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dublb 02-14-2013 12:32 PM

More {{{{{{HUGGS!}}}}}}

JanieW 02-14-2013 12:42 PM


I am sending good vibes. It is so hard. You are so strong. Here's hoping for good news for your family.

I am not supposed to be on the computer, I am supposed to be getting ready to head to my son's. Oh well.


I have two different Robert Kaufman fusions in yellow. One is darker than the other by a very little. The light one says D#4070 on the selvedge, but I can't read the other one. If you like I could send you some of both just to be sure. How much do you need? I will take it with me to my son's so if I hear you want some I can mail it from there. Let me know.


QuiltingNinaSue 02-14-2013 02:12 PM

It seemed to favor the batik orange more than a yellow 'cause of the scratches of browns in the piece. Let me send you a two inch piece in an envelope first...I am short about a yard and quarter here for the last 35 P:C blocks on two sides, a strip an inch and half each. Thanks for the offer.

QuiltingNinaSue 02-14-2013 02:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Let me post again and its the extra strip of yellow above the top of the block:[ATTACH=CONFIG]395117[/ATTACH]on the blue/green flannel background.

carriem 02-14-2013 02:27 PM

QNS--I can check for that at the shop where I work too...it looks like something we might have...I work on Monday so will take my laptop along to see if I can try to match it using your picture.

QuiltE 02-14-2013 03:29 PM

So I see it's been a hot-hot-hot day in the world of JanRN!!! :D
Thankfully all was safe for you ........ and then capped off with that hottie delivering the goods!
Now you've got to go out and shop to replace those hair appliances ......... or get a new do? :D

Wonder if it was just as hot at GGal's and Honchey's??

JanieW ... I am so happy to have you back on the trail with us. Just one block per month will be good for your soul ... and manageable around your other commitments! Besides, it's good to have another Canuck with me!! :) I can only imagine the worries you are having as you sit and wait for the answers.

Anael ... Only the best of wishes, thoughts and prayers for your babies! and lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for you! :)

DublB ... Congratulations on your new DGN ... a warm up for you for that new Grand you'll soon have too!

JanRN ... xxxfingers crossedxxx for a realistic offer this weekend, so you can get down to one home to manage! And have more time to get serious with your S16!! :)

OKSGlad ... and was that a *sigh* I heard for the pending MD appointment? While routine and regular, I know there are always trepidations by most of us!

QNSue ... I went to the RK site and it doesn't look like there is a Fusions like that currently. There is one in the Ombre line that I wondered if it might be the same colour tones, though the line markings are vertical/horizontal and not on the angle as yours are. Or the #4070 line that JanieW suggested? Or perhaps the others? Do you have the selvage with the info on it? Usually RK has a # along with the Fusions. I really like the effect it gives to your block (cute block too!) and it would be so nice for you to be able to match rather than have to switch at this point.

Here's a link to the RK site ... go to the dropdown menu on the upper right to see the other lines and their colour choices. I just love all of the different Fusions (as attested to with my borders/sashings/cornerstones!

JeanieG 02-14-2013 03:35 PM

I just walked in from our Camping Trip, and guess what I had waiting for me.......MY BONUS BLOCKS!!!!! Oh my, don't know how I got them before all of you people that live so much closer to Carrie?? I am i awe - just love each one of them! I stuck them on my display wall and plan to make them into a wall hanging, using the QAYG method. Now the awesome task of trying to decide what to use for sashing fabric for them. That may take some trial and error many times over! Thanks so much everyone!

QuiltE 02-14-2013 03:44 PM

What a great homecoming for you, JeanieG! :D

One and All ... Starting to think of my PC backing possibilities. What colour do you think I should aim for? I'm thinking a light blue, but open to ideas. And for it to be something fairly plain (perhaps a subtle print), to let the quilting be showcased and potentially be able to use it as reversable to a whole cloth look.

grannyQ 02-14-2013 03:57 PM

Carrie, I received my blocks today also. Thank's a million everyone. I love them. I love them. I love them. I never know when this computer will work and when it just freezes on me, but i just wanted everyone to know i have the BB blocks. All very pretty, and I'm planning a wall hanging to hang in my computer room.

I may have to go to my sisters this next month so if i'm not on that is why, she has a tumor in left lung (is haveing radiation now) clusters of blood clots in right lung and also a stroke on top of all of that in the last 3 weeks. So i'm very worried about her.

I'm still planning on doing one block of the month with everyone tho.

carriem 02-14-2013 04:04 PM

Great to hear so many have gotten their BBs already. I am surprised some closer didn't receive theirs yet. I hope I didn't write the wrong addresses on them...you know when you write 12, plus return addresses all in a row there is that possibility!

I was able to make some good progress on the retreat gifts today. They are to the hand-stitching step. My friend is going to take them with her on a trip next week to do that part and then when she returns we will do the quilting and add the baggies inside. It is a nice feeling to have that done before the month is half over. Tomorrow I will hopefully finish quilting my blocks on my PC quilt...14 blocks to go, then borders to add...shouldn't have any problem finishing by the end of February...yay!

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