soap didn't help leg cramps. Jeanie, I drink plenty of milk so get my calcium..MrOK told me to get some Gatorade to increase potassium levels...read the label...one serving equals 1% of RDA..checked dried apricots..12%...checked orange juice...also 12%....guess what I bought....and no cramps last night after ingesting some of both.

Emily got the colored strips cut for her quilt this morning..her back was hurting so will put her at the kitchen counter to cut next time. She's taller than me, so should have realized it would be a problem. Later

JuneBillie 05-21-2016 04:55 PM

Sbg that top is really nice in the plaids. I use to look for men's shirts at this one store you could fill a bag for a dollar. I would check the labels , and look for the good ones, wash them, and cut out fabric.

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