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dublb 06-07-2016 10:43 AM

Hmmm I am gonna have my DGS next week. I wonder if he will like to make these.

JeanieG 06-07-2016 11:38 AM

Wow, this makes a jelly roll pan full of brownies! Let us know how they taste Bev! QNS have you made these??? Brownies are my very favorite!!! Right now I have been using the Ghirardelli Triple Chocolate Mix that I pick up at Costco. It has 6 packages in it. My camping group love them. I always add walnuts.

dublb 06-07-2016 03:14 PM

I won't eat any but I will let ya know what DGSon thinks.

I got news from DD today & even though she avoided the flooding of the San Jancinto River, the toilet ran all night long & flooded half of the upstairs & soaked the ceiling & then flooded half of the downstairs.

JeanieG 06-07-2016 08:19 PM

Oh Bev, that is disastrous. I hope she has insurance! So sorry!

sewbizgirl 06-07-2016 09:30 PM

So sorry, Bev. Flooding in the house is pretty bad. Hope they can get everything fixed without mold setting in.

Well, I didn't get my blocks done today. Hubby is pretty sick and I have been hanging close to monitor the situation. We are going to see his dr. tomorrow and I wish he would put dh in the hospital. He needs to be in for a while. I feel like I can't help him at home because he won't let me. He needs to be where he can get the help he needs. So... I am hoping the dr. can help us tomorrow.

Didn't get my quilt top quite put together, either. It's closer tho. I have been enjoying some hand embroidery and will take that with me tomorrow to do while waiting on hubby.

JeanieG 06-07-2016 10:01 PM

My prayers will be with you sewbizgirl. I hope your hubby gets the help he needs!

dublb 06-08-2016 11:53 AM

OH SBG I too hope that your DH will get the help that he needs.

My DD did hear from the insurance company. They are cutting her a check for well over $2,000. They are gonna do all the work themselves so I think/hope that it will be enough.

sewbizgirl 06-08-2016 02:38 PM

Good news on the insurance check, Bev!

Thank you for your prayers. We just got home from all the medical run-around and I am exhausted! Not so much from what we did, but from being with hubby all day. He was AWFUL. Very sick and confused. He was a MAJOR pain in the butt to just about every medical person we came in contact with. NO patience, nothing but him, him, him, as usual. I know he's not feeling well but does he have to drag everyone down with him? I heard nothing but complaints and negativity and heavy sighing all day. Like one big toddler!

Turns out that the infected tooth he's been harboring in his mouth threw everything else in his sick, diabetic body out of whack. And by staying in bed the last 3-4 days he got badly dehydrated. The dentist started a root canal on the tooth and put him on anti-biotics. Then his dr. ordered all the labwork and got him rehydrated with a drip. Sent him home to rest and will evaluate the mental health issues in a day or so when he's feeling better.

I can't go through too many more days like this.

Honchey 06-08-2016 06:57 PM

Thank Goodness for insurance!!!

SBG, So glad to hear you now know what's wrong with your DH..let's hope he listens to the DR's & will be on the mend soon...

I started PT yesterday, had the evaluation and will be getting hands on massaging & stretching of the ankle then some Tens stim & icing to help reduce the fluid in the tendons...This will all start tomorrow..I'm still banging my head against the wall to try & figure out what I did to create this misery..

I sat down at the ironing board and dumped baggies of scraps then started separating all my little scraps into plastic shoe boxes, 1", 1.5", 2", 2.5" and one for all the strips any size under 3"...2 boxes are already full...I think I have enough 2.5" squares to make 2 throws with..

I was given a pattern & 5" squares to make a toddler quilt top by Monday morning...sometimes I should keep my mouth shut and not volunteer.. I have to dig thru my bigger scraps to switch some of the colors out...most of the colors are too drab for a child's quilt, IMHO.

See you tomorrow...Have a good nite..H.

sewbizgirl 06-08-2016 08:17 PM

Honchey, playing with scraps is one of my favorite things to do. They are like treasures! But it can be quite time consuming trying to get them all used up.

I just finished the top to a spider web quilt tonight, made from lots and lots of my scrap I Spy strips. I made a good sized throw quilt top and the volume in my scrap box didn't even seem to go down! Try, try again.... :)

I must be nuts... it's after 11 pm and I'm eating watermelon. Going to be up and down all night.

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