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JeanieG 06-18-2016 09:57 AM

I have had poison oak (we don't have poison ivy here) several times, but only if I got scratched by it. So sorry you have to go through this. So awful! Maybe you can "find" DH lost safety glasses!

We are bracing for real high temperatures this week, also we have a bad fire about 60 north of us above Santa Barbara. Photos are awful.

I am putting the borders on my Allietare Quilt, and I finished this weeks 30's blocks (ugh). Need to take a photo and get them posted.

oksewglad 06-18-2016 01:57 PM

Love to hear what you all are doing...no rest for the weary....worked today...doors closed at 3:00 on Saturday...less than a minute later an elderly woman is looking at the closed sign...sucker that I am, I reopened. It's a small town....lady had come 40+ miles for border fabric...I did my good deed for the day...when you're the closest LQS you must provide service...
Oh oh QNS.....poison ivy.....we have to watch the wild parsley here...it's 3-4' tall and flowering now...the juice reacts with sunlight so if you get some mower chopped residue on your bare legs or arms...beware...it blisters the skin and leaves horrible scars, plus the liquid from the blisters can spread into larger areas...Do you have some Benydryl? It may help temporarily..

Emily has the binding on, now to stitch it down....Will try to share a finished project. Elise has 4 headbands sewn....2 knit and 2 woven..

Honchey 06-19-2016 06:15 PM

Hi OK, I've been busy going to PT, laying Bingo, making Majestic Mountain Blocks and completing several 30's blocks..I'm having difficulty figuring out where to place the sections of Peony.. Apparently the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing when the proof reader was supposed to be doing their job..:( if the 4 outside corners were left off it would have been easier..I didn't pay too much attention when going over the directions & layout before I sewed them.. So now I'm going crazy!!!

JeanieG 06-19-2016 06:41 PM

Yep Honchey - been there, done that! It was very confusing because unless you printed the pattern "mirror image" (which the printer I used does not) it does not go together the way the instructions say.

QuiltingNinaSue 06-20-2016 05:29 AM

Peony is confusing because the book tells you one way and the pp tells you a different story. Not an ideal instruction on the block at all, not thought out or presented right. There were several I did not do in FWQS and PC, so this is one set I will not be doing for this FW quilt.

Going to the Dr today to take care of the poison on my left leg. Ducks are not due until tomorrow or the next day...so that gives us a day or two more to get ready. Dh cannot remember where he put the feeders couple weeks ago. Sigh. Same old story I have heard so many times.

At least lit is cloudy today and not quite so hot and dry. Forget any garden produce from our garden this year. Long hot and dry summer here. Have a good day.

sewbizgirl 06-20-2016 07:39 AM

QNS, glad you are going to the dr. A shot for PI will make it go away quickly. I've tried it with and without the shot... much better WITH. Hope you enjoy your little duckies when they come!

We had our kids here this weekend... they all came home for Father's Day with their dad! All but one son-in-law... It was a great visit, but too short. It was so nice having them all home for a little while. The newlyweds loved the wedding quilt I gave them. So glad for that.

Today I have a glorious day to stay home in a clean house and sew all I want to! Plenty of leftover food from our cookout last night so that I don't need to cook today. I have been embroidering blocks for an embroidery quilt, (also uses 30's repro fabrics), so maybe I'll embroider some today too. There are 20 different blocks and I only have about 4 left to do.

What do you all think about cutting your FW blocks in half, the way she has the quilt laid out in the book? Are you going to do that? I'm starting to think about block layout for the quilt and I know I do NOT want to cut any of my blocks in half! I need another plan.

QuiltingNinaSue 06-20-2016 09:31 AM

I agree SBG, no cutting blocks in half! no seam allowance there without adding something on. Honchey any suggestions?

Honchey 06-20-2016 09:52 AM

SBG, There are several blocks in the book that are joined diagonally thru the middle..

These are ideal for that purpose,

23 Charlotte is one good ne
35 Flora
41 Granny is already one I left separated
45 Jenny
46 Jewel
61 May is ok
73 Mrs Taft
89 Ruby is a definite
90 Sarah
98 Viola I think would be great

JeanieG 06-20-2016 10:18 AM

I'm doing like Jan - just sewing them in rows with sashing like I did the other two FWS quilts. I'll probably make it into two lap quilts, rather than one large one, again like I did with the other two quilts. I really do not need anymore large quilts. One large one a year with Bonnie Hunter is enough!

JeanieG 06-20-2016 10:26 AM

Here are the corrections to the FWS 30's quilt that I took from Laurie's website:


It looks like we are beyond most, if not all of them. I did print them off so I could add them to the book.

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