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mirabelle 02-12-2013 04:49 AM

Anael not great news but good news and that is a blessing. Hugs coming your way

gardnergal970 02-12-2013 05:56 AM

Anael...I echo Mirabelle...not great news but good news.
Without taking a vote it seems there is a consensus that Round Robins can be a disaster even among friends! There is another idea in Quiltmaker that could be fun. A designer took pieces from different blocks and made them into new blocks. Illustration: two opposite corners of a block would be rail fence and the other two corners would be Ohio star. We could have one person responsible for choosing the first part of the block and each one of us could put our own spin on it by selecting which other block would be in the last two corners. Every month a different person would select the beginning block. A person could use the same finishing corners for all of the block and still have a different block each time. We would have a totally fresh and personal sampler quilt!
Honchey...sounds like the snow was enjoyed at your house. Post a picture of your sampler. Sounds interesting.
my UFOs are in waiting. I'm working on PC but it's waiting a day or two while I make a few log cabin blocks for my Jamestown BOM. I'm doing QAUG and my logs have been going askew! I think I've solved the problem but it has meant a visit from Froggy and a new start. The main problem was my backing. I got it at a quilt store but it wasn't 100% cotton...too stretchy...so I swapped it out and everything got better.

QuiltE 02-12-2013 06:30 AM

Wide awake (I think) and catching up here!

... I can smell the fresh baked bread!!!:) Thanks for the recipe and it looks simple enough. I haven't made yeast breads for years and always enjoyed doing it. When we started farming we rented a farm with a very long laneway that in the winter filled in with snow, ever-so easily in the winter. I was still working off-farm and would look forward to snow days, and would start making bread .... memories!

MiraB ... I laughed when you said CarrieM probably had a smile her face when she did that picture. I was thinking more of a snicker!!! :)

CarrieM ... I was so glad you teased us with the photo, and guess what? I'd been tempted to tell you to do just that. Mental telepathy must have sent that thought your way!!! :) And before we know it, we'll have them in our hands. Now that's a BIG yeeeeeeeeehaaawwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! :D

MiraB ... so glad that you and DD were able to GTG for the weekend. Look at all the productivity from your labours. And beautiful work too. That dino quilt is going to bring a lot of smiles to some little person! Your darkness block is stunning and is going to make for a very dramatic quilt. A fun sewing mat for yourself. Great innovation on your daughter's part. ITA the design wall is well worth the space and now wonder how I ever did anything without one!!! Shall I go as far as saying a MUST? :D

JanRN ... Me-thinks MrJanRN got you the GPS so you could go off and enjoy your FARTs stress free!!! :) Your RR issues don't scare me away ... I'll play in your group!! :)

Anael ... I was quilting and not here for the babies' 3 weeks birthday party. Though they were certainly in my thoughts as you saw in the other thread!!! :) Your kitty looks quite snuggled in the snuggle. Although might appreciate one a little larger!! :) How is kitty doing now?

DDamsel ... glad you brought your new "baby" home! BEtter watch out though, look like your Mom and Aunt are trying to adopt it away from you!!!!! :) I'm intrigued with the RR and would join you in the escapade!! My biggest concerns and fears would be the time crunch and whether I could make it ... and whether my creativity could kick in. I know I'd be second guessing myself to the extreme, and worried as to whether the others would like what I decided to do or not?

GGal ... Thanks for the link! Would be a fun thing to do. Next to my sewing machine I have a milk can (ok, a small one that used to hold biscuits) that I toss scraps into as I trim and then dump them into a plastic tote as it overflows. Have done a few crumb blocks just to try the technique. Yours would be a really good plan to go with and I just might try it out ... soon!! Oh, did I say that? I wasn't supposed to start anything new!! :)

Honchey ... looks like you had a FUN time with your grands and the snow! :) Lucky the students to have you teaching PPing to them. Are you going to take your FWS/PC to show them what they will be able to do? Looking forward to seeing your new sampler. Are you going to do the sample blocks for the group into a sampler too?

RR summary ... Amidst the horror stories, surely some of you can report some good ones?

Another idea, would be to do a spin on a boomerang swap. At least if you don't like a block you get, it's something smaller and less significant to set aside and not as big of a disappointment. Lower in costs too for sending back and forth.

So many possibilities ... though maybe wait for your BB package and see what's in store for you as well as your BB put together.;):eek:

deranged_damsel 02-12-2013 06:42 AM

!!!Good Morning!!!

Mirabelle I think you have put me off a RRobin! I still like the idea of some kind of swap, thanks Ggal :D

Honchey, glad to hear you weathered the storm!

We also received quite a bit more snow! after we went and pulled DhSon and new wifes car out of the ditch (they dont have much experience with icy roads) we went sledding :D Miss Australia went down twice... and she didnt like it one little bit! I dont think we can get her to do it again.

deranged_damsel 02-12-2013 06:44 AM

!!!Hi QuiltE!!!

Anael 02-12-2013 07:08 AM

Mirabelle, your package arrived! WOW WOW WOW such beautiful flannel fabrics! I LOVE them.
Isa has gained enough weight to wear smocks so now I can make beautiful soft smocks! My DDIL has hold her today for the very first time. She's so happy! Thursday my DS will be allowed to hold Bram for the first time. Bram hasn't been out of the incubator yet so that will be the first time. Bram has gained weight too but not enough to wear smocks.
My DS and DDIL are coming here on their way home to get the gifts for Isa, Bram and Mick. Thanks so very much, I just can't find the words to thank you enough!

Anael 02-12-2013 07:32 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Look, the first smock for Isa with Mirabelle's flannel:

oksewglad 02-12-2013 08:17 AM

Oh sew cute!

dublb 02-12-2013 08:55 AM

Oh so much agoin' on here. A tiny set back w/ Bram & Isa, then a leap forward. I'm gonna be a bit busy this week. I did post it on the thread that QE posted her new blocks on, but here it is again. DDIL has been put on bed rest for this week. She is at 35 weeks. I"m gonna go ovet there th'safternoon, & do the stuff that she will be tempted ta do while DGS is nappin'. Her Dr told her ta tend ta the toddler & nothin' else. I"ll pick up the toys, wash the dishes, & whatever else she needs done. :)

JeanieG 02-12-2013 09:02 AM

That smock is just darling Anael! How exciting for your DDIL to be able to hold Isa! I think I am as excited as she is! My DH is always anxious to hear the news on the twins. I think we have a lot of interested surrogate grandpa's around here too! LOL

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